Eight reasons why countryside living is good for you

Country living tend to offer more land space for children to play and to rear animals and plant trees. Do not forget the fresh air and a daily supply of fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs.

The day time beauty of country living is seen with the green plantations and wavy mountains.

A clear night is like sweet romance and offers a sense of joy, freedom and peace of mind as you can gaze at the stars and the moon all night long.

If you love noise then you will appreciate night time in the country! It can get pretty noisy when the crickets sing their song.

Country living is ideal for me as it gives me a sense of purpose with my living environment. I am proud to be from the countryside and I enjoy the simple life that it permits.

1.Fresh supply of fruits and vegetables

Country living provides an opportunity to engage in backyard gardening. Yes, you get to have your own supply of nutritious, local, organic and fresh produce. Have excess produce? Why not share with your neighbour or even sell the balance?

If you do not have a backyard garden then you might just be lucky and get produce from neighbours or friends. Plus, farmers selling produce are generally close by!

Country life is “hardly without” because a fruit is always in season. Well country living helps you eat healthier, right?

You could use the seasonal fruits to eat or make juice and jam. You could dry the fruits and also make juice concentrate. It is a win win win.

Watch video to learn how to make seasonal fruit jam! So delicious…

2.Rear livestock and have pets

Country living makes it easier to raise pets and livestock. You could rear chickens, pigs, goats, ducks, rabbits and even cows depending on the size of your property and whether you have access to a nearby pasture. This could be a really cool and fun hobby yet give you a steady supply of fresh meat.

Pets too! You could have as many cats as you like when you live in the country. Why not get a dog?

Ensure you have proper fencing to prevent your pets from being a nuisance to others.

3.Fresh air

I love going to the balcony just to enjoy the fresh air. The abundance of trees and grass make the place cooler, smell nicer and make you breathe better.


Paradise happens the minute I look through the window or open the door. Perfect greenery and scenery. The countryside is filled with flowers, plants and evergreen trees and rolling mountains. Birds are everywhere and most days the opossum pays a visit. Seeing various wildlife is granted.

5.Peaceful and slower pace

If you do not have noisy neighbours who love playing music or shouting all day long then you will get a peace haven whilst living in the country. You will mostly hear the birds chirp, rustling leaves and the trees as they sway with the wind.

6.Outdoor adventure

There are many things to do outdoors when in the countryside. River limes, beach vibes, waterfall bath, hikes, climbing trees and going on fun adventures. You will not run out of adventurous activities.

7.Cheaper rent

Housing in the countryside is much cheaper than in the city. Plus you get a bigger space for the money!


People living in the country know each other really well. This provides a sense of community as others can relate with each other and have their own traditions. The close community ties will not leave you feeling lonely.

Believe it!

Country living is sustainable and cost effective and could help you save money. If you want to pick up a farm hobby then you could save on purchasing fruits, vegetables and even meat.

Do you love the countryside? Leave a comment and tell me why.

Reems Sonson

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