Top Things I wish I knew before I turned 30

17-year-old me could not wait to grow up, work for my own money, buy my own clothes, move out from my parent’s house and do whatever I wanted without explaining to anyone.

At that time, I thought my mom had it all figured out and was lucky because she did not have to go to school. Silly me!

Now that I am an adult, I do not understand what excited 17-year-old me so much that I longed to become an adult. I have had some experiences that shaped my life, so I understand a lot more about life than I did back then.

Here are some of the things I wish I knew in my 20s.

Tops Things I wish I knew back then

The importance of spending time with loved ones

Now that my mom is gone, there are so many things I wish I had said to her. I wish I spent more time with her and the people I love.

I became so busy with my job and going to school that I did not spend lots of time with my mom.

Sometimes we put things ahead of spending time with loved ones and see how much we miss them only when they are gone.

Now, I have gotten more grateful for the people who are there with me, show up for me and make a positive contribution to my life.

Life is short to waste time. Be thankful for everyone and everything.

Saving then would matter later

It is funny how we spoil ourselves when we start working. We treat ourselves well and give ourselves the best. Ever happened to you?

I wish I knew how much money I would need to allow me to enjoy the lifestyle I want. I love adventures, traveling, going to hotels and eating good food. I should have saved more money back then!

Journaling my every emotion

Journaling helps clear my mind, keeps me relaxed and has helped me identity the things I love.

Journaling reduces my frustration and helps me vent. I wish I had journaled more in my 20s to feel less stressed and so I could read it now to see how much I have grown.

Reading inspirational books would be a life changer

I have read many inspirational books since I turned 30 that I now have a new mindset. Had I read these books in my 20s, I would now be an expert.

Plus, I would have had enhanced my growth and development and improve on my confidence and coping skills.

Trade versus Trait

I thought that education was the way out for me. I believed in going to school to get a degree, a decent paying job and of course climb the hierarchy. That has not worked out as I envisioned.

I consumed myself in developing a career that I did not work on my talents. I wish I knew the importance of learning a trade back in my 20s so I could have been my own boss right now.

Be yourself

There is only on you. Be you wherever you go. Some people will not like you and they have no reason. Most times, they dislike you because you trouble the demon within them.

Forget what they say

I used to worry about what others thought about me. This is one of my greatest regrets! Do not live in fear of others or make yourself become a prisoner for someone.

Do not take what people say about you personal, they are miserable with themselves and their lives.

Positive affirmations and positive self-talk

I recently began using positive affirmations and I have learned to think positively about myself, embrace my flaws and own my identity.

Call me self-centered but, “I am beautiful, I am worthy, I am enough, I am successful, I am happy, I am wealthy, I am loved, I have peace of mind, I am important and I have optimum health and wellness!”

Be wary of comfort zones

Doing something new can be scary from uncertainty and fear of the unknown. I used to dislike change. I used to be so comfortable in my situations that I did not set goals nor timelines. Wish I had done these things differently!

Sometimes it feels easy to remain stagnant because of being in a comfort zone especially when in a stressful job and toxic relationship.Comfort zones could make you miss out on having a great life!

Things work out just as they should

I got worked up over basic things and situations I had no control over. In the end, everything happened for my good. No matter what, everything will be okay.

Creating a vision board is like a magnet

My vision board has given me exciting things to look out for! When I watch my vision board, I feel like I live and experience it although it has not happened. I just know that it will happen and I act as though it is real.

I wish I knew the Law of Attraction back then. I wish I had created a list of all the things I want to accomplish, all the places I want to visit and things I want to try before I leave this world.  

Power of the subconscious mind

Ever thought something and it happened? I have realized that most of what has happened to me is as a result of my thoughts whether directly or indirectly. The subconscious mind helps make things a reality, it is not limiting and it focuses on the bigger picture.

Feed your mind with positivity daily and tell it what you want, need, seek, and desire. Believe!

I constantly remind myself that, “I love myself, I am one with the universe, I am confident, I am protected, I have in abundance, I am valuable and I am able!”


I held on to grudges in my 20s. Boy, was I bitter. Forgiveness is necessary for your healing so practice it some more.  

Pointers for 20s going on 30s

By the time you get to 30, you would have gained loads of experience, know what you like and dislike and have a general idea of what you want.

Do what makes you happy, if not, you will get stressed out, get sick, make everyone around you feel miserable, be unhappy and die prematurely.

There are consequences to every action so make sound decisions. Everything in life is a risk so know what is worth taking a risk for and what is worth making sacrifices for.

Do not compare yourself to anyone. We all have different time zones. Be happy for others and celebrate their milestones.

See the good in everything, remain calm in every situation and learn to control your emotions.

Hearing and saying “no” is okay.

Do not make your fears or what others think about you define you and do not give up on yourself nor your passion. Work on whatever idea you have.

The world is filled with unlimited opportunities. Believe in yourself!

The future is right now so do not think you have time later.

The education system can fail you so enhance your trade.

Listen to your intuition and let your inner voice be your guide.

Get a mentor to motivate, guide and support you in the right direction.

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Reems Sonson

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