Au Poye Park

How it all started!

My friend Ellery decided that we should have a Soufriere lime to celebrate our birthdays since I was born on October 12th and both she and our other friend Christiana shared October 16th

She said that she would make all the arrangements and that it was a place I could blog about. As with most outings, I was excited to try something new and spend some time with my friends.

She said that we would be visiting Au Poye Park, I had never heard of Au Poye Park nor did I research the place but I trusted her decision.

Girls trip on the West coast

I met with two of my friends- Janel and Christiana in the city and we were ready to head down to Soufriere to celebrate our birthdays.

The drive down for a Friday afternoon was rather quiet. I could have counted the amount of vehicles we passed along the way as we existed Anse La Raye.

It was a cool and cloudy day, what I call “perfect weather!” Then again living in the tropics is filled with “perfect weather” even when it rains most of the day.

The west coast is filled with many scenic views, green vegetation, steep hills, deep valleys and lush peaks reaching for the sky.

There are so many things to see that you do not know what exactly to focus on because the tropical view is breathtaking. All sites that you see are picture perfect.

Saint Lucia is simply beautiful, I love nature so much and I love living in paradise! I enjoy being a tourist in my own country.

Plas Kassav

Plas Kassav when translated in English means Cassava Place. It is customary that I stop at Plas Kassav when I am on the west coast because not stopping for cassava bread is simply unacceptable!

Although I have not sampled all the flavours, I love, love, love, love the cherry raisin cassava bread. It is extremely tasty, soft, chewy, cherry and raisin filled and easy on the palate. This mouth-watering treat is that good and leaves me wanting more!

There are a variety of flavours ranging from chocolate, saltfish, banana, apple raisin, coconut and cinnamon.

The staff were extremely friendly and even offered to pose for a picture.

Hard at work mixing the cassava bread dough

Viewpoints of the Twin Pitons along the way!

The peak of the Piton can be seen from miles away
Saint Lucia’s iconic Twin Pitons
Claiming my freedom, inhaling more positivity and embracing nature

Soufriere town

As we approached the Soufriere market, the town came alive. We could hear the loud conversations near the market from the vendors, the drivers on the bus stand and from passers-by. We stopped at Ellery’s home for a quick break and then headed to Au Poye Park.

We drove and drove and drove. We drove and drove some more. I felt like we were lost even though I did not know the place. We sort directions from people we saw along the way and continued with the journey.

The view along the way is splendid. It first appeared like we were headed towards the sea then it seemed like Gros Piton was caving in on us as we got closer. The views made the long drive worth it. If you like sweet potato, there is a lot of it to see along the way.

As we got closer to the small community, the place looked familiar. Of course I had been here! My family and I had been there for my mom’s last round-de-island trip almost a year before she passed away.

For more information on Soufriere


Fond Gens Libre

Fond Gens Libre is a small community located at the bottom of Gros Piton. As we passed through the quiet community, I saw many different fruit trees filled with fruits along the way.

During my last trip here, the community members were playing cricket, playing music, barbequing and having fun. One of the grown men even gave my family and me a tour of the community and shared some of the place’s history.

Getting to Au Poye Park

Are you up for the adventure?A lady from the community sensed that we were lost and gave us directions to Au Poye Park. Put on your hiking boots and let’s go on the adventure together!

Follow the rocks that lead to the forest and keep along the trail to uncover biodiversity and the reward that awaits.

Although we had gotten directions, we remained in denial and maintained that this had not been the right place because of the rocky pathway. The helpful lady insisted that we followed the trail.

As I stared at the rocks, I wondered how I would climb but I was filled with joy to go on the adventure.  

A powerful and loud sound of what seemed like a waterfall was heard but could not be seen. This raised my level of curiosity because I really wanted to see the waterfall.

We had a good laugh as we watched each other try to relive the “girl days” to climb the rocks.

The view along the trail was evergreen, the place was quiet and the pathway was rocky. At last, we saw a glimpse of the waterfall.

It must have been a 5 minute walk before we saw a sign saying “Welcome to Au Poye Park.” I grew a bit breathless during the journey but was happy for the exercise. 

Trying to decide my next move to get to the top
A distant glimpse of the waterfall
We are almost there
What insect is this?
We made it!

Au Poye Park

Wow, what a beautiful garden this is I said. You could hear the waterfall, the sound of birds chirping and see the top of Gros Piton from every angle! This was really a unique way to have lunch and experience nature.

We were greeted by the staff and saw that the place had been designed for a birthday celebration. How thoughtful! We took a few pictures and went on to seat at the table.

How thoughtful…
The birthday girls- October babies
We are ready!


We had some wine and enjoyed each other’s company. I could not believe that we were still hearing the waterfall “sing” whilst at the table, it was splendid.

Lunch started off with accra commonly called fish fritters served with a spicy sauce, it made my insides tingle and I loved that feeling.

Sparkle in my glass
Lovely presentation with the accra

Main course

The main meal was then served, I ordered barbeque ribs. The ribs were well prepared, well-seasoned and the sauce gave it extra flavour.

The meal included rice, breadfruit fingers, flavoured ripe plantain, fresh garden salad, beans, macaroni and and cheese and green fig salad.

The food was extremely delicious and I was able to clear my plate despite being ridiculously filled.

Local juice was also available but I opted to drink my water.

Ribs, oh yeaa…


Homemade local ice cream

The local homemade ice cream is made from seasonal fruits. Many creamy flavours to choose from including breadfruit, lime, mango, banana, soursop and peanut. They also featured a piton beer flavour.

I enjoyed all the ice cream flavours but loved the peanut and mango the most.

Thank you Jerma for serving us and ensuring that we were okay!

History of Au Poye Park

Au Poye Park got its name because of the poye trees that took over the place. The creole word poye translates to white cedar in English.

Au Poye Park is a landmark and historical place. It was originally inhabited by Marie Charles also known as Ma Sheil and her husband until hurricane Allen in 1980.

The hurricane forced them to move to the nearby community of Fond Gens Libre and the husband sadly died the following day after sustaining injuries during the hurricane.

Mrs. Marie Charles AKA Ma Sheil original owner of Au Poye Park. Continue to rest in peace
Charmaine Charles, owner of Au Poye Park
Trying to touch the top of Gros Piton
First sign of civilization on the way back from climbing Gros Piton

Wosh nene

Wosh nene translated into English mean God mother of all rocks. It is one of the largest rocks along the Gros Piton trail.

Wosh nene is an ideal rock for rock climbers I would suppose because I was tempted to try the climb.

Snuggly fitted beneath the rock is a cave. Visiting Wosh nene was one of the highlights of my trip because this was the first time that I saw a rock this size in Saint Lucia.

Lots to do at Au Poye Park

Tour the park and learn about the history. The owner Charmaine Charles does a fantastic job with teaching the history

Have lunch and try the homemade tropical ice cream

Purchase some souvenirs

Visit wosh nene

Stop for refreshments before or after you climb Gros Piton

Or, you could relax

Special note

Washrooms and showers are available.

Rooms are unavailable to overnight but arrangements can be made for persons interested in camping for the night.

Au Poye Park is open for wedding celebrations, birthday celebrations, special events and meetings.

Set a date and call to make reservations for a unique and memorable experience.

I had a spectacular time at Au Poye Park and I hope to visit again. The atmosphere was cool and peaceful. The walk was worth the food and experience. Au Poye Park serves as a sweet escape for nature lovers.

ATTENTION! Things for you to do!

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Editor- Samue

Thank you for taking time from your busy schedule to edit this content. I appreciate you and your effort!

Mommy’s last trip to Fond Gens Libre. Continue to be in peace mommy. I know that you are not resting where ever you are but rather busy being productive and engaging in gardening. I think about you every day and I miss you a lot! One day I know that you will come to meet me so until then I am living a good and meaningful life for us. I love you always


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