Living in Saint Lucia- the struggles

Surprisingly, when I was a teenager I desperately wanted to move to the United States to have better quality of life, enhanced opportunities and do the many things I am passionate about.

Now that I am more than able to move and have many opportunities, I have so many doubts and question why I really want to move and whether I should actually move.

Perhaps I have not discovered the why. But, minus the nice weather, family and beautiful scenery, what is good about living in Saint Lucia? Living in Saint Lucia is very challenging, limiting and sometimes financially draining.

Reasons it sucks to live in Saint Lucia

High cost of living- groceries are expensive

Groceries are expensive in most countries but let us face it! The prices of groceries in Saint Lucia are ridiculously high given one’s basic salary. It seems like there is no price control and that businesses are exploiting consumers just to make an even greater profit. Some companies have monopoly so capitalize on that, only to overcharge for the products and services provided.

Stuck in one position

The culture in Saint Lucia is to move up the ladder based on “who knows you, who you throw beneath the bus, stepping on one’s toes, kissing butts and who puts in a good word for you.” Forget your years in service, experience and qualifications because these will barely secure you the job advertised or land you a promotion. You also remain in the same grade for decades before getting promoted.

Experience, years of service and qualifications are hardly recognized in Saint Lucia. Some work places prefer to rehire their retired staff or pay people from overseas much more money to do the job that you are experienced in, have been doing and can be trained further to become an expert.

The retired staff gets two salaries and the outsiders get perks yet sends their monies back to their country. Shocking! The long standing staff must accept the decision and still be motivated to work despite the unfairness in the workplace. Some employers have developed that, “take it or leave it” mindset because they forget that they too were once in their staff’s shoes. It is also more costly to hire and train new staff that may soon leave than keep the old but loyal ones.

Pay attention. Even when a position is advertised, it is already promised to someone that is not you. You apply, happily show off yourself, qualifications and think you are a great fit for the job but do not get it. Most times, the job opening is only advertised so management can say that it was advertised.  

Recognition of degrees and certificates

Some companies recognize degrees and certificates and even pay for staff to further their education but others do not. It is almost like going to school to get a degree or certificate to be in debt especially if you covered the cost. Sometimes you remain overqualified yet underpaid for the job that you do and do not get to use your degree or certificate.

Land and house

Owing land and house is extremely difficult in Saint Lucia especially if you have a family and have great responsibilities. Land and housing are very expensive. When you qualify for land and house loan, you may spend your retirement paying it off depending on your salary and that of your partner, if you lose your job or when life throws additional and unforeseen responsibilities your way.

High cost of healthcare

Health care is expensive in Saint Lucia and you may have to travel to seek further medical attention depending on your medical condition. Having health insurance helps reduce the burden but that too can be expensive if you cannot afford.


Living in Saint Lucia means struggling till you die, breaking your back, living pay cheque to pay cheque, making ends meet and most times settling for less. It is a great opportunity cost where you have to weigh your options and you cannot do extra because you daily have to do cost-benefit analysis.

If you do not have a well-off family, marry into wealth, get a good inheritance, make big sacrifices, use your talents to self-sustain or have big connections then life in Saint Lucia will be a great test. The system is corrupt and makes it easy for most of us to fail.

Reems Sonson

Our Tropical Living

Come live and love island life

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6 thoughts on “Living in Saint Lucia- the struggles”

  1. Well said Rema but this unfairness is everywhere. I thought it was only happening on our small island but guess what no. I moved to England, and guess what this very same culture exist. Jobs are advertised and others with no qualifications and experience are promised it because they threatened to live if they don’t get that promotion. Also, cost of living is high everywhere. I still believe we are blessed in St Lucia. You only see how blessed you are after migrating. Imagine paying council taxes every month for someone to collect your garbage and to have your roads fixed. Imagine having to pay a tv license every month to enjoy watching tv at your own home. So again I say we are blessed in St Lucia.

    1. Wow, sometimes we think the grass is greener on the other side and it is not. Does not mean we should not test it but your comment proves that life is life everywhere we go. We are blessed in Saint Lucia for true. It is easy to get a neighbor or relative to hand you some greenfigs and breadfruit. You could rear your own chickens, ducks and rabbits and have a backyard garden. Sigh Kisha, it is amazing how much taxes people pay overseas.

  2. Oh yes Reems I am a victim and know of many others who have fallen prey to such acts of unfairness and corruption.They fail to realize that one day they will have to give an account to the Most High.Continue to do your best my girl.You are not alone in this struggle.Praying God gives us the strength to endure.

    1. The system has failed many of us. We try our best but are met with many challenges that can be solved easily. Thank you, continue to do your best to Jackie.

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