Reems Sonson fried ripe plantain fritters

Ripe plantain fritters serve as a delicious side to a meal! Ripe plantain fritters are easy to prepare and only a few ingredients are needed.

Okay so what is ripe plantain fritter?

Ripe plantain fritter is a fried batter mixed with ripe plantain, flour, sugar and spices.

You could serve ripe plantain fritters at any event. It is a sweet treat that the kids might just end up enjoying and it could be eaten anytime during the day.

Let me help you so you could never throw your spotted, soft and “not looking so good” ripe plantain again.

Prep time: 10 minutes      Fry time: 5 minutes         Total: 15 minutes


4 over ripped plantain

½ cup flour

¼ cup sugar

¼ cup oil

1 teaspoon nutmeg

1 tablespoon vanilla essence

½ teaspoon cinnamon powder or freshly grated cinnamon

¼ teaspoon nutmeg powder or freshly grated nutmeg


1/5 cup raisins



Gather all your ingredients.

Peel plantain, cut into small pieces and add to a bowl. Crush using a fork until creamy and smooth. You can also grate or add ripe plantain to a food processor.

Add plantain puree to a bowl then mix all ingredients to form a soft paste.

Add oil to pan and heat to 250 ﹾC.

Drop a tablespoon of the batter into the hot oil one at a time.

Fry until cooked and golden brown on either side.

Drain on paper towel to remove excess oil.


Yup it is that simply!

I used a food processor to crush the plantain
Mix all ingredients
Mixed evenly
Flip to cook well

Special note

The batter does not need to be dipped in flour before frying because the fritters will not stick to the pan. Just ensure that the oil is hot before adding the fritters.

Ripe plantain fritters could also be baked.

Add extra flour to get more fritters.

The fritters burn easily so monitor it closely whilst it fries.

Flatten batter in pan to ensure that it is fried properly.

Ripe plantain fritters taste similar to banana fritters but it is heavy so fills you quicker.

Ripe banana could be used as a substitute.

The riper the plantain the sweeter the fitters.

Breakfast is served!

I enjoyed the fried ripe plantain with scrambled eggs, carrot, white and purple cabbage with a dash of Italian seasoned croutons.

I sprinkled some salt and black pepper on the eggs. What a party in my tummy, I danced my breakfast away!


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For my love of preparing country meals and great joy of eating island treats!

Love making ripe plantain fritters then send me a picture on Instagram or Facebook. Hashtag #reemssonson #ourtropicalliving

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