Market dominance and taking advantage of the public

Word on the block is that there are many companies exploiting customers in Saint Lucia.

Customers receive poor customer service and little to no availability of products with no difference in charges.

Do you think there are inadequacies in some sectors in Saint Lucia? Do you feel like some companies are abusing their power to oppress the less fortunate?

Exploitation, monopoly, injustice?

Massy Stores

Groceries are expensive across the border, but Massy Stores has been accused of overpricing. Basic commodities needed for daily consumption are at an all-time high. Customers feel like they do not get value for their money. Even when the items are of poor quality, they are sold for the same price. Could it be that customers are paying an exorbitant amount for the brands of the products?


Over the years, WASCO has tremendously improved the quality, supply and availability of water. The tap water used to be muddy and unfit for consumption after heavy rainfall. There are times where the water would have a foul odor and taste of “chlorine.” As of late, the water supply is sometimes shut off for too long. Overcharges and errors are made to customers’ accounts due to leaks that they are unaware of.


LUCELUC too has improved its electrical rates over the years. Could it be that we have gotten more mindful of ways to conserve energy?

Flow and Digicel

Different companies, same effect? Sometimes the wireless broadband connection functions at its best. Poor internet connection and static during calls both on mobile and landline are common. Customers receive poor service at the same rates- no data connection, calls drop or do not go through, no audio during calls and blurred video calls. No compensation is given when the flaws are reported.

Invest Saint Lucia

Invest Saint Lucia makes lawfully owning Crown land more challenging than acquiring Crown land to squat. Property is leased with ease but problematic with intention to own. If you know someone working there, then things will run smoothly. “If you’re a “marlayway” then you’re stuck.” One set can successfully own Crown land with ease whilst the other may not even when they try to do things the right way.

Bus drivers

Some bus drivers are known for reckless driving. Passengers complain that some buses are messy and smelly. Buses are not serviced as they should and it sounds like they are falling apart. Some bus drivers act like they are on their leisure time, driving themselves and not at work and providing a service. I recently boarded a bus and saw the driver watching comedy on his phone. He kept watching his screen and glancing at the road. I cautioned him and his response was, “you can’t prevent me from doing what I’m doing.” It seemed like the driver was on his couch at home watching TV.

Customs and Excise

It is no secret that we sometimes pay double the amount to clear our imported items.

Let us hear from the companies, are you exploiting us?

Reems Sonson

Our Tropical Living

Come live and love island life

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