My pet dog Brave

When Cenia posted she needed a home for a puppy, I found myself drawn to the idea of raising a puppy.

I headed to the city to get the puppy and he was friendly upon first contact. He looked so innocent. Cenia placed him in a box for our 30-minute journey home.

He made some funny sounds along the way. We stopped along the roadside and placed him out the box thinking he wanted to poop.

He sniffed around and seemed to have no problem. We placed him back in the box and headed home.


New environment

I was excited to be a “dog’s mom.” I named him Brave when we got home but called him Bravy Gravy and Brave cockolock.

Brave did not want to stay on his bed in the balcony on night one. He howled the entire night.

In the wee hours of the morning, I let him in and within five minutes, he pooped on the floor.

I thought, “you will stay outside from now on!”

Innocent Bravy

New member of the family

Relatives called for an introduction. They were all eager to see Brave.

He felt like my little human and he really was the newest addition to the family.

My relatives and friends constantly asked about him and even video called to see him.

My cousin- Luvisker gave him two big teddy bears to play with and my friend- Hyginette got him plenty of toys.

Brave and cousin Luvisker


Brave was perfect in my eyes. He was so adorable.

I loved his fur and brown eyes. Sometimes, he stared me in the eyes.

I gazed at him all day and carried him around like a baby.

My relatives could not believe that I got him a toothbrush to brush his teeth.

I got the vet to give him all his shots and I was thrilled that he had a health card.

Mr. Adorable


I felt sad leaving him home and thought about him throughout the day when I was not around.

I could not wait to get home to him. Brave would race to meet me when he saw me approaching in the distance.

He would jump on me, bite my clothes and show me love.

Brave grew nicely. He remained short and fat. The vet called him a sausage dog.

Fatty boom boom


Brave was gentle as a puppy. He did not play with any of his toys except for when I touched them.

However, he loved destroying my things instead. Brave would dig the dirt in the yard and dig the flowerpots and bite the flowers.

He chewed on the tablecloth in the balcony, threw and broke the ornaments on the table and then slept on the table.

He enjoyed damaging all my outdoor plants and chewing on my shoes.

Telling Brave no was telling him yes. He did not listen.

He made a cute face when he did something naughty and would watch me in the corner of his eyes.

He would pee himself whenever I shouted his name. Talk about feeling guilty!

Hmm…that face

No more pets please

I got a kitten and Brave made its life miserable.

The kitten left within three days and never returned because of Brave’s torture.

Bravy would watch television and bark when he heard a baby cry.

He howled at the sound of gunshots and watched the television oddly with any loud sound especially when he heard another dog bark.


When my nieces or godson came over, Bravy wanted to stay on the couch with them.

You could see that my mom was not alive because Brave would not go on her couch or stay in her house had she been here.

Brave would chase the kids until they left. Brave was always excited to have visitors over.

He would bark at the visitors and playfully bite their feet until they left.

After a while, Brave was so troublesome that I had to keep him on the leash whenever someone came over.

He went from being a gentle to rough player.

He did not know how to act nor control himself. Too much excitement I would say!

My big boy

I watched Brave go through doghood and I was proud of him and how much he had turned into a cute, loving and friendly dog.

Brave and I developed a unique bond.

I loved him as my own so much so I would say, “if I love an animal like this far less for when I finally have my own child.”

My big boy

Animals and humans

Humans do build inseparable bonds with animals. Animals are loving and caring and make good companions.

I am learning that pets are more like members of the family and should be treated as such.

Chill day with Brave

Reems Sonson

Our Tropical Living

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