Why is nursing a noble profession

Direct contact

Nurses play a pivotal role in the health care sector. With the rise in communicable diseases and change in time and shape of the world, nurses remain integral to health care.

Nurses are the backbone of health care. The nurse is the link between the doctor and the patient.

We are the glue that keep everything together. We are the ones at your bedside even when you chase us.

We are the ones holding your hands, praying with you, begging you to fight to stay alive and sometimes provide comfort and watch as you transition.

We are your surrogate family. We establish rapport on first contact and try to break the ice by saying a dry joke just to put you at ease and make you feel comfortable.

Nursing is hard manual labor

Nurses are skillful and practice mental strength daily. We experience emotional turmoil on every shift. The things we see are traumatizing and indescribable.

Nurses are committed to taking care of the sick. We take responsibility even when more demands are placed on us.

We have high tolerance for you even more than we have for our families. Nurses practice lots of patience to deal with the patients.

Nursing is a selfless act. Nurses risk their lives to care for the sick and dying. We are present no matter the infectious or non-infectious disease.

It is almost like we nurses do not care for our own lives as we provide direct care and service to mankind. Even though we may be afraid, we put on a brave face as we attend to contagious patients.

It is like saying “okay disease, here I am. Come and get me, catch me if you can.” We worry that we will contract a disease at work and carry it home to our families, but we still do our duties diligently.

Nursing is a rewarding career that offers things money cannot buy.

We try to make you feel better emotionally, physically, psychologically and spiritually as we nurse you back to good health.  

We are there to be a shoulder to lean on and a hand to hold in times of need. We spend the most time with you.

Yet, we are turned into punching bags when you are angry, feel better or when we do not meet your every demand.


Nurses have love and compassion for their patients. Sometimes with little to no staff, heightened workload and many critically ill patients, we become task oriented.

Since we are constantly on the go and move from one patient to the next, we have little attachment.

Sometimes we build a deep bond with our patients. Nurses generously and whole heartedly give themselves away.

Sometimes we say we will not do certain tasks because it is beyond our job description but we do it just because we care about the wellbeing of our patients.

Even when we are heartbroken for you. We remain strong willed, calm, present, focused, observant and sympathetic.

I am a nurse

Writing this blog post brought tears to my eyes as I remembered the amount of lives I have touched and the lives which I could not save especially my mom’s no matter how much I tried.

I am proud to be a nurse!

To all the great nurses I have known or worked with, continue doing a great job. I thank you for your sacrifice and service. I recognize your tireless contribution and dedication. You are resilient!

Reems Sonson

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