How to lose a man

Some say men stay if they want to and others say men stay if they are treated right. What are your thoughts?

Different men

Some men get women to do everything for them.

These women go above and beyond. They keep themselves behind and choose these men over everything and everyone.

How to lose a man

The best way to lose a man is to be clean, cook the best meals and care most about them.

Love them unconditionally and give them money occasionally to look good and take care of their needs.

Stay faithful and be drama free and caring.

Consider them in all that you do.

Cater to their needs and give them sex regularly and ensure that it is the best.

Give them their “me time” and always try your best to see things from their point of view.

Nurse them back to good health when they are sick and even help their relatives when the need arises.

Put your time and effort into them. Make plans and include them.

Show no interest in other men.

Ah ha

Sadly, some women do all these things in hopes of keeping a man and it chases him faster.

The man might say, “what do you do for me, you do nothing for me or I didn’t ask you to do all that.”

No shame

Women can be their best selves for men and these same men will move on with no remembrance of the goodness of that woman.

Some men do not know what love is. They take advantage of good women and think they will never leave.

The women must beg them for everything.

These same men, with ease and without being coerced, will do with someone else what the woman begged them for.

Practice patience but also practice when to let go…

Reems Sonson

Our Tropical Living

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