Our mental health

Our mental health is a priority!

What is mental health?

The World Health Organization (WHO) (2019) defines mental health as “a state of wellbeing in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.”

Mental health includes our social, psychological and emotional wellbeing. Mental health affects how we think, feel and act and helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others and make choices.

Impaired mental health affects our ability to function as effective members of society and affects our ability to cope with the daily stressors of life.

Of course we need effective coping skills if we are stuck in traffic for hours and about to miss an important appointment! What about being able to deal with a disagreement with someone and sudden death of a loved one.

Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood. Our psychological, personality and biological factors could contribute to mental health problems. When we experience mental health problems it affect our thought process, mood and behavior.

It is important to note that mental health is different from mental illness.

What is mental illness?

Mental illnesses are conditions that affect how we think, feel and even our mood and behavior such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder or schizophrenia.

Mental illness could occur occasionally or can be long-lasting (chronic) and can affect our ability to relate to others and function each day.

Although the terms are often used interchangeably, mental health and mental illness are not the same. A person can experience poor mental health and not be diagnosed with a mental illness. Likewise, a person diagnosed with a mental illness can experience periods of wellbeing which could be physical, social and mental.

Ourmental and physical health are equally important components of overall health. 

Mental illness, especially with depression can increase the risk of developing stress, self-harm, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.

Individuals suffering with chronic conditions are at an increased risk of developing mental illness. Chronic conditions could affect daily living and quality of life thus raising one’s stress levels and ability to cope with their circumstance.

Can our mental health change over time?

The answer is yes! Many factors could affect our mental health over time.

Sometimes we go through so much and have so much doing that the demands placed on our body exceed our coping abilities and that could negatively impact our mental health.

Imagine having to work a 12 hour shift then go home to take care of your sick relative, care after your newborn yet complete assignments and chores. This could send anyone into depression overtime and cause poor mental health.

Have you ever been depressed?

Going to school full time and working full time was a challenging experience for me. Thank God for my mom who took care of the house, did the chores, did my laundry and ensured that I had food to eat because having to do school work immediately after coming from work was very overwhelming. Continue resting in peace mommy!

Determinants of mental health

Social factors are the conditions in which we are born, live, grow, work and age. It is basically where we live, work and play as it relates to our socioeconomic status, physical environment and employment opportunities. Having poor education and poor socioeconomic status could cause poor mental health as we try to cope with having low incomes and sustaining ourselves and family.

Imagine you in this scenario, you have no educational background, you do not have a decent paying job and you work in a risky and poor environment. You have bills to pay, food to buy, take care of yourself and imagine having children that you also have to take care of. What do you think will happen to your mental health?

Psychological factors include our beliefs, motivation and individual characteristics. Certain personality traits could predispose us to poor mental health. Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) can predispose us to poor mental health as we try to get things done perfectly, have repeated unwanted thoughts and do repeated actions.

Biological factors can affect mental health because of abnormal functioning of nerve cell circuits that connect to certain regions of the brain. Any defect or injury to these circuits can affect mental health. Individuals with family members with mental illness are more prone to developing mental illness. Remember, we may be susceptible to developing a mental illness but that does not mean that we will develop a mental illness.

Our environment

Stressful work environment, unhealthy lifestyle, sexual violence, socioeconomic pressures, violence, gender discrimination and rapid social change could all affect our mental health.

Do you work in a stressful environment? Do you deal with stressful co-workers on a daily basis? Do you have a stressful partner or family member? These could all contribute to impaired mental health if the answers are yes.

There is no single cause for mental illness but a number of factors can contribute to the risk of developing mental illness.

Our life experiences could cause mental illness such as trauma or a history of abuse such as sexual assault, child abuse, physical assault or witnessing violence.

Chronic illnesses such as cancer could also be a contributing factor. Drug use, alcohol, having few friends, and drug use, not socializing, having feelings of loneliness and isolation could also be contributing factors.

Stigma attached to mental health

People with mental health conditions often experience severe human rights violations, discrimination and stigma.

I am guilty of such because before I started working in the health care field I was afraid of individuals with mental illness. I felt like they would attack me anytime or would snap and change personalities. Overtime as I began working with individuals with mental health conditions I better understood how to react and respond to them.

Stigma causes prejudice, discrimination and ignorance. Stigma attached to mental illness causes individuals suffering with mental disorders to feel shame, have low self-esteem and develop negative beliefs. As a result, this causes individuals with mental disorders to withdraw from social interactions.

Stigma to mental disorders is a barrier to the provision of care for people with mental disorders. Individuals with mental disorders are ostracized by society so may not receive basic care. Some communities banish individuals with mental disorders whilst others get beaten, neglected and deprived of basic human needs (WHO, 2019).

Individuals suffering from mental illness may believe that health care professionals have stigma attitudes toward them so may not seek care. This could lead to poor health overtime if left untreated as persons get depressed further and inflict harm on themselves and others.


How do you feel about someone with poor mental health and someone with a mental illness? Do you avoid them? Do you label them or do you define them as their mental illness and not for who they are?

Together let us stop the stigma attached to poor mental health and mental illness. Anyone of us could suffer from poor mental health or develop a mental illness at any point in our lives. Sometimes situations happen and they are unforeseen and change the course of our lives. If we do not have proper coping skills and the personality attached to coping well with unanticipated and life changing events then we could develop poor mental health.

Early warning signs of poor mental health

Although poor mental health could be mistaken for other illnesses there are common signs and symptoms. Remember that poor mental health could cause varying signs and symptoms which all vary from person to person.

Inability to perform daily tasks like taking care of our kids or getting to work or school, constant aches and pains of unknown origin and constantly feeling sleepy and tired are early warning signs.

We need to monitor ourselves if we constantly pull away from people and usual activities, have low or no energy, feel numb to everything or feel like nothing matters.

Constant changes in mood such as feeling helpless, hopeless or feeling upset are also common.

Improving our mental health

Improving mental health involves activities that can improve psychological wellbeing. Counseling could be an effective way to let out our feelings as we seek professional help.

We could engage inbackyard gardening and sports to serve as stress reduction activities. I have found that journaling helps reduce anxiety as I write my feelings and all the conversations I have with myself in my head.

When we go out with family and friends we connect with others, share our experiences and listen to others as they tell us about their lives. This provides a sense of belonging and like we have persons to speak to.

We could partake in mental health programs, do group outings or group interactive sessions to increase belonging to a group to help reduce stress and anxiety.

Let us stay positive, get physically active and help others.


Whether we are or are not suffering from mental illness or poor mental health, anti-discrimination campaigns could be done to help raise awareness of mental illness and poor mental health.

We could encourage the implementation of laws to protect all individuals from being bullied because persons suffering with mental illness have a greater probability of being exposed to discrimination.


There are treatment options for persons with poor mental health and those with mental illness. Many mental health conditions can be effectively treated at low cost but there is a gap between people needing care and those with access to care. Increased investment is required for mental health awareness to increase understanding and reduce stigma.

More efforts on the part of governments could be done to increase access to quality mental health care and effective treatments. Legislation on human rights to ensure care for persons suffering from mental illness would also be effective.

Research can also be done to identify new treatments and improve existing treatments for all mental disorders. Research on what has worked in the past could be used to enhance future interventions.

Remember positive change starts with you so you could help improve someone’s poor mental health.

Raising awareness

Mental illness and poor mental health could be inherited so parents could be taught signs and symptoms for early diagnosis and treatment.

Individuals with mental illness and their families can be empowered and educational programs on mental health can be done in communities. This will raise awareness of mental disorders, possible risk factors and coping methods to utilize when dealing with people with mental disorders. This too would help reduce the stigma attached to mental illness.

Mental health could be taught at all schools even at kindergarten so children could be raised into knowing the signs and symptoms of poor mental health and mental illness. This would help with early identification of signs and symptoms to ensure that help is obtained.

Psychiatric disorders that go untreated affect patients, families, communities and the health care system. More mental health care education can be provided by health care workers to raise awareness.

Mental disorders affect overall health, cause disabilities and decrease of years lived. Mental health services should be introduced into primary care services to improve the outcome of mental health.

We can do it!

Remember we could have poor mental health and not be diagnosed with a mental illness and we could remain capable of contributing to society and live a healthy and normal life.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2018). Learn about mental health. Mental health. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/mentalhealth/learn/index.htm

World Health Organization (WHO). (2019). Promoting the rights of people with mental disorders: solutions in countries. Denied citizens. Retrieved from https://www.who.int/features/2005/mental_health/solutions/en/

World Health Organization (WHO). (2020). Mental health. Health tropics. Retrieved from https://www.who.int/westernpacific/health-topics/mental-health

Reems Sonson

Our Tropical Living

Come live and love island life

Social accounts to like and follow




Social media and mental health

Are you spending an exorbitant amount of time checking Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook or other social media platforms for updates and photos or to see whether you received new likes, comments and shares?

Have you posted to receive likes and comments and felt disappointed when you did not get the outcome that you expected?

Ever used social media to share your sad stories to get attention and emotional encouragement?

Social media use

Social media is the use of the internet to interact with people and to receive and share information. Social media has connected many long lost friends and helped people rekindle old love.

Social media continues to serve as a way for users to openly and freely express themselves. It is a platform for users to advertise themselves, their businesses, their ideas and also an avenue to seek financial and social assistance.

Social media could expose people to support groups that give a sense of belonging which sometimes is not attained offline. Additionally, social media could be used to stay abreast with new events and opportunities.

Social media could improve one’s mental health however depending on usage, could also harm it.

For the love of social media

Advancement in technology has made social media platforms more readily accessible. These advancements coupled with the engagement strategies used by the platforms have caused some users to become addicted. Some of us live for social media and use it to document every aspect of our life.

Some want everyone to know what is happening in their life. Some behave like if it was not posted it did not happen and are unable to spend a day without posting or going through their feed.

Texting and long conversations on a flip phone are now face time and social media surfs on a smartphone

Harms of social media

Social media could be image focused which causes unrealistic body image expectations and feelings of inadequacy for some users. This flares up anxiety and has a detrimental effect on the mental health of users, especially individuals who are already battling emotional and self-esteem issues.

Real or fake

Social media is a way for users to escape from reality.

People create fake and unrealistic images of themselves by editing their photos to appear more desirable based on societal standards of beauty.

The portrayal of a fake reality of one’s life could feed into another person’s mental state and affect their mental health, confidence and self-esteem especially if they are already emotionally vulnerable.

People are now altering their lives and environment to suit a social media façade to appear cool, more desirable and attractive.

Social media could give false sense of hope if people are naïve. It could subconsciously make people feel like something is wrong with them and that they should be living this fantasy.

It could increase the probability of comparing one’s life to that of others which not only breeds envy but self-disappointment as well.

This sometimes leads to people living beyond their means or resorting to cosmetic procedures in order to imitate a fake reality.

Know the positive and negative effects of social media

Are you becoming a target or making yourself a target?

Social media could increase the chances of someone becoming a target when others become envious of the lifestyle they portray. They may be subject to slander or even physical acts.


Constantly refreshing feeds for likes, comments and shares make some people feel accepted and get some sort of gratification.

People are increasingly posting on social media for positive feedback and have become obsessed with getting followers, likes and shares.

People compare their likes and follows to that of others and may feel inadequate. Constantly feeling inadequate is a path to depression which if left unaddressed could result in suicide.

Use of social media for some is like a competition as people fight for likes and followers to feel good about themselves and to become a social influencer.

Obsession with social media and unhealthy use of social media platforms could affect one’s mental health especially if people are down, lonely and looking for comfort.


Imagine spending hours on social media, procrastinating and letting time wither away when you could do something constructive like furthering yourself mentally, learning a craft, exercising or working on a business plan. 

Wake up

Remember that things are filtered on social media but not in real life. Most of what you see is fake so CONTROL your urges. Try to set limits on the time spent on social media.

Do not fall for everything you see or read on social media. Do not grow in love with the perfect reality others show because you do not know what happens behind closed doors. One of the most dangerous aspects of a social media reality is a false sense of HAPPINESS.

Know how social media is affecting you because it can either affect your mental health or improve your life.

Stay true to you

Use social media to improve your mental wellbeing by building networks, connecting with others and sharing stories for mutual support.

Do not lose yourself trying to become what you are not. Do not think that your content is not good enough because you did not get many likes or shares.

Be present

Have you seen a group of people together but everyone was chatting with someone else on their phone or scrolling through social media? Have you been part of a group and did that?

Have you disrupted a conversation with someone or paid less attention to what was being said just to check your social accounts?

Well stop it! Be nice! Do better! Live in the moment and be present with everyone around you and not through a filter.

Missing out?

Ever saw a photo on social media and felt envious and like you wish you could have experienced being in the photo?

Ever felt excluded when you were not invited to a social event and saw photos that your friends posted? 

Let me know how social media has affected you or improved your life.

Thank you Samue for inspiring and assisting with this blog post!

Reems Sonson

Our Tropical Living

Come live and love island life

This is not a paid or sponsored blog post.

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