Hospital Orderlies

Nonmedical care

Hospital orderlies commonly called porters provide nonmedical care to patients and assist medical personnel where necessary. Orderlies do plenty heavy lifting, carrying and moving of patients and equipment.

Orderlies work under supervision of a nurse when providing care to a patient and perform a vast amount of physical labour which is most times strenuous.

Orderlies can be seen in a hospital setting moving patients to different departments in wheelchairs or mobile beds to have procedures done. You might also spot an orderly carrying samples and blood products to the laboratory for investigation.

Orderlies are on their feet for long periods and have a physically demanding job. They provide direct assistance to nurses, perform basic tasks, take care of patients and take care of the work environment.

Orderlies contribute significantly to the health care sector.

Never a dull moment!


Orderlies help with repositioning of patients since some patients are bed ridden and unable to turn independently. Some patients are too ill to perform basic activities so orderlies assist these patients as much as possible and where necessary.

Orderlies are all-rounders as they perform their various roles on a daily basis: from carrying equipment and items to different units, assisting with restraining combative patients, assisting patients to the washroom, sourcing items, pulling patients up in bed and making patients feel more comfortable in bed.

There is more! Orderlies take patients to and from the operating room, radiology department and renal unit. They transfer patients from bed to wheelchair and vice versa. Orderlies are also the ones bringing the patients to the various units following admission and assist the patients upon discharge as they are taken to their taxi.

Orderlies have frequent contact with patients and can develop close, caring relationships with patients. The orderlies hard work and effort tend to go unrecognized and the good work they do remain in isolation.

To all the orderlies out there, continue doing such an amazing job!

Reems Sonson

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8 thoughts on “Hospital Orderlies”

  1. They are very helpful in performing and assisting with daily activities and Care of the patients. Great job guys!

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