Your jabal, a side piece

Call them the side chick or side man. They love their role, they do not care and they are ready to steal your partner and replace you.

Are you the other woman or other man? Is being with a side piece being in a real relationship?

A jabal as well as a side piece occurs when two consenting adults engage in a sexual relation without commitment whilst one or both are committed to other people.

Basically, it is someone that you are with other than your partner.

Having a side piece could be merely for sex, to have someone to converse with or someone to support you or you them in ways that you both desire.

If you are single, can you be a side piece to a partner who is already committed to someone else?


Some people get a thrill of secretly seeing their side piece. They have someone to do anything they want to with no attachments. It serves as someone of convenience.

They enjoy that there are no strings attached, no expectations and no desire to continue the relationship in the long run.

They do not mingle in each other’s daily lives and both go their separate ways after getting together.

Guilt free

Some people are fine with being the side piece and feel no guilt or remorse. They do whatever benefits them if they get what they want.

They prefer the excitement of being the side piece instead of being in a serious and committed relationship. They do not want to be a full-time partner.

They do not want the responsibility of cooking, cleaning, caring for a partner and being present all the time nor the hassle of living together.

They see each other at intervals, have hot sex and make the most of the time spent together.

The side piece accepts themselves as being second best.

Selfishness, self-centered or infatuation

Some people have a need for sexual gratification with no restraints so desire a side piece.

Some people are obsessed with being secretive with someone else and get a sense of adventure from looking over their shoulder and sneaking around.

They prefer leaving family activities to answer calls or have quick sex. Secret meetings, steamy texts and experiencing passion with someone else become a turn on.  

What happens when emotional intimacy occurs? Do you become attached to the side piece?

Competitor or partner snatcher

Sometimes the partner in the committed relationship does not want the side piece to see other people nor have sex with them. They do not want to have any competitor.

The side piece even when single must remain faithful to the partner although the partner is with someone else. They ultimately become jealous when the side piece goes on dates with other people.

Some people enjoy stealing someone else’s partner for a fling or long-term fulfillment. Many times, a side piece is with their partner for years and no one knows.

Some people prefer to compete with someone else to get a partner.

To some, people are more desirable when they are already in a relationship.

Common knowledge

Some side pieces explained that they both define what the relationship is and where it is headed.

They explain expectations, desires and set clear boundaries so no one could be misled or sidetracked.

They ensure they know they are the side piece and that one or both parties are in a relationship with someone else.

They expressed that they sometimes secretly date a side piece for years. Now, it is common practice for a side piece to be introduced to immediate loved ones and go on public outings.

Sometimes the main partner is aware of the side piece and is fine with the entanglement.

Let us discuss

What happens when the side piece wants you to leave your partner to be with them?

What if the side piece calls and texts you constantly or shows up to your house and workplace?

Will the side piece blackmail you or threaten to expose the relationship to your partner?

What do you do when the side piece sleeps around, leaves you abruptly or acts like they are your main partner?

What if the side piece leaves their partner to be with you and expects you to do the same?

What happens when either one of you fall in love with each other?

Reems Sonson

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