Dangers of dating a Lucian man

A Lucian man

Lucian men can be loving, caring, supportive, non-judgemental and good in bed but there are also drawbacks of dating a Lucian man. https://ourtropicalliving.com/top-reasons-to-date-a-lucian-man/

Some Lucian men invest a lot in women especially their money, time and resources. These women sometimes leave to be with another man or because they have already met their objectives. This scars men, make them label women and develop trust issues that they then carry into other relationships.  

However, most Lucian men usually see the early warning signs and red flags when they start dating a woman but believe that they will make her change. Lucian men need to own up to their decisions with the selection process they make when they choose to date a woman.

Special note: good looking women are more maintenance so choose your partner wisely!

Disadvantages of dating Lucian men

Some Lucian men have poor finances, are petty, laid back and have no ambition. These men are comfortable with their present situation and do not want to improve or make any adjustments for further success. They want to stay stagnant!

Lucian men can be very horny. In these men’s eyes women serve as bunnies. Some Lucian men do not perform house chores, give no help around the house and expect the woman to take charge of the household. House work can be tedious and tiring. When women live with these horny Lucian men they are expected to serve as a house maid and sex slave. What a combination! Moreover, these men always expect a hot home cooked meal.

Some Lucian men are unromantic, bad in bed, do not know how to make love nor use their tool. Yet these men expect women to “cum” quickly and be “wet” as soon as a sexual encounter commences.

The harsh reality is that many Lucian men do not want to get married nor settle down. These men will date a woman for many years and not marry her but marries the next woman that comes along. Some men might just get married after illness or in their old age.

Some Lucian men are not ready yet and are caught up with being a “momma’s boy.” These men live with their mom and want a woman to come over to have a good time and some might even ask the woman to move in too.

Some Lucian men love to drink alcohol, get drank and become physically abusive, stay at the bar with friends and love to sponsor drinks but hardly have money to take care of their family. These men prefer to hang out with their friends than spend time with their families. The bar, their friends and rum are their women.

Are we done yet?

No because some Lucian men are players, have multiple relationships and expect  women to accept it and be okay with their unfaithful and cheating ways. Plus some Lucian men are very flirtatious, have wondering eyes and love to stare at women’s behinds. These men although in a relationship love to send chats to women, make advances and “psst” women when they are passing.

Some Lucian men have outside children that they want women to accept as their own and even want women to coparent that other child.

Oh my, many Lucian men carry lots of baggage that women have to unload. Do not forget the baby momma drama and having to deal with all the exes.

Some Lucian men are liars and are emotionally unavailable so it is difficult to get through to them and connect emotionally. These men will lie to women even if there is proof and the woman saw with her own naked eyes.

Some Lucian men are lazy, want to eat women’s money, be dependent and are looking out for a “sugar momma.” These men want a woman to spoil them rotten and do not want to give the woman anything in return. Except sex of course.

Some Lucian men rather feed another woman’s child instead of their own child and rather pay child support instead of taking care of their child’s direct needs.

Some Lucian men are likely to get tired of their main woman and leave for another woman.

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Reems Sonson


Come live and love island life

This is not a paid or sponsored blog post but based on discussions with people and my knowledge, experiences and encounters. Please note that I support all Lucian men, I am pro-choice and that this blog post may or may not apply to some or all Lucian men.

Also read “Top reasons to date a Lucian man.” Look out for Part 2 because some people said I did not give adequate reasons and they want more because it was a “hot read.”

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16 thoughts on “Dangers of dating a Lucian man”

  1. Religion is another reason why good men are hard to find, some men have values, morals and lines that they will not cross, while some women out there cannot and don’t support it. Some women are looking for relationships for the wrong reasons also. There are so many reasons why it is difficult to find a good man and it is also different to find a good woman in St Lucia. I think you should do one on women as well. As always reems, you don’t disappoint. 🙂 Keep up the good work 💯

  2. OMG!! This was spot on about my Ex Lucian man. I was in tears because everything you mentioned this is what I had to and is currently experiencing.

      1. I’m a mature and honestman,so I agree that the reasons for the dangers of dating a St Lucian man are valid.But I’m also realistic,so I won’t put all men in the same box.I think men needs to be more responsible,to protect themselves against impregnation women,and have kids they have no means to take care of.I believe some men spend too much time in bars drinking They’re making a mokery of themselves.

        1. That is very good that you are mature and honest Kenneth. Keep it up. It is true that men need to take more responsibility for their actions.

  3. Whoyy!!! Alot of soaps…hot read. You brought out the truths in this blog. Some men may hate this read but it’s point blank the truth about alot of our so called Lucian men.

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