Social media and mental health

Are you spending an exorbitant amount of time checking Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook or other social media platforms for updates and photos or to see whether you received new likes, comments and shares?

Have you posted to receive likes and comments and felt disappointed when you did not get the outcome that you expected?

Ever used social media to share your sad stories to get attention and emotional encouragement?

Social media use

Social media is the use of the internet to interact with people and to receive and share information. Social media has connected many long lost friends and helped people rekindle old love.

Social media continues to serve as a way for users to openly and freely express themselves. It is a platform for users to advertise themselves, their businesses, their ideas and also an avenue to seek financial and social assistance.

Social media could expose people to support groups that give a sense of belonging which sometimes is not attained offline. Additionally, social media could be used to stay abreast with new events and opportunities.

Social media could improve one’s mental health however depending on usage, could also harm it.

For the love of social media

Advancement in technology has made social media platforms more readily accessible. These advancements coupled with the engagement strategies used by the platforms have caused some users to become addicted. Some of us live for social media and use it to document every aspect of our life.

Some want everyone to know what is happening in their life. Some behave like if it was not posted it did not happen and are unable to spend a day without posting or going through their feed.

Texting and long conversations on a flip phone are now face time and social media surfs on a smartphone

Harms of social media

Social media could be image focused which causes unrealistic body image expectations and feelings of inadequacy for some users. This flares up anxiety and has a detrimental effect on the mental health of users, especially individuals who are already battling emotional and self-esteem issues.

Real or fake

Social media is a way for users to escape from reality.

People create fake and unrealistic images of themselves by editing their photos to appear more desirable based on societal standards of beauty.

The portrayal of a fake reality of one’s life could feed into another person’s mental state and affect their mental health, confidence and self-esteem especially if they are already emotionally vulnerable.

People are now altering their lives and environment to suit a social media façade to appear cool, more desirable and attractive.

Social media could give false sense of hope if people are naïve. It could subconsciously make people feel like something is wrong with them and that they should be living this fantasy.

It could increase the probability of comparing one’s life to that of others which not only breeds envy but self-disappointment as well.

This sometimes leads to people living beyond their means or resorting to cosmetic procedures in order to imitate a fake reality.

Know the positive and negative effects of social media

Are you becoming a target or making yourself a target?

Social media could increase the chances of someone becoming a target when others become envious of the lifestyle they portray. They may be subject to slander or even physical acts.


Constantly refreshing feeds for likes, comments and shares make some people feel accepted and get some sort of gratification.

People are increasingly posting on social media for positive feedback and have become obsessed with getting followers, likes and shares.

People compare their likes and follows to that of others and may feel inadequate. Constantly feeling inadequate is a path to depression which if left unaddressed could result in suicide.

Use of social media for some is like a competition as people fight for likes and followers to feel good about themselves and to become a social influencer.

Obsession with social media and unhealthy use of social media platforms could affect one’s mental health especially if people are down, lonely and looking for comfort.


Imagine spending hours on social media, procrastinating and letting time wither away when you could do something constructive like furthering yourself mentally, learning a craft, exercising or working on a business plan. 

Wake up

Remember that things are filtered on social media but not in real life. Most of what you see is fake so CONTROL your urges. Try to set limits on the time spent on social media.

Do not fall for everything you see or read on social media. Do not grow in love with the perfect reality others show because you do not know what happens behind closed doors. One of the most dangerous aspects of a social media reality is a false sense of HAPPINESS.

Know how social media is affecting you because it can either affect your mental health or improve your life.

Stay true to you

Use social media to improve your mental wellbeing by building networks, connecting with others and sharing stories for mutual support.

Do not lose yourself trying to become what you are not. Do not think that your content is not good enough because you did not get many likes or shares.

Be present

Have you seen a group of people together but everyone was chatting with someone else on their phone or scrolling through social media? Have you been part of a group and did that?

Have you disrupted a conversation with someone or paid less attention to what was being said just to check your social accounts?

Well stop it! Be nice! Do better! Live in the moment and be present with everyone around you and not through a filter.

Missing out?

Ever saw a photo on social media and felt envious and like you wish you could have experienced being in the photo?

Ever felt excluded when you were not invited to a social event and saw photos that your friends posted? 

Let me know how social media has affected you or improved your life.

Thank you Samue for inspiring and assisting with this blog post!

Reems Sonson

Our Tropical Living

Come live and love island life

This is not a paid or sponsored blog post.

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4 thoughts on “Social media and mental health”

  1. Great job covering the pros and cons of social media, as well ss encouraging others to remain true to themselves.

  2. That topic is on point, too many times I’ve come across comments that after reading it makes you wonder where is the Humanity “….. The name calling then it’s the innocent kids being part of it and the list goes on

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