Trim’s National Riding Stables

A ride to remember

My partner took me to Trim’s National Riding Stables on a beautiful Saturday afternoon for a one hour trail ride. He knew that horseback riding had been something I was longing to do.

I was extremely excited for his wonderful gesture. I told him that I wanted to dress like a professional horseback rider and he laughed away. Too bad I forgot to wear my leather boots on the day! Hmph!

Trim’s National Riding Stables is located in Cas En Bas, Gros Islet close to the Cas En Bas beach. Talk about the perfect location!


We were warmly greeted by the friendly staff who had anticipated our arrival as we had called in advance. After receiving a few pointers on ways to maintain control of the horse, safety measures and what to expect, we were all set and given helmets! We were allowed to stand on the red dots, climb the step stool and seat comfortably on the saddle!

My horse Becky

There were so many horses in the stable that I wondered if we would be paired with the ideal horse since we were first time riders. Boy was I wrong to wonder…

I was paired with the sweetest horse- Becky. I was thrilled but worried that I would fall, Becky fall over me and break my body parts or that she would throw me over. What a scary thought I thought as I replayed the scenarios in my head.

Becky was stubborn and wanted to eat grass the entire trip! She was quick and smart. Her body would move to the grass although I would have her head in the other direction.

Before I knew it she would swiftly swing her head towards the grass. My partner’s horse was well behaved all the way.

The guide had informed us that we were to try our best to prevent the horses from eating grass so I was on a mission but Becky was not complying!

I loved Becky because she moved at the right pace and I felt like we connected despite our “don’t eat the grass” confrontation the entire journey.

The best of nature

The weather was perfect and fitting for this outdoor activity. It was mostly cloudy. The dirt road was mostly moist since it rained on the previous day.

We passed through the rocky, paved and semi paved trails and even muddy puddles. What fun this was!

I am a nature lover. I enjoyed the beautiful view of the Cas En Bas community, the different flora and fauna, the view of the Atlantic Ocean from the hillside and the feel of the cool breeze on my skin.

Beach stop

We stopped on the Cas En Bas beach for a photoshoot and to enjoy the view. The guide was a perfect tour guide and gave us a little history on the rocket who saw on the beach.

Persons were seen dining at the nearby restaurant on the beach, some were kite and windsurfing and others enjoying the sand. The thrills of island living!

Horse surprises

When I saw the horses poop, I shouted, “that is huge!” I was flabbergasted. Oh my, watching the male horse urinate was even more alarming because of the large forceful nature of the urine.

What a surprise! On the way back the horses went slightly faster and the “gallops” echoed. I thought that by this time they would have been tired but only to find out that they were racing home to enjoy the grass that awaited.

Our guide

Our guide was funny, knowledgeable and knew lots of history about Cas En Bas and the horses. He stayed with us the entire time, ensured that we were comfortable and felt safe throughout the ride.

Reems the rider

I felt slight discomfort during the ride as my body is not used to being in such position. My body was extra stiff after the ride and my bam felt a bit sore.

Yes I think so too! I need to do some more home exercises!


The horses were well trained, well-groomed and very calm. They had no bad odour.  I had a fun and unique experience and felt like I was in a movie. I will definitely try horseback riding again and may be do a two hour ride to swim with the horses in water.


Call 17584508273 for more information on Trim’s National Riding Stables.

Reems Sonson

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