A day eying London… eye love London

What better to do than explore the city of London when you have a free day.

Walk around, enjoy the weather, scenery and local cuisine.

London is the capital of England and largest city in England and the United Kingdom.

London is full of history, architecture and iconic landmarks.

Walking the streets made me feel like I was in a movie, so many picture-perfect moments.

I love how the bright, beautiful flowers on the sidewalks brought back memories of my hometown.

London is costly compared to the other areas I visited.

Places to visit in London

River Thames

River Thames

River Thames flows through central London and is said to be the longest river in England.

Being on The River Thames is perfect to see some of London’s famous attractions such as London Bridge, Tower Bridge, Big Ben and The London Eye. 

Dine at a restaurant along the riverside, watch the speed boats, take a boat tour or an Uber and sightsee.

Standing on London Bridge with The Shard watching from behind me

London Bridge

London Bridge overlooks River Thames and offers exquisite views of the surrounding area.

London Bridge was crowded with lots of diverse cultures, people enjoying the view, taking pictures and speaking their different languages.

Tower Bridge

Tower Bridge

Tower Bridge

London Bridge and Tower Bridge are next to each other and are both easily accessible.

Tower Bridge has high level walkways, so you get a better view of the city.

Tower Bridge is more stunning than London Bridge plus it opens and closes to let tall boats pass through.

Moving into Tower of London

Tower of London

Explore beyond the ancient walls of this castle.

London Eye
View of London Eye from London Bridge
Eye love London
Oh yes

London Eye

You capture a 360-degree view of London as you look through the glass pods whilst on The London Eye.

Talk about a spectacular view of London from the top as you circle over River Thames.

Take a seat or stand and enjoy the slow 30-minute rotation.

Snap billion dollars’ worth photos as you capture the unobstructed, mesmerizing background at every angle.

I was bickering about the height and how scary entering the pod looked whilst in queue.

My relative pushed me in the pod since I was afraid of entering. I was flabbergasted.

Talk about needing a little push in life to get things done.

We would have missed our rotation and had to wait another 30 minutes along with everyone else on the line had it not been for that push.

Yea… I’m a scaredy cat!

Palace of Westminster (Houses of Parliament)

Houses of Parliament serves as a meeting place for the two houses of Parliament in the United Kingdom- House of Common and House of Lords.

I said “wow” when I saw the building because of the fancy structure. I thought it was made of gold.

Meet Big Ben

Big Ben (Elizabeth Tower)

Big Ben is a giant clock that rises above the Houses of Parliament.

It is hard to miss even from a distance.

Big Ben rings hourly.

Dining with a view
The Shard

The Shard

The Shard is the tallest building in the United Kingdom.

The view from the top of this skyscraper must be magnificent.

Muhammed Ali
New buddy
Sharing a joke
Space friends
Bob Marley loved it

Madame Tussauds

Get up close and personal with your favorite celebrities.

Be face to face with the most famous people. Hug them, confess your love or simply take a picture.

Sea Life

I felt like a child because I was thrilled to see so many sea creatures.

It felt like being in a glass submarine deep in the ocean.

London tip!

Don’t know where to go or what to do! Stick to Westminster, Central London next to River Thames and enjoy the famous sites.

This review is based on my subjective opinion.

Reems Sonson

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