Reems Sonson homemade ripe banana bread

Reems Sonson homemade ripe banana bread

I love using over ripped bananas to make banana pancakes, banana fritters, banana cake and banana bread.

Banana bread is a simple recipe! Banana bread could be eaten as a snack but I love eating it with grape jelly for breakfast. 

You could mix everything together in one bowl. You could use a fork for mixing or you could use an electric mixer.

Either way, the recipe is quick yet tasty.

Prep time: 15 minutes   Bake time: 1 hour   Total: 1 hour 15 minutes

Set up ingredients


3 cups mashed ripe bananas

2 cups all-purpose flour

½ cup butter or margarine

1 teaspoon baking powder

½ cup brown sugar

3 eggs beaten


1 tablespoon crushed pecans

1 tablespoon crushed almonds

1 tablespoon raisins

1 tablespoon chocolate chip

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon or finely grated cinnamon

1 teaspoon vanilla essence

Finely grated cinnamon
Crushed nuts


1.Preheat oven to 250-350 ﹾC. Grease pan and set aside.  

2.Mix sugar and butter together until smooth and creamy.

3.Add eggs one at a time and mix on medium speed after each addition.

4. Combine mashed banana to mixture, mix well.

5. In a separate bowl, mix flour and baking powder. Then combine dry ingredients to wet ingredients.

6. Put essence, raisins and nuts in batter.

7. Place batter in pan and let bake for one hour.

Greased and ready
Sugar and butter mix
Eggs added
Perfect mix
Oven ready

All done!

If a toothpick comes out clean when inserted to the batter then the bread is ready.

Remove from oven and let cool for a few minutes before transferring bread to wire rack.

Cool before serving.

Cool and ready to serve


The baking time depends on the type, width and depth of your baking pan. Adjust bake time according to your baking pan!

My oven reaches 250 ﹾC so I allowed the banana bread to bake for one hour. I only have a circular baking pan so my banana bread looked like cake!

You could add any nut of your choice!

I use lime peel for added flavoring and to reduce the smell of the egg.

Banana bread is tastier the following day as all the flavoring settles!


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Love making banana pancakes, banana fritters, banana cake, banana muffin or banana bread? Then send me a picture on Instagram or Facebook. Hashtag #reemssonson #ourtropicalliving

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