Thank you!

Grief or dealing with grief is something we all will go through in life. It has not happened to most of us, happened early for some of us and has happened multiple times for others.

Going through this life changing event  has taught me the importance of good relations. My family and friends have shown such interest in my well-being that I am surprised by the level of love received. 

Good and bad things will happen in life but how we react and respond determine how we adjust to the situation at hand. I would like to say a special thank you to the individuals who have made dealing with the death of my mom “almost less challenging.”

Thank you Luvis

I did not know that funeral preparations could be so stressful. The thought of having to bury my mom got me anxious so the funeral preparations were horrifying.

My mom had a joy for living and being surrounded by family so I wanted her funeral to be family oriented and a celebration of her life. Sorting through my mom’s personal items for burial was not easy and handing her clothes to the secretary at the funeral parlour made my heart drop and splatter into pieces. Registering her death was even more painful.

Throughout my challenging journey, I had the help and support of my cousin Luvis. Luvis was with me during my mom’s hospital stay and throughout the funeral arrangements.

She made the burial process a lot easy as I constantly had someone to speak to and assist where necessary. I appreciate the few taps she gave me on my shoulder in an attempt to bring me back to reality as I drifted in my thoughts and lost a sense of connection with the world.

Thank you cousin for the extra special treatment during this time. I appreciated the early morning visits, the late nights, the good food, your company and most of all your time. Throughout the up and down you were there despite having your own medical issue. I really appreciate you Luvis.


Thank you family

I have a close knit family so the togetherness felt during the funeral arrangements was nothing new. Although we had varying ideas on how the funeral should be, in the end, all plans were executed desirably.

My mom’s death hurt us all so much and came as a surprise. My family members did not know how to react or respond to the situation at first. However, overtime we were better able to discuss what had to be done and how we would proceed with the funeral arrangements.

I say a special thank you to my family for the support shown as I cried my insides out. Thank you for crying with me and most of all thank you for assisting with the funeral ceremony.

Families can either come together or grow a part during crisis and I must say, this made us stronger and grow even closer. Thank you for providing for my mom even when she parted earth. I will forever be grateful for you all.

Thank you friends

I had so many surprised visits from close friends that I felt overwhelmed. Thank you for checking on me, coming to pay your respect and for your presence. Thank you to those who came over to cook and make me laugh. I did have a good time even during my sadness.

A special thank you to Janel, words cannot explain how much you taught me during this time. You really were my shoulder to cry on despite being miles away. You empathized with me every single day, thank you!


Classmates turned into co-workers who then turned into long time relationship

Unexpected visit from Christianna

Thank you co-workers

I express gratitude to my co-workers for crying for me, crying with me, messaging and for the kind notes. Thank you for the visits and attending the funeral. I appreciate you for everything for words cannot express what your kind action meant to me.

As health care workers we sometimes get used to death from dealing with it regularly. To experience death of a loved one is beyond imagination, nothing prepares you for it and nothing can explain how you feel.

As I watched my mom’s lifeless body, laid next to her, held her and cried, I saw some of you crying too so I express thanks.

Thank you everyone

I was surprised that persons I had not spoken to in years reached out and sent their condolences. My Facebook friends were concerned and gave support.

To everyone made this difficult time a little easier to deal with thank you. Thank you to my mom’s friends for their words of encouragement. Thank you to those who actually told me that they did not know what to say, I appreciate the honesty.

Thank you to everyone who offered assistance, gave advice, brought cards, wreaths and for giving my mom such a beautiful farewell.

Thank you for speaking highly of my mom and shedding tears when you mentioned her. It showed how much she touched your life and made an impact on you.

Thank you to the chefs for providing such delicious food on the final day, the servers, those who fixed the tomb and those who decorated the house and church. Thank you for the helping hand.

Thank you to everyone involved in the wake and burial and for everyone who said that they are a call away. I will forever be grateful for your time and presence.

Thank you Rambally’s Funeral Parlour

It was challenging for me to visit the funeral home knowing that my mom’s body was laying somewhere in the building. The secretary Tayan was so pleasant and patient with me.

She was very professional, seemed like she knew my mom and felt my lost with her expressions. I had lots of questions which she politely answered.

The funeral parlour did an exceptional job with the preparation and presentation of the body. I had to look twice before I recognized that it was my mom laying in the casket. She looked beautiful in her deep sleep.

Thank you Rambally’s Funeral Parlour for caring for my mom on her final days on earth.  

This has been my hardest good bye but I know that I will see you again mom

Have you experienced death of a loved one? If so, join Hardest goodbye by Sophia Sonson on Facebook and tell me about your loved one.


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Through this all, I finally realize that life will always go on whether it is with or without us for time does not stop whether we are died or alive. Live a happy life with no regrets and be thankful for life.