Animal Flower Cave

My cousin- Anniscia and I took a 30-minute bus ride from Speightstown to Saint Lucy, Barbados to visit Animal Flower Cave.

The bus dropped us off on the main road and we followed the signs to Animal Flower Cave.

We could have seen the sea from the distance. It was a sunny day so the rays from the sun blazed the ocean.

Generations of sheep

Animal Flower Cave

The big rocks at the top of the cliff caught my attention. It reminded me of back home.

I was awestruck when I saw the large opening quickly expelled water as the waves crashed the rocks.

I felt the cool water hit my skin. What an experience!

Blow hole
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Above ground

Animal Flower Cave is a tourist attraction located in the northern part of the island.

If you do not want to visit the cave, then you can remain above ground and enjoy the view.

Dine at the restaurant and bar or purchase crafts from the shop or vendors.

You can have a picnic in the park and take some million-dollar photos.

Animal Flower Cave
Being Reems
Follow the arrows

Want a cave excursion? Pay $40 BBD per person, join the group and follow the tour guide.

Smooth rocks

Below ground

I was excited to go through the hole as I went down the stairs leading to the cave.

Light radiated the cave through the opening looking out to the sea.

It seemed like I was watching the sea and sky through a window.

As I walked on the floral floor, I marveled at the beauty of the cave and the sea creatures in the transparent water.

The colorful sea anemone would retract their tentacles on contact with a foreign object.

The flower would then slowly come out of the stalk.

The tour guide explained that the cave got its name from the sea anemones found in the pools of the cave.

Inside the cave

Natural rock pools

Walk with your swim wear, go in the natural pool and watch the sea and the sky through the window.

I did not walk with my bathing suit, so I sat on the rocks and played with the smooth stones.

Crystal clear

Be careful!

The tour guide advised those in the pool to refrain from going too close to the edge of the cliff because of the waves.

A huge wave did crash on the rocks and went directly in the pool.

The wave covered those close to the cliff and took everything in its path as it forcefully went out of the cave.

It was exciting for them because they shouted and laughed as they held on to the rocks.

As I watched, I prayed for safety yet wondered whether I would have had to put my nursing skills into action.


The stairs leading to the cave are steep. It is not ideal for people with mobility issues.

Some rocks are loose and unstable.

Great balance and grip are needed to walk on the floral floor as it can be wet and slippery.

The cave becomes inaccessible at times, depending on the waves.

The tour guide explained that the cave remains closed during high tide because the water level gets as high as the stairway and the entrance leading to the cave.


Definitely worth a visit!

Overall, it was an exciting but scary experience.

Call me “scaredy cat” but I wondered if I would fall over the cliff whilst above ground or get sucked in by a big wave whilst in the cave.

We did it!

Thank you cousin Nissy for such a spectacular day!

Reems Sonson

Our Tropical Living

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