Latille Falls

Out of the blue

It was a Friday morning when my cousin decided to take me to Latille Falls. I had visited Latille Falls years ago but did not have a tour of the place nor did I go to the waterfall. With excitement I agreed to go on the adventure. It was a really hot day so the idea was ideal. I packed my swim wear, a change of clothing, applied my sunscreen and was ready for the journey.

East coast

Since this had not been a planned outing, we had to purchase our meals along the way. We decided to stop at Plante’s Place in Dennery to grab a bite. I purchased some fried chicken and a baked chicken meal served with rice, fig salad, ground provisions, peas and fresh garden salad. Party in my tummy!

Although I am a little rusty with the driving, my cousin allowed me to drive from Dennery to Latille Falls. The traffic was bearable and the drive was fun as we listened to music and sang along.

The east coast is filled with rich vegetation so many fruit and vegetable vendors were seen along the roadside selling their produce. Of course, I stopped to get watermelon! This is one of the many reasons I love island living. Fresh fruits and vegetables are readily available and accessible!

Latille Falls

Latille Falls is located in Micoud and is about 30 minutes from Dennery and almost an hour from the city. The gap leading to Latille Falls cannot be missed as there is a sign at the entrance along the Micoud Highway. The drive from the Micoud Highway to Latille Falls was cool and quiet since it is a mostly forested area.

As we got closer to the entrance and headed into the garden, I heard the loud and forceful sound of the waterfall. I looked around and it was a green oasis with birds chirping. So relaxing, I felt at ease.

We were greeted by one of the workers who asked if this had been our first time visiting and whether we wanted a tour of the place. We paid a small fee to tour the grounds and got a spot to have lunch.

The friendly dogs sat and watched with anticipation as we enjoyed our meal. The dogs eyeballed us for the entire meal as they patiently awaited the leftovers.

Even the dog wanted to take a quick picture before lunch


Being at Latille Falls was a peaceful way to experience nature and be away from the outside world. This was really a tropical experience, you see a variety of birds, herbs, flowers and fruit trees.

Except for the sound of the waterfall, birds chirping and swaying trees it is a perfect peaceful spot. You can mediate, destress and be off the grid. This peace enables peace of mind.

Fish pedicure

We passed through the wooden cabins to explore the gardens and saw the fish pond. The worker excitedly told us to put our heels in.

This was my first experience having fish nibble on my feet in a pond. I sat on the bench, placed my heels in the pond and saw the shoal of tilapia fish approaching. The small electric shocks from the nibbles were ticklish so I laughed and screamed. Every part of my body felt the tickles.

I had to remove my feet from the pond after a few seconds to help ease my laughter, I could not believe that I was getting a fish massage! My feet felt more relaxed after the fish pedicure.

Fish pedicure

Heading to the falls

The walk to the falls was about a minute and the pathway was well maintained throughout. I used the wooden siderails for support along the way because of the steep slope.

The distance and topography could be tasking for individuals with mobility issues so I recommend taking constant breaks. Stop to enjoy the scenery, have fun and capture the moment.

As we got closer to the falls, the loud rushing sound of the water was heard and it was even more powerful. I said “wow” when I saw the falls because it was spectacular. It had rained during the night so the pool appeared brown and muddy.

We placed our items on the bench chair and marveled at the beautiful scenery. The place was shady, fresh and cool. 

View from the trail
Meet the falls


I sat on the rocks beneath the drop point and enjoyed the water as it landed on my back. It was relaxing although I said “ouch” at times.

This really felt like a medium to deep pressure massage. The water was cold on first contact but I got used to it as my body adjusted. I could sit here for hours!

Deep into the woods

The worker informed us that there was a downstream bath point in the woods. The trail was down a steep hill and the walk was shady and about 20 minutes but the trip was worth it.

I felt like I was in the jungle. You get to experience being in the woods, many tall trees and extreme quietness. You could lose track of time in the woods as you look beyond the woods and try to see the many tree tops. Simple but beautiful pleasures.

As you get closer, you could hear the falls. Calming is the sound of the water! There were various pools to enjoy. No matter which pool you choose, upstream or downstream…you are in for an adventure!

Deep in the woods
Lower bath point

I will visit again!

My time at Latille Falls was quiet and relaxing. The place was not too crowded with visitors.

I got to climb the mango tree to pick some mangoes and the worker insisted that I return another day for more mangoes.

The owner of the establishment said that his son makes mango cakes. I have not tried mango cakes so I would love to try those on my next visit.

A country girl
Feeling like queen of the jungle

Things to do at Latille Falls

Have a picnic

Go on a hike

Explore the garden

Pick the seasonal fruits

Visit the fish pond

I will say no more, visit for yourself and tell me about your experience!

Have you visited Latille Falls? What did you do during your visit? What would you do on your next visit?


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19 thoughts on “Latille Falls”

  1. Great read, great review great place. – Positive vibes all round doing our island proud

  2. its indeed a nice place to relax n have a good time.. but after this detailed description of your experience, am definitely going again..

  3. Wow! Though I have never been, the descriptive outline in your story felt like I was on this trip with you. Lovely! Will definitely be visiting.

  4. Very informative and well spoken makes me wanna try to go sooner than i would anticipate to experience such great value …… *”great vlog”*

  5. Very lovely description of Latille Falls. I love how you ended stating things to do. The photos are amazingly beautiful and Latille Falls is one of the most illustrious Falls on island. I love it there as well

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