Brazilian wax…my experience

Shaving is easier on the purse but often causes hyperpigmentation! That is why I decided to get a Brazilian wax for the first time!

A friend once mentioned her wax experience at Touch Tranquility Luxury Spa, so I book an appointment there! I wanted a Brazilian wax for sensitive skin!

I have heard many stories of how painful a wax can be. I read up on “what to expect when going for a wax” days before my appointment. I was afraid that I would have a painful experience and reading got me even more anxious.

The night before the appointment I had many regrets and wanted to cancel. Whilst walking to the spa on the set date, I kept thinking, “there’s no turning back now!”

Touch Tranquility Luxury Spa

My cousin -Merlia and I were warmly greeted and escorted to the wax room. I tried to act normal when I got to the wax room because I did not want to seem freaked out.

My waxing specialist -Tessa was friendly, comforting and reassuring. She asked that I removed everything from the waist down and lie on the clean bed with sheets and paper over.

It seemed like a gynecological visit since I had to remove my panty. Like duh! What did I expect?  

I felt awkward and it was a bit uncomfortable having an unfamiliar person see my private part.

I had built-in anticipation. I wondered whether I would scream, cry or jerk so hard that I would hit Tessa.

First time Brazilian wax

Talcum powder was added to my Mons pubis to soothe the area and serve as a protective coating. The melted wax was then applied to my body with use of a tongue depressor.

A strip was placed on the cool wax and from there, I closed my eyes! The pulling of the hairs had begun!

The first couple of pulls surrounding the labia were painful enough for me to say, “ah!” I had anticipated pain, so the pain began even before I heard the ripping sound. The power of the mind!

Tessa sensed my anxiety and told me relax a couple of times.

The pulls gradually went from pain to discomfort. My entire body perspired throughout the procedure because that was my first time experiencing such peculiar sensation.

Yes! As you could imagine, my eyes were watery throughout!

The butt hole!

Interestingly, you can go on your belly/prone and open your butt cheeks so around your “butt hole” can be waxed. What an experience! I felt uneasy with having to open my buttocks for a stranger but after all, I asked for a Brazilian wax.

A Brazilian wax involves removing all the hair in the pubic area! That includes the hair on the Mons pubis, sides, below and everything in between and even hair on the butt too.

Getting my butt waxed was much more bearable and it only felt like a pinch.

After care

Vitamin E oil was added to the waxed areas to smoothen the areas, limit irritation and serve as an exfoliant.

Be prepared!

You might be asked to hold your labia during the wax!

You might bleed slightly following the pulls.

Quick wax

I also waxed my armpits and facial hairs, so the session took about 20 minutes. Plus, Tessa stopped at intervals to explain the procedure, shaving, body sculpturing, dos and don’ts before and after waxing and home care after waxing. She explained everything about waxing since it had been my first time.

Post Brazilian wax

My private region was slightly sensitive after the procedure, but it was nothing I could not tolerate. I had slight redness and swelling the day after the Brazilian wax and my Mons pubis looked like a hairless chicken.

Down there feels soft, nice, light and smooth days later. I look forward to the next session to be more relaxed and have an easier experience.

Overall, I am satisfied with the experience, and I am glad that I went to a professional.

Remember that we all have different pain thresholds. Waxing is not as painful as I read but it can be very uncomfortable, but it might differ for you.

Prepare yourself mentality and your Brazilian wax experience should be awesome.

Thank you for reading! Remember to share and leave a comment. Ever had a wax? How was the experience?

Reems Sonson

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