Tribute to our loss

Many of us have lost some of our close friends and family members. When death comes hitting on our door, it changes our outlook on life and sometimes makes us question why it happened to us. Death is inevitable and someday, it will hit your home if you have not experienced it. Death of a loved one is something you may expect and prepare for especially if your loved one is sick but it still hurts to say goodbye and let go.

Forever change

Life changes when you lose someone you love. You either become bitter, hate the world, be more appreciative or try to live life better. You go back to the past, wonder how you could have treated that person better and what you would do differently had they been here. As time goes by, the pain of the loss becomes less overwhelming and you learn to cope with the person’s absence.

There is no set time to overcome the emotions you have when you lose someone close to you. It may take days, months, years or never for someone to fully recover from a loss. Some people suppress their emotions, some try to forget, some act like the loss loved one is still there and others carry the burden every day.

Soon it will be two years since I lost my mom and I still feel scarred. I feel an emptiness deep within me and I go from happy to sad quickly. Some days I feel like there is a dark cloud over me because I miss my mom so much. Most days I cannot believe that she died so quickly but I have accepted that she is no longer with me physically. Having fond memories, watching her pictures and hearing stories about her keep me going. It is true that good people die first.

It is okay

It is okay to take as much time as you need to deal with a loss. It is okay to cry and remember the person. It is okay to do whatever you feel is best to get you back to a healthy state of mind. Ensure that you are not hurting yourself or anyone in the process as you try to rediscover life without your loved one.


Last year into this year have been terrible for many families. The Grim Reaper seems to be visiting more families than usual and taking mostly the young and good people. Now it is the norm to see “SIP, RIP or gone too soon” circulating on social media. It is more a matter of who is next than how comes.


A special tribute to everyone who have passed away. To all the relatives who are still uncertain about whether a loved one did die and have been unable to do a proper burial, I sympathize with you.

To our deceased loved ones, you are gone but your spirit lives on. You are not forgotten and we would do anything we could to keep you here with us. We love you and we are grateful to have known you and spend time with you. Continue to rest well.

Celebrate us now and share our photos now and not when we are dead. Let us break tradition! Stop sharing photos of people who had horrific deaths. Empathize with the family. Stop sharing photos of people when they die especially if you did not know them, had no relation with them, were not speaking to them and disliked them. Be considerate.

Have you lost a loved one? What do you want to say to them?

Send this blog post to someone who is grieving and type SIP in the comments section.

Reems Sonson

Come live and love island life

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