Instant connection with someone you barely know

Magnetic attraction

Ever met someone for the first time and you were so drawn to them that you felt sparks?

Ever had “electrical impulses” lure you to someone you barely know and felt a shock with the first touch?

It seemed like your body pulled you towards the person without your permission.

You felt drawn to the person like a magnet no matter how much you tried to pull away from them.

There is just something about the person. “You cannot put your finger on it.” You want to know more about them.

Out of everyone, they are the most intriguing.

Thoughts of them plague your mind. No matter how hard you try, you cannot forget them.

Why do we feel a connection with someone we barely know?

We can connect with people over shared interests, location, animals, friends and even careers.

Some connections happen instantly and unintentionally.

The connection is something you feel inside. Something feels comfortable about the person and it feels like you have found home.

It just feels right. It is almost like your spirit recognizes its match.

Sincere emotional bond

It amazes you the deeply rooted connection you have with this person.

You do not know the person yet that is the only person you want to be with.

You share an instantaneous and unexplainable emotional bond and attraction.

You click with the person. It feels like you have known the person for a long time.

You cannot explain the connection, it is just there. You can be yourself and you are fully comfortable around them.

You love being around them and do not force any conversation.

It is not about sex. Sex is not even on your mind. It was not even a physical attraction that drew you both to each other.

Denial and rejection

You know that there is something between you two but you deny it.

Feelings and connection take time to form with other people but not with this person.

The feelings are deeper than with anyone you have ever felt.

Even when you get to know them, you try to forget them, stop speaking to them and stay away but to no avail. Nothing you do works.

No matter how hard you try to get rid of the feelings for them, you cannot. You cannot deny the way you feel about them.

Forget a fall out and no communication for months! You converse like you never had a fall out or stopped talking to each other when you suddenly meet.

You try to run from them and reject them but the genuine connection gets you back together.

Lifelong soulmate

Sometimes a connection makes it feel like you have known the person all your life.

You feel a connection with the person more than you do with your partner.

Your energies are in sync with each other. The person understands you like no one else.

The person knows when something is wrong even when you do not tell them.

You can tell them anything and share details with them that you would not share with other people.

You can have deep, truthful and meaningful conversations with them without feeling judged.

You can have a full conversation with your eyes.

Deep from the heart

The person feels special to you and you do not know why. The fact that they are present feels good.

Things flow effortlessly with them. It feels like the universe conspires to bring you two together.

You know that there is something between you two but you cannot define what it is. It cannot be stopped or ignored because it keeps lingering.

People around you sense that there is something between you two because they sense your connection.

The connection gets deeper as you spend time together. You fall in love with them as you spend time with them.

Intimacy solidifies the connection and makes it seem unbreakable.

Dedicated to bubbies, my sweet ponks…

Reems Sonson

Our Tropical Living

Come live and love island life

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4 thoughts on “Instant connection with someone you barely know

  1. I read your blog and sometimes I think you are a princess living in a fairytale waiting for your prince. Not to burst your bubble; love is not a fairytale. Although it has its joys, however, it is hard work, heartbreaks, disappointments and tears.
    You may not be thinking of sex in your new connection, but I assure you the person you feel the connection with is thinking about it. Give it time, you shall see.

    1. 😁😁 I love the description. Love is not a fairytale indeed, but I have found my prince. Everything good takes work and perseverance. Not all connections lead to sex. A connection can occur with someone you randomly meet and never see again. If you have a connection with someone and make an added effort to work on a relationship, then of course, it may lead to sex.

  2. Oh babes. This connection was instantaneous. Tying to deny it was so much hard work, but hey what’s meant to be yours will be yours! 😍🥰🫂

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