Dangers of dating a Lucian woman

Lucian women are well known for their round behinds, sexy curves, ability to give a good “whine” on the dancefloor, beautiful skin, sweet personality, thrill and love for parties and adventure. Some Lucian women are highly educated, exceptional cooks and brilliant in bed. Read more https://ourtropicalliving.com/top-reasons-to-date-a-lucian-woman/

But, Lucian women can be very toxic and some do not appreciate good men and do not know how to treat men right.

Disadvantages of dating a Lucian woman

Some Lucian women are very promiscuous, flirtatious and have wondering eyes.

Some Lucian women love money, are very materialistic and want a man who can afford and take care of their every need. Some of these women will use you by whatever means necessary and do whatever it takes to get money from you. It can be to “make bucket” for chicken barks, for one Piton, to sponsor an event or for one outfit as my mom would say.  

Ah the biggest one! Some Lucian women will cheat on you and you will never ever ever know. They will not tell a soul about that unfaithful time! The women can be as sly as a fox so the possibility of getting a gros pwel is much higher when dating a Lucian woman. How many gros pwel have you had?

As you know, some Lucian women will give you boutins and never tell you plus you might never know that the child is not yours until a DNA test is done.

Some Lucian women love to be the jabal and do not want a man of their own. They love to share and do not want the full responsibility of having a man.

Some Lucian women have many “male friends!” Some of the male friends are on standby to call after you slip up or the relationship is over. It is almost as if the male friends are on a line to be with them although they say they are just friends.

Other women will be friends with a man, have sex with them, bring them to your home and you will never know. Surprisingly, sometimes the person they sleep with might be the person coming to your home the most, your friend, acquaintance, best friend and even family member. These women will deny the cheating until you have proof.

Women a part from sex, what do you bring to the table?

Some Lucian women are always too tired to have sex but are not too tired to do “daggering” with other men. These women are of course never too tired to clean, watch television or do something more meaningful to them at the time. Yup, some Lucian women fake orgasms and bad talk the size of your penis with their friends.

Some Lucian women want a new outfit, shoes, bag, hair and nails for each occasion that they most times want a man to sponsor. The latest thing is spending money on markup, photoshoots, renting a place for an event and customized t-shirts for every celebration.

Some Lucian women are liars and play the victim game. They make everything be about them, act like the world revolves around them, blame men for everything and even their wrong doings and bad behavior.

Some Lucian women like roro, do not want peace in the relationship but drama always. They cannot see things be nice and dandy.  

Some Lucian women call men soft when they are emotional and a detective when they are concerned. Mind you, the men are only a detective when the women have something to hide and are up to no good.

Some Lucian women deliberately have disagreements with men just to start a roro to do something they would not be able to do had they been on good terms with their partner. Just to say, “we were not talking.” Other women may look for trouble to spice up the relationship and bedroom because they are in need of some good sex and “freaky make up sex.”

My my, some Lucian women always try to get their way out of trouble so you will not argue with them especially if it is one they caused and it got too hot for them to handle.

Dem say man a wicked but woman a…

Some Lucian women will date you, know you have your family and expect you to divorce your wife and break up your family just to be with them. Some of these women will intentionally and maliciously get pregnant and trick you into believing that they are on contraceptives especially if you have plenty material things to offer.

Imagine that some of the Lucian women think all your female friends want you. They are even suspicious of your own family and others are secretly eyeing other women because they feel like they have competition.

Some Lucian women are not supportive. They know their men are ambitious, think ahead, struggle and work hard tirelessly just to provide for the family yet they complain. They say they feel neglected and like the man loves money more than the family.

These women might cheat and leave instead of seeing the bigger picture. The man’s hard work is just for a while, it will pay off, success will come and the man will be able to feed the family for generations.

Most times the men are working that hard just to maintain the family oui and would not have to work so hard if they did not have them in the first place. Women bear patience and be thankful for your hardworking man. Help him with the hard work too!


Some Lucian women love to give silent treatment and hold grudges for things the other partner is not even aware of. A classic one is to say nothing is wrong and nothing at all when everything is wrong. Some of these women can spend months in the house and not speak to you.

Whilst it is true that some Lucian women are indiscreet, spoilt, jealous, love attention, want all your time, feel entitled and feel neglected quickly others are not.

Most commonly, some Lucian women love to party. Most of their free time is spent at a bar, places with music and food, on a boat ride or festive events.

The reality is dating and relationships are a gamble. Remember that the outcome of a relationship is unpredictable despite your purest intentions and that both men and women can be toxic!

Reems Sonson


Come live and love island life

This is not a paid or sponsored blog post but based on common discussions, my knowledge, experiences and encounters. This blog post may or may not apply to some or all Lucian women.

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Top reasons to date a Lucian woman

Lucian women can be the sweetest people you ever come across. They can be caring, loving, supportive and give a helping hand whenever necessary. Finding the right woman can be challenging but here are some of the basic qualities in a Lucian woman.

Dating a Lucian woman depends on what type of relationship you want. Please! When you are interested and start talking to a Lucian woman, make your intentions clear and be known and say exactly what you expect from the woman.

Women cannot read your mind so do not be childish, play them or make them believe that they are in a relationship with you and that is far from what is and what you want.

Men-if you want a fling, someone to hang out with, have causal sex with no strings attached, want a committed relationship or a friendship or want to settle down, have children and get married then LET LUCIAN WOMEN KNOW.

Top reasons dating a Lucian woman might benefit you

1-Some Lucian women are driven, go-getters, goal diggers, well educated, confident, independent, have a good job and have good finances. Some of these women come well equipped- have their own home, vehicle and are basically “move in ready” for men. Other Lucian women are self-reliant, industrious and love to work for their own money but do not mind getting some money from you as well but will not make it mandatory.

2- Some Lucian women are good in bed, will give you a good “grind” and meet all your sexual desires. If you are helpful and beneficial to these women, pay attention to them and they connect with you on a deep emotional level, oh my! The sex will make your digits curl, your body get hot yet shivery and have you feeling like you are in “heaven.” It will have you going back for more.

3-Some Lucian women want time, attention, loyalty and someone who is caring and there for them. With these women, it is not about “the Benjamins.” It is just you and them against the world. Some of these women can be sensitive so spend as much time as you can with them because they are really good women.

4-The probability of getting cheated on or dumped is very high when dating a Lucian woman. Some Lucian women do not tolerate nonsense and if they do, then they are just playing along. This is beneficial to you because it will ensure that you take her serious and “behave yourself.”

5-Some Lucian women want stability, a good quality life, settle down and want to see your effort. These women make good wives and mothers. Some of these women are very compassionate and forgiving. Even when they get hurt, they will forgive quickly and move on after amends.

6-Some Lucian women love to clean, cook and make the house and family look presentable. Some of these women are easy to get along with plus you will get a hot, home cooked meal and clean house.

7-Some Lucian women love tough men and tough love. They want someone who could challenge them, put them straight, tell them how it is, be rough with them sometimes and “deal with them accordingly.” Sometimes you have to show these women your ghetto side.

8-Some Lucian women are classy, good looking, well-dressed and always want to look “sexy.” Some of these women are always flashy and in style, wear matching outfits and look like they were meant to be in a catalogue.

9- Some Lucian women are fun, adventurous, love to have a good time and love to show a good time.  Some of these women if not most, love family time, get togethers and being around loved ones.

There you go! Some Lucian women can be the best match so know how to treat these Lucian women right. Know the woman’s intention before you begin a relationship and how she plans to use you or incorporate you into her life before you get hurt and categorize women as all the same.

Question? What qualities are you looking for in an ideal Lucian woman? Which qualities do you want that are hardest to find in a Lucian woman?

Reems Sonson


Come live and love island life

This is not a paid or sponsored blog post but based on discussions with others and my knowledge, experiences and encounters. This blog post may or may not apply to some or all Lucian women.

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