Degree? Skill? Which is the way to success?

We live in a society where you get a job and everything rather based on your connections and who knows you. Some forget your education, your degree, your good grades, your qualifications, your experience and your skill set!

I grew up with my mom constantly telling me that I needed to take my school work serious, do my assignments and always excel academically. I listened and I became a book worm. I highly believed that education was the way out. Well, at least for me.

Be mindful

Advise to the upcoming generation and persons who are confused about what they should do about school.

Develop yourself, find your identify and your gift!

Focus on yourself, what you love, what you want to do and things that may become popular in the future. Highlight all the things that you are good at and one at a time try to improve on it.

You might just end up making a career from “that thing that you are good at” and find your success, your why and your calling.  Let us call it “YOUR SKILL!”

The education system works for some persons! Whilst others are more technical so may not function as well in a classroom.

Of course, schooling is paramount for certain professions especially for doctors.


Your skill is the thing that you do exceptionally well with little to no resources, time or effort. It may come to you naturally and it can be strengthened with practice overtime.

If you do decide to go to school then use your education to enable and enhance your skill. Let your skill pave the way for you and your success.

School or old school

Some persons go to school, take loans and invest many years into getting a degree. They make many sacrifices, miss out on family events and on making fond memories.

When they are finally done with school, they are in debt and have “big” loans to pay. They job hunt but still find it difficult to get a job or are told that the industry is not hiring.

They do not get the money, time nor effort that they invested back. Some persons wind up working but being underpaid for their qualifications or get a job doing something different from their degree.

They become a slave to the system and spend a lifetime waiting to make the money spent at school.

Blue collar, white collar, new collar

Congratulations to those who have proven that the education system works and went up the ladder because of their qualifications.

To the persons who are still searching for a job that pays for their qualifications. Keep at it, do not give up and do not lose hope.

You have spent too much time, money and effort to give up now. Your time will come!


Stop asking for work experience! Persons need to get a job in order to have experience so give them a chance to get the experience!

If you had to choose one what would it be.

1)Spend a lifetime going to school to work for someone else or at a job you hate

2)Spend a lifetime being successful by using your talent and doing something you love

Reems Sonson

Come live and love island life

4 thoughts on “Degree? Skill? Which is the way to success?”

  1. Agreed. While the education system works for some it cripples others by sticking to a path for “security”. When that “security” is threatened most times we haven’t explored creative skills to fall back on creating a vicious cycle of seeking a “job” for survival rather than the holistic aspect of mere enjoyment. Take note ladies and/or gentlemen. Take full introspection along with an open mind when taking a leap to the next step… Great thinker piece Reems!

    1. No job is secure unless it is a job that you do based on your skills and talent. You could start your own business if you are made redundant, fired or the company you worked for closes. Constantly having to seek employment or thinking that seeking employment will bring stability is unreal. We need to start using our gifts and find it if we do not know what it is. Using our gifts would make us unique and lead us to a path of security Ascenia.

  2. Great stuff! Great job! Touchy and oh so factual situation. You highlighted all the relevant challenges and obstacles faced trying to meet ends meet and trying to be successful.

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