Top things people regret before they die

As a registered nurse, I have had many encounters with patients who expressed their life’s regrets just before dying.

For some, it takes being on a hospital bed to realize how much time they wasted or how much of a good life they lived.

Some patients regretted living the life others planned for them instead of living on their own individual terms. Most patients felt like they had placed other’s happiness before theirs and were keen on pleasing people at their own expense.

Remaining stagnant because of their partner, staying in bad relationships, staying in a job they hated and living too much for their family were also common regrets.

Another alarming thing patients regretted was choosing to stay in the career set out by their parents or loved ones.

The patients with regrets typically said, “if I could go back in time, in my next life I would have or if the world could talk.” 

Sadly, many patients die unhappy and with many regrets and unresolved issues.

Everything is risky

Some patients reported having lots of regrets from not making life changing decisions because of uncertainty and fear of the unknown.

They stated that they played it safe and remained in their comfort zones instead of taking risks.

They wished they had taken risks because later they realized that all decisions come with their own risk.

Most regrets

I wish I had worked less

Some patients admit that they hardly took vacation or a sick day. Some began working at a tender age until their last breath. They wished they had kept their work life in balance with the rest of their life especially their social life.

Some patients maintained that they invested most of their time into work that they lost their families and good friendships. Now, they wished they had taken a day to pause, chill and enjoy their life.

I wish I had traveled more

Some patients wished to have been more adventurous but lacked the desire when they could have. They felt like they would have ample time to travel.

Many patients expressed that they were waiting until retirement to begin their travels especially to go on a cruise.

Others grew their savings to reduce future financial burden and to care for themselves and their families in the event of illness or life changing event instead of traveling.

I wish I had enjoyed my money

It made some patients sad the funds they were leaving their families. Many were disappointed that they had spent a lifetime saving instead of enjoying their monies.  

I wish I had created a family

Some career focused patients regretted not settling down and having children. Some explained that they tried to have children but very late in life and the result was unsatisfactory.  

Some did not make time for their social life because they were too busy trying to climb the corporate ladder or expand on their business.

I wish I had not procrastinated

Some patients believed that they could have had a better life if they had not procrastinated for extended periods. They placed things for a later date and never got around to doing it.


It is peculiar how people die suddenly. In their sleep, whilst they eat or talk, on the toilet or just collapse and die.

Some people suffer for days before they die, some beg to die and others die peacefully.

When patients are transitioning into the afterlife, they reflect on the life they have lived. Some patients proudly await death and feel content with the decisions they have made, how they lived and where they are currently.

Some patients ask others for forgiveness, make amends with God, call a priest to pray with them and ask that their relatives are next to them as they transition.

Many people wish to have had more time but some accept the fact that death is inevitable so they share their stories and give advice.

What do you regret most about your life? If you were to die today, what fun thing would you do? What will you miss on earth?

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Reems Sonson

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