Trust God’s Timing

I have always been in a hurry for the next best thing.

First, to graduate then to start working, get married and have kids, build my own home, start a business and get a vehicle.

I have not attained half of the things I have been in a hurry for.

Now, I am learning that I cannot achieve everything on my own and I need to wait on the Lord.

I used to argue with God on the progress I have made and how disappointed I was.

In life, we do not get everything we wish for.

Nonetheless, I remain hopeful and trust the wait.

Trust the wait

It is easy to compare our situation to that of others.

Sometimes, we may ask God why He is taking so long to do in our lives what He does for others.

Perhaps, God is holding us back for a reason. God is making us wait.

Enjoy the journey and be patient whilst we wait.

We should not give up nor get discouraged. Let God continue working on us for we are a testimony.

Answered prayers

Sometimes, we pray for years and get no results or answers from God.

Answered prayers come at the right time.

Would we want everything we asked God for?

What if we changed our minds after we got what we wanted?

We tend to what more after we have gotten what we asked for.


Believe in God and have faith in His abilities.

God has not given up on us. Practice patience to limit bitterness, frustration, disappointment, anxiety and stress.

Stop trying to make things happen faster. Pray, believe, have faith and trust in God.

God gives peace, trust in His timing.

Reems Sonson

Our Tropical Living

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6 thoughts on “Trust God’s Timing”

  1. Reems Girl I am living proof.Most times we may not understand why certain things are happening to us or why things are not going our way.I have found myself at times questioning God asking Why me? What have I done to deserve such ?The great Book reminds us to trust in God and lean not on our own understanding.I am a firm believer that he always comes through and delivers at the right time.When I look back on what I have been through I am eternally greatful for overcoming these obstacles.I am not quite where I want to be,but have come a long way.Most times God delays our progression for our protection.Delayed but not denied.Reems keep doing what you do.Lovely peice as always.

    1. It is true that we may not understand why certain things are happening to us. Indeed, God comes through for us at the right time. You will get to where you want to be 🙏. God is faithful. Thank you for commenting and thank you for the inspiring words.

  2. First hand experience of a great journey. Perseverance and the ultimate prize was won. Keep trusting, praying and waiting. You have proven that it is worth it

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