Blue and yellow, black and white. She is independently beautiful

Liberty at last!

Saint Lucia was discovered on 13th December, 1502, what is now called National Day and a public holiday but it is not Independence Day. Saint Lucia attained Independence on 22nd February, 1979.

Each Independence anniversary signifies when Saint Lucia gained Independence under Sir John Compton of the conservative United Workers Party. This sweet island of Saint Lucia is celebrating 41 years of handling its ‘own affairs since it is celebrating 41years of Independence.

Sir John Compton pursued Independence in the early 1970s to get political Independence from Britain and to be an independent state of the Commonwealth of Nations.

Enjoying the independence decorations at Waterfront, Castries


As with all change in life, some individuals were skeptical about having Politicians take total control over the island. This caused great discussion on the matter which warranted a political debate on the meaning of sovereignty.

Sir John Compton saw ownership over Saint Lucia under Britain’s control as a barrier to the nation’s economic development.

Being controlled by another state limited the country’s ability to partake in international economic agreements and join international organizations such as the World Bank.

This would only reduce grants from other states other than Britain and retard the country’s development so yes Sir John Compton had to take action.

National Flag at Waterfront, Castries

Distinct Flag

The flag of Saint Lucia was adopted in 1967 and designed by Saint Lucian artist Dunstan St Omer. Changes have been made to the flag over the years but the original design still stands.

Blue and Yellow, Black and White

The cerulean blue part of the flag of Saint Lucia represents fidelity, the tropical sky and the surrounding Caribbean sea and the Atlantic Ocean. The gold commonly called yellow depicts the sunshine and prosperity.

The black and white part of the flag links the cultural influence and shows the harmony between the white and black race on the island as they work and live in unity.

There are three triangles in the center of the flag. One shaped as an isosceles  triangle coupled with the island’s twin Pitons as they rise from the sea towards the sky to signify a symbol of hope and aspiration of the people.


Some would suggest that Independence helped locals take over the country since before Independence everything had to be done under Britain’s supervision.

Saint Lucia now has freedom to be its self, rule on its own, manage its internal affairs and make its own decisions.  

The reduced foreign control means that locals have better control of local commodities to help preserve scarce resources.

Independence Activities

Calendar of Events for 41st Independence Celebration

There are various activities happening for Independence so you will be able to partake in one if not all.

A Calendar of Events was published to show the activities that will be celebrated for the 41st Independence anniversary.

A theme is selected yearly for Independence and “Now is the Time, Let’s Do This Together!” has been selected to call on Saint Lucians to action.


Independence celebration commences at the beginning of February with numerous activities.

Diverse activities occur island wide all centering around Independence however the main activities are based in the island’s capital, Castries.

This is a time of patriotic songs, discussions, displays, dances, public speeches, art work and going back to history.

Independence decorations at the Ministry of Tourism
Unique Independence display outside the Francis Compton Building, Waterfront, Castries

Let me not forget!

Saint Lucia is thankful to its Independence baby named Helen Alexandra Jean. Happy 41st Helen. 

Trust me…it’s a must see

With the thrill of the celebratory season individuals typically wear the colours of the National Flag throughout the month of February.

The eve of Independence 21st February is seen as “National Colours Day” where everyone is encouraged to wear the colours of the National Flag to show national pride.

Vehicles are seen throughout the island with the National Flag strapped on windows and even neatly fitted on the bonnet.

Business places, schools and especially the city are dressed in the colours of the National Flag to show appreciation for the day.

Talent comes to light as craft makers creatively display their skills with fine art and Independence accessories.

In the mist of the Independence Celebration in the City
Decorated Heraldine Rock Building, Waterfront, Castries
Even the stones near the Castries Market are painted in the colours of the National Flag

Limitless fun opportunities

Be patriotic and decide on the many activities to attend. Either way you will surely have fun with the endless options.

Worship at the Independence Gospel Concert, sing and dance along at the calypso activities or the Miss or Mister Independence Pageant.

Decide to partake in the Independence Walk, Independence Color Run or school rallies.

Better yet be an onlooker in the Military Parade, Saint Lucia Motor Sports Club Independence Island Ride or Super Moto event.

The option of watching the Independence Youth Debate or Independence Creole Debate is also available.

There are also Independence cookouts and Independence displays at various business places.

Make yourself present for these activities and witness how Saint Lucia comes alive to celebrate its freedom and anniversary.

Round de island trip about to commence
Bike stunts in the City
Stunts at Old Run Way, Vieux Fort
The City comes alive for Super Moto

Independence Day

At midnight the flag is hoisted so face the flag and stand at attention if you attend the ceremony. There is then an abundance of fireworks. Pick a decent spot, listen to the pops and admire the fireworks that make the sky shine with brightness.

Many Saint Lucians and foreigners alike go on a “round de island” trip to celebrate the island’s anniversary.

This public holiday is marked with many onlookers around the island as they settle by the road side or sit in their balconies patiently awaiting the hundreds of “bikers” as they pass and perform stunts.

Onlookers can be spotted wearing the colours of the National Flag and also waving the National Flag in approval of the activity.

The Military Parade occurs in the city which also attracts a large crowd. The parade is extremely colourful and explains the history of Saint Lucia with each display.

Since the parade is fun and amazing, families gather to enjoy the event positioning themselves along the parade route with their coolers filled with drinks.

Lots of shouting and screaming with excitement as the parade goes on. I enjoyed watching some of the Police Officers from the Band dance along to the music as they paraded.

Fireworks view from The Morne, Castries

Firsthand view of the Military Parade

Last stop!

Stop at Falco’s Place in Ricfond, Dennery to enjoy the music, crowd, drinks and food. Look out for the bikers and cars as they perform stunts.

Falco’s Place, Richfond, Dennery
Remember to wear your helmet and protective gear

Other memorable Independence activities

Some individuals learn about the history of Saint Lucia, how Saint Lucia gained Independence and read patriotic books to broaden their knowledge on Independence day.

Others go to the beach, have a barbeque or simply go on a boat ride with family and friends.

Since it is a public holiday, many families have family gatherings where they bake cake and enjoy homecooked meals.

Some individuals watch the Independence activities on social media and listen to the Official Address from the Prime Minister.

Our Sweet Helen

Saint Lucia has faced some success and failures but it continues to prosper as it goes along the journey of self-care and independence. Together we Saint Lucians make up our country, let us continue to serve and be of service to our nation. Let us continue to learn from our teachers so that we can continue to bear noble laureates and individuals with prestigious skills and talents. We will always go back to the past and embrace where we have gotten and look forward to a brighter future. But, let us continue to give back to our country and help others. As we welcome other cultures let us never forget, undermine or underuse our unique tradition and culture.

What does Independence mean for Saint Lucians?

Independence empowers us Saint Lucians to thrive, survive and use our maximum potential to the betterment of our country. Independence is a time to reflect on what has happened in the country.

Each Independence anniversary enables the country to perform a needs assessment to develop an appropriate plan of action for further improvement.

This helps ensure a brighter future as the country moves forward and steps foot into another anniversary.


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This blog post is not paid nor sponsored but done out of love for one’s country.