Best Map of Saint Lucia in Micoud

Click on video to watch my hike to the map of Saint Lucia

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YouTube- Reems Sonson


Nested in the beautiful community of Micoud is the map of Saint Lucia engraved on a rock near a cliff. The engraving is very similar to the map of Saint Lucia.

It takes about a 20 minute walk to get to the map. The journey is naturally beautiful, peaceful and relaxing. It made me appreciate life and being able to see clearly even more.

Map of Saint Lucia- patiently awaiting the waves to fill the map
Beautiful peaks miles away

Nature along the way


You could “listen to the beauty” of the place. The grasshoppers proudly and loudly sing their song.

The Atlantic Ocean is known to be rough so I admired it from the distant. The rough sea crashes hastily on the rocks and the wind howls but with great joy.

The birds chirped but sweetly and in conversation.

Mixture of colors
Seeing, hearing, listening, feeling and embracing “nature”


Oh my, you see a perfect view of the Micoud village and all its surroundings. Mount Gimie and the Twin Pitons could have been seen clearly and seem to follow your every move.

Mount Gimie is the highest mountain in Saint Lucia and looked like a giant with its’ peak hidden in the clouds. I really did not know that the tallest mountains could have been seen from Micoud.

You see the waves moving towards the cliff and hitting the rocks in every direction as you head closer to the map.

The sea looked like a painting with its different colours- dark blue, green and turquoise.

The grasshoppers were hopping with excitement that one almost entered my eye.

I saw many palm trees on a beach nearby. Will visiting the beach be our next adventure? Hmmm!

Imagine a vessel was spotted nearby!

East side coastline
All smiles


You feel hugs from the cool breeze. I enjoyed feeling the grass on my feet and watching the grass run with the wind.


The fun journey

Some persons were having a picnic along the way and others were relaxing in their vehicles. The advantages of tropical living!

The views were so clear that you could pin point the various districts on the east to west coast.

I had fun trying to climb the huge rocks and playing with the pricking cactus.

Shine bright
Massive wave
Even bigger
Feeling on top of the world
Free spirit

We made it!

I felt the waves from miles away as it hit the rocks. This was a clear indication that we had made it!

The beautiful coastline was very rocky and picture perfect with the beautiful scenery.

The pregnant clouds made this cloudy day perfect for a hike in this sweet paradise. It really was a fitting and fun activity.

Paradise makes me feel relaxed, at ease and allows me to enter my calmest state of mind. I love all my encounters with nature!

Dislike hiking? Well you could drive to the end of the cliff!

Surprisingly some Saint Lucians want to migrate to have a better life and try something new.

Whereas, some persons from overseas want to move to the tropics to enjoy island living and have a quiet and laid-back lifestyle. Which do you prefer?

Blue, yellow, black and white
Nature is my everything
Always looking to see beyond
Trying to hold the map
Got it!

Reems Sonson

Our Tropical Living

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