COVID-19 vaccine: gaining control of the pandemic!

Get your shots! No alcohol over here! Only COVID-19 vaccination shots!

My COVID-19 poem

Vaccination- a milestone in Public Health!

Vaccines help our bodies develop immunity to a virus. It is like injecting the live virus inside your body so your body could see how to deal with it and keep some memory cells in storage in case it comes into contact with the virus again.

By the second time around, your body will be more prepared to combat the virus because it had gone through a trial phase of figuring out how to fight it and get rid of it.

Remember that someone could still get a virus that they were vaccinated against if their body does not have sufficient time to provide protection.

Let your eyes see my story

COVID-19? I got vaccinated! I represent Public Health!

I decided to take the COVID-19 vaccine because I am highly exposed to the virus. Since I am a frontline worker, I have been in contact with multiple patients who tested positive for COVID-19.

These patients have to be nursed back to good health so need nursing assessment, individualized care, vital signs assessment, medication, wound care and assistance with performing activities of daily living.

I am ready! Be gentle!

COVID-19 is everywhere! No one knows who is a carrier of the virus. Persons can have the virus and be asymptomatic which means that they are a carrier for the virus but display no signs and symptoms.

Therefore, it is important to treat everyone as though they have tested positive for COVID-19 in an effort to protect yourself and everyone around you.

COVID-19 vaccine and your body

Your body builds immunity to a virus by causing common symptoms such as fever and chills. If you do develop fever after being vaccinated then no need to be alarmed. It is NORMAL and a good sign that your body is developing immunity. Yeyyy!

I am pro-choice but I am also for herb immunity. Herb immunity occurs when a large percentage of the population become immune to an infectious disease to help slow the spread especially to persons who lack immunity.

Herb immunity could lead to eradication of an infectious disease overtime!

Doubts, fears, misconceptions? It is okay

It is okay if you or some persons have doubts and misconceptions about the virus and vaccine. I heard many persons say that they are still monitoring others signs and symptoms before they themselves get vaccinated.

Others postulate that they will get vaccinated later on when there is only one vaccine to be taken, when more research has been done and when a new and more powerful vaccine is developed. Some are not for the vaccine so have rejected taking it completely.

Do a thorough search, read as much as you can about the virus and vaccine or speak to a health care provider with in depth knowledge and accurate information.

Hopefully your doubts, fears, concerns and misconceptions will be allayed.

Come do this with me, we are in this together!

Will I turn to a zombie or chimpanzee?

I have been asked if I felt like I was turning into a zombie or chimpanzee so many times!

Everyone responds differently to the vaccine so you should not use someone else’s experience as your own! Due to our genetic predisposition, body structure, underlying medical issues, age, activity level, gender, mindset and character, our bodies will not respond the same. We are all unique and one of a kind!

I had mild side effects for the first twenty four hours following the vaccine. I got a slight headache, nasal congestion, soreness to the injection site, numbness to the affected arm, knee pain, chills and slight feeling of being “under the weather.” I took two 500 m.g. tab Panadols (Panadol 1g PO) but my headache and joint pain lasted for three days.

My mom’s remedy!

If you are from Saint Lucia then you know what is “fixon!” I used my mom’s common remedy to limit the effects of a common cold. I rubbed my body with fixon- vicks vaporub and shiling oil the night I took the vaccine to limit the chances of feeling like I was getting a fever. That worked for me!

I was unable to sleep or rest on the arm where I took the injection during the night but I slept pretty well.

Stay informed, maintain awareness

Remember to follow safety protocols despite being vaccinated. Still wear your facemask, practice social distancing, ensure constant use of hand sanitizer or hand washing and stay in well ventilated areas.

Vaccination does not prevent you from getting COVID-19.

The first short is to build protection.

Remember to get the second shot. Do not miss the dose! The second shot is given a few weeks after the first shot to build the most protection.

Expectation after vaccination

Signs and symptoms vary from person to person! You might experience pain, swelling and numbness to the injection site.

Fever, chills, headache, tiredness, rash, joint pain and a general feeling of being unwell are all common.

Before vaccination

Keep your analgesics or antihistamines on standby if not contraindicated.

Some persons took Panadol 1g PO before getting vaccinated. It is advised to take medication to reduce your signs and symptoms after you have been vaccinated.

If you do decide to take the medication before vaccination then you might not know how the vaccine would work its normal course, how the medication will impact the viability of the vaccine and the side effects you would have sustained.

That prick was not horrible!


Wear loose fitted clothing the day you decide to take the vaccine to limit pain and irritation to the injection site.

Drink plenty water to reduce fever and flush your system.

Surround yourself with persons you trust so that you can be cared for in the event you develop severe allergic reactions.

Together let us use the tools available to stop the pandemic so we could go back to a greater form of normalcy at a quicker pace.

Certificate of my accomplishments!
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Reems Sonson

Our Tropical Living

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Are you getting vaccinated? Have you gotten vaccinated? Share and leave a comment!

Thank you for reading! Come again! 🙂

3 thoughts on “COVID-19 vaccine: gaining control of the pandemic!”

  1. .The covid 19 vaccine does not provide immunity.
    .It does not prevent you from getting covid only reduces the number of symptoms when you get covid.
    .Based on scientific research the survival rate without a vaccine is 99.7%
    .Did you know the UK strain of Covid19 has been mutating all over the UK per the Boroughs…
    There are new strains currently all over the UK.
    So when they speak about a vaccine that covers the UK strain, someone needs to ask which one🤷🏾‍♂🤷🏾‍♂🤷🏾‍♂🤷🏾‍♂
    I can give a whole lot of scientific reasons why i should not

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