Purpose or pleasure driven- picking a partner

Have you ever picked a partner based on purpose or based on pleasure?

We can be compatible and have a connection with many people and not be on the same page as them nor be moving in the same direction as them.

Purpose or pleasure focused

Pleasure wears off overtime especially during challenging times such as through financial difficulties, sickness and disabilities and other major life changes.

Sometimes we date without thinking of the purpose of dating, what we are going to do, our goals and what we want to accomplish with the person we are dating.

We do not date someone who complements our lifestyle and life goals.

We do not date for a purpose but date for a pleasure partner to go out, have sex and travel.

What happens when we want more or get tired of the same thing and the person is not or wants nothing more.

We can have someone who is purpose driven plus pleasure driven.

Pull or push

Imagine if we paddle in the same direction. We would maintain balance and move forward to get to our destination.

What do you think happens when you paddle in different directions? Apply this to dating…

If we have no purpose in life, we will be dragged along with someone else’s purpose.

Know it

Know what we want out of a relationship!

Life is too short to settle for mediocre and live with regret.

Build an intentional partnership.

Sometimes we outgrow people who are stuck, play it safe and continuously move in the same path and lack direction. 

We stay far too long in relationships that drain us.

We tolerate the “not so good behavior” of others and remain silent to keep the outer peace but our inner peace remains in turmoil.

We then spend the rest of our days being bitter, unhappy, casting blame on others and being jealous of other’s relationships.

What will happen if you live day by day for the next 70 years with no purpose or vision or a plan as to your next move?

Reems Sonson

Our Tropical Living

Come live and love island life

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