Privacy policy

Welcome to Our Tropical Living ( which is based in Saint Lucia and whilst I am glad that you stopped to say hi, you are on this site at your own risk. Everything based on this site is based on personal knowledge, experience and research.

Our Tropical Living advises you to keep your personal information confidential. If you do decide to fill the comment form and leave a message then we only collect the information on the form such as your name, email address and message to keep in touch with you. Your visitor’s IP address and browser user agent string will also be collected to help spam detection.


I am human just as you so I am prone to making mistakes. Be sure to inform me of my incorrect spelling and errors as you search for something to complain about.

Copyright Policy

Seek written consent from me (Reems (the author of before printing or publishing my information. I am not responsible for the affiliate links on my site nor their posts so view at your own risk.

I am responsible for deleting messages as I see fit, updating my posts and making changes as necessary.