People pleaser

I love you but do not owe you anymore… ever thought this?

Sometimes you try to make everyone happy and end up being unhappy.

You live to please others and go the extra mile for everyone.

You feel like you owe people you love and worry about what they say and think.

You spend time, energy and money on them and even end up in debt as you do everything for them.

These same people deposit nothing into you.

You are always there for them but they are never around for you.

Owing love

Learn when it is time to walk away.

You owe people love but sometimes nothing else especially if they do not add value to your life.

You convince people to stay, love you and see your value.

Truth is, some people will not accept nor understand you no matter what you do and no matter how good you are.

People pleaser

You want validation so force friendships and relationships with people who are determined to put in no effort.

You sense when people do not value you but you try to show them why they should.

Sometimes you need to let your loved ones fight their own battles.

You need to ignore certain things, be passive and let them find their own way.

Break loose

The people you help are the same ones to turn their back on you and get jealous.

They sometimes hate you for no reason despite all you do for them.

No matter what you do, some people will always have a problem with you.

Life is too short for you to have a problem with them.

Some people go through emotional turmoil so have a problem with you because they do not get along with themselves.

Learn to let go of some people and some behaviors.

Break loose of trying to please everyone.

Reems Sonson

Our Tropical Living

Come live and love island life

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