Promotion denied

Ever wondered why certain persons you feel did not deserve a promotion actually got promoted?

Expectations versus reality

After a few years of working in an organization or after furthering your degree you expect a promotion, right? Doesn’t it seem fair?

Does that apply to most things in life?

Sometimes you do something with the hopes of achieving something greater but what you expect and deserve might not necessarily be what you get.

That is okay! It will work to benefit you.

Hold on and pwen chair

Employee of the year

Sometimes you are the hardest worker, you do not call in sick, are hardly ever late, and do not take breaks. You accomplish all your tasks, show up whenever called, go above and beyond and under and over yet it is not enough for your employer.

That can make you question your work ethic and productivity. Do not question your work ethic because of what others say about you or when you receive much less than you deserve.

It is time to move on! The job is not the right fit for you. Do not think that it is the other way around as in, you are not the right fit for the job.

No promotion

If you are denied the promotion then so what! Will the world end? You might no longer be enthusiastic about work and lack motivation but be happy that you did not get promoted.

That does not mean that things will not work out for you. Too bad that the organization is going to miss out on a diligent worker like you.

Although you might feel inadequate, rejected and like things are not going good for you. Remember, success is built on pain, rejection, denial, fear, frustration and failure.

Let this “no promotion” opportunity open doors for the new opportunities that await you. Refocus, revamp, refuel, rewrite and redirect.

That closed door is supposed to remain closed. You might want to climb the ladder now but perhaps it is not yet time.

Let that rejection allow you to refocus on your gifts, goals, dreams, passion, aspirations and all the things that you love. Let your passion follow you! Let your pain lead you to your success because in our greatest pain lies our greatest success.

Best believe that

You are valuable

Sometimes people do not recognize your value until you leave.

So…why stay?

Why stay at a job that will replace you even before you die? Disrespect you? Underappreciate you? Devalue you? Emotionally, physically, psychologically, spiritually and socially destroy you?

Make up your mind

Let go and release

Let go and become so overqualified that you get to select the job that you want.

Become so skillful that you use your talents to become the master of your happiness  and opportunities. So skillful to do a job you love so much that it makes you feel like you will never work a day in your life.

Missed opportunities

Just may be if you did get that promotion then you would miss out on your success story, become overly comfortable and not listen to what whispers in your ears.

The promotion just might have gotten you wrapped up in work, give you added responsibilities and less time for yourself.

Beyond your control

Sometimes getting a promotion is nothing you have control over but you can control your attitude and mindset.

You have not been defeated, rejected or denied! You have become ALIVE!

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Always remember

Reems Sonson

Our Tropical Living

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6 thoughts on “Promotion denied”

  1. I can’t help but nod in agreement to what I just read, it is indeed a fact that the most you would get at times is a few encouraging words such as yes we value you. And whilst there may be limited control over who gets promoted there are other things that can be put in place for persons who are deserving. I.E who have gone on to either further their education, who make it their duty to comply to go the extra mile just to name a few..even if it means occasionally granting an individual an extra day off. These simple actions when done in conjunction with words go a long way

    1. Most times the employer has a say in who gets promoted and can create a pathway for promotions Janel. The employer might say, “there was nothing I could do or the decision was already made.” That really is to throw you off because they do have a say. Most employers have that, “well, it took me a long time to get to my current position, you just start working why you want a promotion, you are not my friend or you will by-pass me, take over or try to compete with me” mindset. It is a lot of selfishness, poor managerial skills, jealousy and lack of judgment. A good employee does not get proper recognition and appreciation. It is a long time ago system some employers follow and that causes the complete collapse of their system. Sad to say, they later retire and have to come back to work for that same system and you might just end up being their boss.

  2. “Do not think that it is the other way around as in, you are not the right fit for the job.” Amen to that! Our gifts may be best serve else where. Disappointments often hurt but work out later along the way. I need to bookmark this blog for when I feel a bit uncertain.

    1. Good one Ascencia. Sometimes we get extremely comfortable with our current position that we are afraid to explore what is out there. We know that we are qualified and the right fit for the job. We know we are underappreciated, underpaid and deserve better. However, we fear uncertainty so we stay quiet but just may be trying something new and different is what we need. We might surprise ourselves and exceed beyond and that is where we will be paid off for our hard work. Sometimes it takes difficult roads to get you to the perfect destination. All you have to do is make a move!

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