It has been a year since my last blog as I saw it fitting to take a break from blogging and embark on a self-discovery journey and focus on my family.
Now, I am back to blogging full-time!
I want to discuss how death of a loved one shows us time after time how fragile life is so we could make the most of everyday.
Vanity Sometimes we focus on getting ahead, making money and living comfortably so much that we lose sight of what is important. We chase success, money and assets. We chase vanity!
Earthly possession All in all, we die and leave everything behind. Sometimes, our wealth is left for undeserving and unappreciative persons.
Teachings from death of a loved one It has been four years since my mom’s passing and it still feels like yesterday.
As a result of my mom’s death, every day, I am thankful to be alive, healthy and surrounded by loved ones.
Death of a close loved one taught me the importance of going after what I want, making wonderful memories and valuing persons.
I am now present without distractions, spending more quality time with family and making the best of all that I have.
Whilst it is okay for us to chase wealth, we should remember to enjoy now and cherish our family. We have to live to live to leave and not just live to die.
Reems Sonson
Our Tropical Living
Come live and love island life
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Having high self-confidence could help you make more positive decisions and take massive action . Self-confidence helps you believe in yourself and could inspire others.
You should believe in yourself – your abilities, your skills, your passions, your goals and your aspirations.
Learn how to believe in yourself to have a better life and have endless possibilities no matter how difficult you may think it is to do.
Drowning yourself in doubt and fears can make you feel inadequate and darken your belief. However, when you believe in yourself, you feel like you are able to overcome anything and success is guaranteed.
In order for you to limit fear and self-doubt or even completely eradicate it, you must build your self-confidence and self-esteem.
Love yourself
Fall in love with yourself to believe in yourself, watch yourself in the mirror and tell yourself something positive and say you love yourself out loud.
Tell yourself that you are beautiful, you are the driver of your own success and believe it.
As you keep doing this daily, you realize that you really believe it and you begin to believe in yourself.
When challenges come, believe in yourself even more. Life is about ups and downs and highs and lows, things will not always be merry but you should find the merry out of all things.
You are able to overcome every challenge in your life if you believe. As you find the good in every situation, you believe in yourself and find your inner strength to overcome then you tend to embrace your journey more .
Leave your mistakes behind and move forward!
Ways to believe in yourself
Believing in yourself starts with believing in you
Believe that whatever you want is possible. Believe that you are capable of doing whatever you desire despite the odds. Examine your inner being and your limiting beliefs and empower yourself.
Ask yourself how can I believe in myself and have positive opinions about myself to reduce fear, anxiety and release negative emotions.
Positive affirmations
When you believe in yourself, you also respect yourself. Maintain positive thoughts about yourself and use positive words to overturn negative thoughts. Take care of yourself and constantly reassure yourself.
Sometimes you might feel a bit low on believing in yourself so you need to revisit why you need to believe in yourself. When you are feeling down and are doubting yourself listen to motivational videos to feel inspired.
Surround yourself with people who motivate you and those you could model to believe in yourself and gain success. Find ways to get inspired by ensuring that your environment is in line with what you believe.
It is okay for everyone to have individual beliefs but being around people who do not believe in your beliefs could jeopardize your beliefs.
Work on your strengths not your weaknesses
Focus on what you are good at, master it and be the best at it. Focus on the positive, your natural abilities and what you excel at and put effort into developing it.
You could focus on your weaknesses later or you could delegate your weaknesses to others instead of worrying about it. For example, you could be a great song writer but you are a terrible singer. You could hire someone to sing your songs, it is a win win!
As you shift your focus to developing your strengths and things you are already good at, you will feel more competent and confident and start to believe in yourself.
Focus on you even when you fail over and over at something that seems challenging to you yet easy to others so that it may not limit your belief in yourself.
Sometimes we say “I am bad at this” because we struggle with our belief in ourselves and focus on things we cannot do. Build your confidence and instead say I have a challenge with doing this but I will try, I will learn until I become better at it.
If you are not an all-rounder it is okay! Knowing your strengths will allow you to put more of your effort into areas you are already talented in. Grow the ways you are naturally talented in.
Ask others about your strengths because that can help you highlight things about yourself that you did not know. That could serve as a refresher so you could identify hidden skills about yourself that you did not remember or pay attention to.
Remember everyone has weaknesses — and strengths. Discover what you are already good at and work at becoming great.
Remember past successes
Past successes could be useful to show you that you are an overcomer and that you are more than able to get things done. When you feel discouraged focus on the positive to change your mindset. Remember moments where you were successful in the past if you need some motivation.
You could seek motivation from yourself to believe in yourself. Yesterday you ate less calories or you exercised, that is a milestone to celebrate. You could use that today to remind yourself that you are able to make a change and believe that you are able to continue that change.
Face your fears
Do not let your fears hold you back because experiencing fear is a normal part of life. Do not let it consume you. Identify your fears and develop an action plan on how to overcome them. A plan to do something to believe in yourself such as speaking more positively about yourself could go a long way.
The goals could be small because it will help boost your belief in yourself and add to big results. Create goals to face your fears because as you set goals and work to achieve them you develop a sense of purpose and accomplishment.
Do not give up on you
When I was going to school and working full time I told myself every morning whenever I got off the bed, “I can and I will.” I constantly had to remind myself to not give up on myself because it was challenging to juggle school and work at the same time.
Even as my mom passed away, every day I tell myself “I can and I will” as I try to come to terms with her loss. At first I began asking myself, “why me, why is it that it was my mom to die?” As time went by, I have grown and I started asking myself, “why not me, why not my mom, what makes it so special for me to be exempted from feeling loss and like my world has ended?”
Sometimes we just feel like we cannot do something but as we practice believing in ourselves, we tend to not give up. We will experience challenges in life but how we react and respond make a big difference in the outcome. Train yourself to believe in you.
Stay focus
Dig deep, search within and realign your focus on what you really want in life. How could you believe in yourself? Everything you want is within your reach, strengthen your belief in yourself and success is 100% possible for you.
Remember the level of success you see in your life is as a direct result of what you believe so believe in yourself. As you find ways to believe in yourself, things will become easier and your belief system in yourself will help you recognize all your success.
Where do you want to be in life? Are you living the life that you seek? Believe in you to set yourself free. Sometimes when I think about the life I want, I close my eyes and visualize it and it makes me smile. Most times I dream about it since I constantly visualize it throughout the day and it makes me feel happy because I know it is attainable.
Try my trick! Believe what you want is possible despite what others say and despite the odds. Visualize it by thinking about it, claiming it and even dreaming about it, act like you already have it and work on a plan to get it. Trust me, your belief will make the world open doors for you to achieve it.
Also, keep a daily or weekly journal of the reasons you believe in yourself and on days you doubt yourself revisit your writings. This could help condition your brain to believe in you even more.
I believe in you and your ability to share my content!
If you loved reading this then subscribe to the Reems Sonson YouTube Channel for more motivation, follow and follow Our Tropical Living on Facebook and Instagram.
Ever wondered why certain persons you feel did not deserve a promotion actually got promoted?
Expectations versus reality
After a few years of working in an organization or after furthering your degree you expect a promotion, right? Doesn’t it seem fair?
Does that apply to most things in life?
Sometimes you do something with the hopes of achieving something greater but what you expect and deserve might not necessarily be what you get.
That is okay! It will work to benefit you.
Hold on and pwen chair
Employee of the year
Sometimes you are the hardest worker, you do not call in sick, are hardly ever late, and do not take breaks. You accomplish all your tasks, show up whenever called, go above and beyond and under and over yet it is not enough for your employer.
That can make you question your work ethic and productivity. Do not question your work ethic because of what others say about you or when you receive much less than you deserve.
It is time to move on! The job is not the right fit for you. Do not think that it is the other way around as in, you are not the right fit for the job.
No promotion
If you are denied the promotion then so what! Will the world end? You might no longer be enthusiastic about work and lack motivation but be happy that you did not get promoted.
That does not mean that things will not work out for you. Too bad that the organization is going to miss out on a diligent worker like you.
Although you might feel inadequate, rejected and like things are not going good for you. Remember, success is built on pain, rejection, denial, fear, frustration and failure.
Let this “no promotion” opportunity open doors for the new opportunities that await you. Refocus, revamp, refuel, rewrite and redirect.
That closed door is supposed to remain closed. You might want to climb the ladder now but perhaps it is not yet time.
Let that rejection allow you to refocus on your gifts, goals, dreams, passion, aspirations and all the things that you love. Let your passion follow you! Let your pain lead you to your success because in our greatest pain lies our greatest success.
Best believe that
You are valuable
Sometimes people do not recognize your value until you leave.
So…why stay?
Why stay at a job that will replace you even before you die? Disrespect you? Underappreciate you? Devalue you? Emotionally, physically, psychologically, spiritually and socially destroy you?
Make up your mind
Let go and release
Let go and become so overqualified that you get to select the job that you want.
Become so skillful that you use your talents to become the master of your happiness and opportunities. So skillful to do a job you love so much that it makes you feel like you will never work a day in your life.
Missed opportunities
Just may be if you did get that promotion then you would miss out on your success story, become overly comfortable and not listen to what whispers in your ears.
The promotion just might have gotten you wrapped up in work, give you added responsibilities and less time for yourself.
Beyond your control
Sometimes getting a promotion is nothing you have control over but you can control your attitude and mindset.
You have not been defeated, rejected or denied! You have become ALIVE!
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