Seven things to know about Saint Lucia

Did you know that Saint Lucia is known as a perfect honeymoon destination and romantic getaway?

Well, this picturesque 238 square miles island is well known for its mountainous structure, natural springs, tropical rainforest and beautiful golden sandy beaches.

Things to know about Saint Lucia

Named after a woman

Saint Lucia is the only sovereign state named after a woman. French settlers named Saint Lucia after Saint Lucy of Syracuse; she was a Christian Martyr who died during the Diocletianic Prosecution. 

Sulphur Springs and only drive in volcano in the Caribbean

Saint Lucia is home to a dormant volcano. It is typically referred to as the “world’s only drive in volcano.” Yes, you could literally drive to the edges of the volcano.

The Sulphur Springs is a major tourist destination located on the volcano!

Imagine that the volcanic springs continue to emit sulphur and water making it possible to dip into a mud bath and soak in the mineral springs.

The water believed to have healing powers could get very hot so be careful!

Sulphur Springs, Soufriere
Volcanic mineral pools

Read about my experience at the world’s only drive in volcano

Rivers and waterfalls

Saint Lucia is home to many beautiful rivers and waterfalls. The rivers and waterfalls are throughout the island so there are many options to choose from!

Troumassee River, Micoud
Latille Falls, Micoud

Watch waterfall videos

The Pitons

The Pitons are a UNESCO World Heritage Site. These famous landmarks are a big tourist attraction.

View of the Pitons from The Beacon Restaurant, Soufriere

British and French

Saint Lucia is seven times British and seven times French as these nations fought to earn ownership of the land.

British gained control over the island and ruled from 1814 until Saint Lucia achieved independence on 22nd February, 1979.

Saint Lucia is commonly called “Helen of the West.” If you have heard about Helen of Troy, then you understand why Saint Lucia got the name. Well of course, because of her beauty and countries fighting over her!

Home to two Nobel laureates

Sir Arthur Lewis won the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1979. The Sir Arthur Lewis Community College was named after him to show appreciation for his work.

The poetic Dereck Walcott received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1992. To commemorate his contribution, the Dereck Walcott square was named after him.  


Saint Lucia is located northwest of Barbados, north/northeast of Saint Vincent and south of Martinique.

Read for more information

Reems Sonson

Our Tropical Living

Come live and love island life

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Coronavirus disease a Public Health Emergency

Coronavirus is the latest disease to hit the world unexpectedly and has spread like wild fire. This is a disease that Public Health Officials were underprepared for and did not see coming. By now we all know what the disease is, how it spreads and how to prevent it. But what about coping during the disease outbreak?

The Coronavirus disease has caused panic and shock globally and has caused a worldwide crisis. The effects of the Coronavirus disease affects us all one way or the other due to reductions in the availability of merchandise, food and medical supplies and other commodities.

Many individuals have been displaced, many have lost their jobs, have uncertainty of the future, lost loved ones and have even died. The Coronavirus disease shows that more money needs to be invested into the health care sector.

Coronavirus disease? What it is, how it spreads…

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) (2020) Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. Most individuals affected with the disease will develop mild to moderate respiratory illness but recover without any treatment.

Serious illnesses are more likely to occur in older individuals and persons with underlying medical conditions (WHO, 2020). 

Transmission of COVID-19 virus can be reduced through constant hand washing or use of alcohol based rub and not touching your face.

WHO (2020) explained that COVID-19 virus mainly spreads through discharge from the nose and droplets of saliva when an infected person coughs or sneezes.


It generally takes 2-14 days for infected individuals to show symptoms of the virus but symptoms differ from person-to-person and some may have few to no symptoms.

Symptoms typically mimic a cold or flu so persons may have a runny nose, sore throat, fever, cough or become breathless. It is important to self-quarantine by staying indoors and away from crowds for at least 14 days if showing symptoms.


It is essential to practice respiratory etiquette by sneezing or coughing into tissue, properly dispose of it then washing or sanitizing your hands. If you do not have tissue at the time, sneeze or cough with a flexed elbow but never directly into your hands. My preference is to do so inside my shirt, you could also give it a try.

There is no vaccine or treatment for COVID-19 at this time but human clinical trials have begun.

As of March 28th, 2020 there has been 571, 678 confirmed cases of the Coronavirus disease and 26, 494 confirmed deaths globally (WHO, 2020).

Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds

Saint Lucia

Here in Saint Lucia we have had four confirmed cases of the Coronavirus disease as of 28th March, 2020. Multiple measures have been implemented to help safeguard the population and prevent and/or reduce the spread of the virus.

Some businesses have closed following COVID-19 whilst others have shortened their opening times. Many employees especially in the hotels have been temporarily let go due to closures. In some other sectors where possible, employees are working from home.

A curfew has been set for 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. daily and no large gatherings of persons more than 10 is allowed. There has been major event cancellation, school and facility closure, travel restrictions and quarantine of individuals following the outbreak.

The crisis has led to a reduced supply of products entering the country which has resulted in individuals buying more than they need to. False information has swept the media and there has been racist attacks on Chinese nationals.

Nurses have been subjected to discrimination from the public for fear that the virus will spread since they are at the front line. With the closure of schools, parents have claimed that they are home-bound and have to cope with their kids being at home instead of at school.

Now is the time

Simple strategies can be done whilst at home to reduce trips to the grocery store. Order from trucking services if available in your community. Common products such as canned foods, water, juice, sanitary products and snacks can be preordered and delivered to your home.

Choose an alternative way of getting your groceries and only go to the grocery store unless it is a must.

Drink plenty water, get some fresh air by sitting in your balcony if possible, use an air humidifier indoors and limit direct interactions with others.  

Coping whilst at home!

No need to be bored when indoors.


Praying helps us remain connected to God, informs God that we need Him and makes us feel more in control of our situation. Praying helps me feel better as it gives me hope and helps me feel less tense.

Spend time with your family

Spending time with your family can serve as a stress reliever, help you get to know them better and help catch up on lost times. Play childhood games such as hide and go seek, dominoes or chess. Why not bake a dish together?!


Exercise for me is a way to feel good, relieve the daily struggles of life and to look good. Exercising helps me feel energized and rejuvenated plus it is good to improve blood flow and helps reduce many illnesses.

Boost your immune system

Drink freshly squeezed homemade lemon juice, orange or any fruit or vegetable juice. The natural vitamins will help combat the common cold and flu so you can remain healthy and virus free.

Catch up on sleep

I love to sleep. Sleeping ensures that your body charges and helps keep you relaxed. Sleep sleep and sleep to look younger and feel better.

Clean your house

House chores can be so overwhelming especially if it all have to be done in one day. Having tons of chores to do not only gets you tired but can be tedious. Use this time to split your chores and ensure that you clean your surfaces, sweep the dust from the ceiling and corners, scrub your pans, change the curtains and make your house look new.


Take a few seconds for yourself to clear your mind, help identify your purpose and to redirect your thoughts. You will be surprised the good ideas you could come up with.

Read a book

I just read “Envy” by Sandra Brown and boy did I enjoy that novel. The ending had me surprise, excited and wanting more. Ever read Envy, what was your reaction? You can also read my other blogs! Visit

Learn a skill

Sometimes we put things back and say that we will get to it sometime and one day. Well since you are supposed to remain indoors plus there is a curfew enjoy your new skill.

Groom your pets

This is an opportunity to clean and groom your pets and to show them some affection.

Playing with my kitten
Cleaning my rabbit

Government verses self-sustain

With the induction of the Coronavirus disease more has to be done to help individuals get back to a state of normalcy and financial stability when this blows over. Individuals should attempt to self-earn where they either utilize their skill to bring a source of income to the family.

Persons can engage in barter where products are exchanged or begin to grow quick crops such as herbs and vegetables for sell. Just remember to be safe, wash or sanitizer your hands and practice social distancing during the trade-off.

Families have to attempt to self-sustain themselves as the government would not be able to provide to the needs of everyone. However, I believe that small acts on the part of the government can be done to help reduce the burden on families directly affected.

Alleviating monthly tax charges on salaries, holding back on persons paying for tax returns when they owe the government and unemployment stipends can be done. Payment of basic yet essential bills can be reduced for customers or paid off completely by the government for the economically deprived.

I understand that the government does face its challenges with trying to stabilize the economy following the unprecedented, unforeseen economic impact that the virus has posed. Both the government and employers should be lenient and make the necessary measures to protect employees.

Healthcare workers, I Thank you!

To the healthcare workers, where do I begin? Thank you immensely for risking your lives on a daily basis to provide care to us. Leaving your families at home and going into the unknown. Not knowing who you will come into contact with, what you would have to deal with or how traumatizing the job will be.

Being exposed to various contagious diseases and not knowing if you will make it back home safely or without contracting a pathogen. Whether you do it wholeheartedly, you do it nonetheless by improvising with the resources available and whilst most times being hungry, tired, sick and overworked. As many are let go and sent home to work to ensure their safety, you are at the front line in the battlefield.

Social distancing does not apply to you as you work on the battlefield to combat this growing public health issue. Sometimes you fail the public but you are human too. As the world continues with this global unrest and as you make continued efforts to reduce the impact of the virus, I hope your efforts will be recognized and that for once you will be respected and appreciated.

I hope that when this is all over persons would not forget your efforts but instead reduce the scrutiny and verbal and physical abuse. I hope that all healthcare workers in Saint Lucia debrief and get at least 7 days extended to their vacation as a thank you for your effort. You are wonderful healthcare workers, keep up the excellent work!


The joke only ends when the effects of the joke hits home. This is serious so practice proper hygiene, respiratory etiquette and social distancing. Protecting yourself from the virus might just save your life and your family’s life. Save you from mourning the death of a loved one, the turmoil that comes from coping with the sick and the financial hurdle that accompanies health care expense. Be safe!

Take care of you and practice self-care. We should all work to reduce transmission of COVID-19 since this is a team effort approach. Let us all play our part to help reduce this global problem and protect our country.


Our Tropical Living

Come live and love island life


World Health Organization (WHO) (2020). Health topics. Coronavirus. Retrieved from

World Health Organization (WHO) (2020). Coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19) situation report- 68. Highlights. Retrieved from

All Inclusive Secret Luxury

A luxurious two day stay at St. James’s Club Morgan Bay Saint Lucia

Deciding to go to St. James’s Club Morgan Bay Saint Lucia for yearly staycations for the past seven years has been an easy decision since it is affordable, all-inclusive and offers both beach and pool access. My last stay at the St. James’s Club Morgan Bay although was a surprise, was for pleasure, relaxation and a romantic getaway weekend since it was October- my birth month. Passing through security at the entrance of the hotel always seem like the first time. I get excited because it means “no more outside world but being in my home away from home.” I immediately shut-off the outside world, close my eyes, do my excited dance and embrace the scenery.

St. James’s Club Morgan Bay Saint Lucia

The St. James’s Club Morgan Bay privately sits on 25 acres of land and has 325 guestrooms. Wi-Fi is available for free in the lobby and Sunset Lounge which is the main entertainment area and for a fee in some rooms.

Feel free to go from pool to pool. The hotel has four pools catering for both adults and kids. Though I am not a strong swimmer, I had fun floating and swimming to the “swim up bar” to have a Virgin Pina Colada as I sat on a stool in the pool.

Come enjoy eating, drinking and relaxing at the hotel’s multiple bars, lounges and restaurants. If you prefer remaining in your room all day long then order room service from midday to 9:00 p.m. for an added fee.

Do not worry about the kids and wondering whether you will have any free time for yourself. The hotel offers supervised activities for the kids and day care service is also available for a fee.

The hotel provides various free beach water activities including water-skiing, banana-boat rides, windsurfing and paddle boarding. Lessons for the various activities are also provided.

Perfect location

St. James’s Club Morgan Bay is located in Choc along the Choc Bay, Castries which is in the northern part of Saint Lucia. The view is magnificent! The rooms could either have a garden view, ocean view and of course a view overlooking everything, garden, pool and ocean. I especially loved watching the neighbouring island Martinique, it felt like the two islands were connected since the view was clear.

The hotel is located about one hour from the Hewanorra International Airport so the drive from the airport to the hotel provides an added view of the picturesque tropical island. If coming in from the George F.L Charles Airport (Vigie Airport) in Castries then arrival to the hotel will be about 10 minutes. Visit for more information on the airports in Saint Lucia.

Although the hotel has everything you need to enjoy your stay, it is stationed about a 5 minute drive from Massy Stores Mega- a bulk grocery supermarket. KFC, Caribbean Cinema, Domino’s Pizza, Rituals Coffee Shop and other businesses are also located in that area.  


Want to overnight at the hotel? Check in is at 3:00 p.m. and check out is at 12:00 p.m. on the final day of your stay. Go to the hotel for a day pass and check in at 10:00 a.m. and check out at 6:00 p.m. that same day. Hotel rates change depending on the season visited so look out for great deals.

If you’re coming in by bus then enjoy the walk to the front desk, coming in by car enjoy the free parking or if you’re coming in via taxi enjoy the ride in. Either way you come in, be on the lookout for the lovely waterfall before the reception area.

Welcome to my heaven on earth!

It really amazed me at how peaceful the entrance to the hotel is although it is within close proximity to a busy highway.

The excitement of walking in to a warm greeting staff politely handing you a rolled cold minty towel to use as a face wipe and hand sanitizer is refreshing for the tropical weather. The reception area is large with various sitting options and I felt welcomed with the smiles and greetings from staff.

I sipped on a shaken fruit punch as my partner checked us in and booked the restaurant we would dine in for dinner that night. All activities can be booked at the Tour Desk from shopping in the city, touring the island, having a wedding or visiting the neighbouring island Martinique. Souvenirs are available at the different boutiques at the hotel. Be sure to check it out so you can share a piece of your vacation with family and friends.

Instant attraction

I felt like royalty as I got off the buggy that took me to my sanctuary. Walking into an air conditioned room with a fruity scent and good ambiance is so soothing. My jaw dropped and I uttered “aww” when I saw the chocolate coated pineapple stripes and a chocolate cake with a birthday card compliments of the hotel. The chocolate cake was soft, not too sweet and was very tasty. I was so eager to eat the pineapple chocolate mixture that my mouth watered.

I was taken aback by the various paintings on the wall: paintings of flowers, the beach, coral and the pitons reminded me of the reasons I came to the hotel in the first place, to relax. I was pleased that the room was close to the beach and main restaurant because some rooms are far but buggies are readily available to take you around. 

I unpacked my hotel wear, placed my personal items in the safe and was ready to explore the hotel.


The hotel is huge and has various sections. No need to worry though, there is orientation for new visitors. A guide book is also provided in the room with welcome remarks, resort map and in room dining menu. The various restaurants with dinner reservations guide and tranquility spa menu of services with types of spa treatment are also included. No need to get bored in your room after heading in for the night, watch television or sit in your patio and enjoy the view.


Looking around the hotel is always breath taking. Looks just like a picture out of a magazine and no edits are needed for picture taking. During the day, I enjoyed watching the blue sea and sky. The lights from the city seemed like thousands of stars by night fall.

“Sand Pit” is right on the beach and serves as a mini bar. No need to leave your beach chair, red flags are available which when raised signals to the waiter that you want a drink. If you do not want to get a red flag then simply take a few steps to Sand Pit and order a drink.

I tried the lemon water to quench my thirst and it was so refreshing. Cold water with an added flavour! I found a perfect spot on the beach and laid on the beach chair for hours. How can I forget, an ice cream cart is also available on the beach, I had two ice cream cones to help keep me cool.

Although a packed program of activities for both land and sea was placed in the room, I did not want to participate in any of the beach, pool or gym activities. The time spent at the hotel was merely to rest and enjoy the perfect weather.

No need to worry

The room is spacious and comes with everything you need and is fully furnished. It is air-conditioned, has a closet with a safe, iron and ironing board and is sizeable to house your luggage. A telephone, refrigerator, tea and coffee maker, flat screen television and an electric clock is also free to be utilized.

The bathroom is spacious with a comfortable toilet, tub, shower and face basin that can be used at the same time by two individuals. As I gazed at the paintings in the bathroom I got lost in my happy thoughts. The bathroom also has a hair dryer, complimentary soap, bath wash and shower gel. A private patio is available in all rooms so enjoy the fresh air and spectacular view of the hotel.


Plum Tree Bar & Grill

The Plum Tree Bar & Grill is located next to the family pool and is in close proximity to the gym and tennis court. Get a seat, wait for the menu from the waiter then order a drink and something delicious. This restaurant is kid-friendly so children can enjoy the waterslides in the pool.

I call Plum Tree Bar & Grill the “Fast food restaurant” since it commonly serves such foods as burgers, paninis, hotdogs and fries. Cookies, cakes and an assortment of ice cream are also available. For those who do not fancy fast food no need to worry, salads, wraps and other healthy options are also available.

The food at Plum Tree Bar & Grill was appetizing and the staff were friendly. Get everything you need without leaving the poolside at the Plum Tree Bar & Grill. Have a small bite near the pool and look over your shoulder to view the garden.

Enjoying the spiciness of the panini at “Plum Tree Bar & Grill.” Shaken fruit punch with a spicy mayo, jerk chicken, sweet chili sauce and cheddar panini with French fries

Palms Restaurant

The Palms Restaurant is my favorite for all meals since it is buffet style and opens for breakfast, lunch and dinner and serves a different theme daily for lunch and dinner. I enjoyed listening to the birds chirp and watching the cats tour around, it made me feel at home. The Palms Restaurant serves different cuisines so you get to eat different food varieties.

Noo, this is not dessert! This is my choice of breakfast at “Palms Restaurant” almost done eating the banana tempura, pork sausage, omelette with pepper, onions and bacon, rock cake and float with jam on top
Dessert at “Palms Restaurant” mixed fruit crumble, muffin and roasted corn


The BBQ Hut is located on the beach next to Morgan’s Pier so you can dine on the beach. Enjoy the burgers, grilled chicken and salad. I especially loved digging my toes in the gold sand on the beach as I ate and watched the speed boats on the water.

Lunch at “BBQ Hut” shaken fruit punch, grilled chicken and salad

Morgan’s Pier

Ready for a romantic dinner over the water at Morgan’s Pier

If you want to have an intimate and quiet dinner over the sea filled with finger touches, then have dinner at Morgan’s Pier! Make your reservation, give your room number on entry at the restaurant and get escorted to your seat. Watch the menu to decide on the three course meal, listen to what your taste buds crave, order and enjoy the delicious food and view. Watch and listen to the waves as they hit the rocks, watch the sailboats on the water and enjoy the lights from the city of Castries shine as bright as stars. I loved the waterfront dining over the sea at Morgan’s Pier.

Morgan’s Pier has the most delicious thyme seasoned, crispy fried calamari, with paprika, corn flour dust, cayenne pepper and aioli
Dinner at “Morgan’s Pier” Morgan’s land and sea burger with brochette of shrimp scampi, beef patty, chorizo and peppered pineapple

I eat frequent small meals so I was satisfactorily stuffed when it came time for dessert. Dinner at Morgan’s Pier was beyond expectations, the food was spectacular and the service was awesome. The waiters were friendly and gave intermittent check-ups to ensure that dinner was going as desired.

Choc Bay Café

For the sweet tooth candy lovers, there is something for your too! Choc Bay Café serves treats and tea from 7:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. Indulge in expresso, tea, sandwich, cakes, everything nice and sweet! I loved the chocolate fudge with sprinkles on top, they were my favorite!

Yes…more restaurants for you to enjoy

I enjoyed Tree Tops Pizza & Pasta since it overlooks the resort. Come enjoy the salad, pastry, freshly made oven-fired pizza and of course yummy desserts.

The Bambou is a beachfront restaurant that offers breakfast, lunch and a la cart dinner menu.

Dress elegantly and have a romantic dinner at Le Jardin. This restaurant offers a more quiet dinner in an air-conditioned room but for an additional fee.


Watching the ocean from the room and listening to the waves crashing in on the shore and rocks was magical.

Waking up felt like I had slept for days, I felt well rested. The bed was extremely soft, comfortable and huge. I was able to stretch fully and roll around.  

Being at St. James’s Club Morgan Bay was a stress reliever and helped me forget about my day-to-day life whilst I enjoyed the atmosphere. The staff made me feel at home, the environment helped keep me at peace and affirmed my romance.

Overall, my stay at the St James’s Club Morgan Bay was outstanding and I recommend the hotel. I had a wonderful experience and the food was tasty. The staff were friendly, provided warm greetings every time they saw me, always offered assistance and were enthusiastic about my stay.

The environment was quiet, relaxing and fun. I am pleased that I saw security guards patrolling areas of the resort and was amazed with seeing maintenance clean the beach at the crack of dawn.

Booking!  to book your stay!


I wish that the Palm Restaurant was opened for lunch on the last day of my stay but since it was not available I went to the BBQ Hut for lunch where I ate barbeque chicken and salad. I would have preferred what most Saint Lucians call “a meal” which includes rice, peas, a cheese pie, salad and ground provisions.

All pet lovers, be aware that no pets are allowed at the hotel. For the all-night party goers please note that live performances and entertainment at the resort ends at 11 p.m. However, the resort is about 15 minutes from Rodney Bay so you can still enjoy live entertainment and late night clubbing.

View from previous stays at the St. James’s Club Morgan Bay Saint Lucia

View from room 643
View from Tree Tops Pizza & Pasta
All set for dinner
Heading to the beach
Plum Tree Bar & Grill
Dessert on a boat: Morgan’s Pier before renovations
Buggy ride


Our Tropical Living

Come live and love island life

This is not a paid or sponsored review but is a honest comprehensive look at my experience at the St James’s Club Morgan Bay Saint Lucia. I have no affiliations with St James’s Club Morgan Bay Saint Lucia and this blog post is based on my personal experience and stay at the St. James’s Club Morgan Bay Saint Lucia.

As for St James’s Club Morgan Bay Saint Lucia, I hope this post helps you get more bookings and hotel stays. This blog post is to help build awareness of the stay at the hotel and to help locals see the cost effectiveness of an all-inclusive staycation.


St. James’s Club Morgan Bay Saint Lucia. Retrieved from