Top qualities of a good woman

Many men have let go of good women to chase “not so good” women. What is a good woman one might ask, do good women even exist and how can they be found.

If you are looking for a life partner and a strong, lasting and stable relationship, it is important to know what qualities you desire in a woman.

A good woman is an investment.

Qualities of a good woman


A good woman takes care of herself and her health. She does not let herself go and requires no one to be on her back so she can take better care of herself.

Responsible spender

A good woman has good personal finance. She has the ability to budget and save independently. She spends responsibly and invests wisely.


There is nothing wrong with seeking assistance from your partner but a good woman tries to make a living for herself.

She is able to accomplish her own task and tries to sustain herself. She is independent and self-reliant.


She knows her potential and worth. She pursues her own goals and works towards growth and success.


A good woman is honest and trustworthy, you can believe what she says, you take her word for it and you do not doubt what she says. She is authentic and remains genuine to who she is.

She remains consistent and does not transform into another person after she knows you for a while nor during difficulty, illness or financial troubles.

Easy to talk to

Being able to talk freely and openly are paramount in a relationship. A good woman has good communication skills, is expressive and easy to talk to.

She is intellectually challenging and can have deep meaningful conversations without arguments.


A good woman understands when she is wrong, willingly admits her mistakes, apologies and make amends. She tries to solve issues, is forgiving and willing to move forward.

A good woman is beneficial to you

A good woman encourages you to make wise financial decisions. She does not put you in any debt nor leads you to bankruptcy. She does not rely on you solely unless you want her to. She does not dry your wallet, drain your bank account or put visible holes in your pocket.

Whilst it is true that we do not know if we will live to see now but that does not mean that we should not save for later. A good woman encourages you to save. She is able to help you turn savings into assets and not liabilities. She believes in investments for future success.

A  good woman encourages you to pursue all your goals. She is supportive, considerate and relieves the load off your shoulder instead of adding more. She gives you time and shows affection.

She celebrates your success, gives you your time to shine and does not make herself be the center of attention neither does she make everything be about her.

A good woman is a team player and displays the ability to compromise at times.

She gives you a listening ear without accusations or judgements and she acts like your shoulder to cry on. A good woman does not call you weak or soft when you show emotions.

The good woman in her

A good woman loves you for who you are and not what you can do for her. She loves you solely and not just what you bring to the table or the assets that you own.

She leaves you feeling better than before and she puts you at ease instead of having you feel like you are walking on egg shells. She makes you be the best version of yourself without you having to change who you are.

She is fun to be around and she has a good sense of humour. A good woman is caring and always there for you even when you are not in best health and are in diapers. You can count on her and she is reliable.

She is open to learning something new and pays attention to you.

She is resilient and able to help you get back on your feet. She is drama free and puts in effort. She is a trying woman and she makes an effort to keep you around even when the relationship romance has worn off.

A good woman shows dignity and respect to others. She is empowering and inspiring and continuously motivates you to do better and be better.

Non envious and decent

A good woman gives you freedom to have your own life and identity outside of the relationship. She does not get upset when you go on a boys night out.

She does not call you all the time when you are out, put tabs on you or accuse you of cheating when you return home. She does not count the times you go out so she can do the same.

A good woman does not smother you but gives you space willingly. She does not get upset when you take time to spend alone.

A good woman does not get upset or jealous at your female friends or female relatives. She does not expect you to cut all communication with them because they are females.

She does not give ultimatums but allows for mutual discussions and decisions. She is committed to the relationship, she is non offensive and does not get defensive when constructive criticism is given.

She keeps her environment clean and she is decent.

A good woman is not hard to find. Pay attention to her qualities and follow your heart! Looks wear out but a good personality does not!

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Reems Sonson

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This is not a paid or sponsored blog post. What is considered good and acceptable to one might vary to the other. What I define as a good woman might not be what you define as a good woman. Do what works for you!

4 thoughts on “Top qualities of a good woman”

  1. Really love this piece..especially the one focusing on independence..well financial independence. Too, often women are socialize to be dependent and be a liability.

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