Closed doors

You wait years for doors to open and no matter what you do, they remain closed.

You follow the right channels, obey the law, be a good person and do everything in your power but nothing you do is good enough nor works.

Wondering how you will get further when you have no connections but are talented and capable.

Your time is coming…

Earthly no can turn to God’s yes

Sometimes you do not get the promotion, the relationship fails, you lose your loved ones, job and home and you encounter daily challenges.

You do not get a break from delays, disappointments and discouragement.

There seems to be no way forward.

You are at the end of a cliff and there are no detours.

If you jump or turn back, you will get hurt.

You do not know what to do or where to go and there is no one to turn to.

What are you going to do?

Nothing is going right but there are multiple setbacks.

Closed doors

Sometimes, closed doors help you get closer to your destination.

The open doors would distract you and keep you from your destiny and purpose.

Suddenly everything falls in place and the doors that were closed for a long time open.

You have no explanation.

You got the promotion, met the right person, reconnected with your loved ones and no longer have a disease.

You did not see it coming and you had already given up and completely forgotten about it happening to you.

A set up

God was setting you up to where you need to be so what you waited years for happens suddenly.

The missed opportunities are for a reason.

Nobody can stop the work God is doing in your life.

Humanly favor

God’s favor is on your life and He will make humans have favor on you too.


Thank God even when you have not seen a way.

Thank God for the closed doors. Ask Him for strength, redirection and the right attitude as you wait.

God comes through at the right time and when you least expect.

It is happening to everyone else except you and that is okay.

Genuinely celebrate others’ success and achievements and be non-envious.

Your turn will come.

Your blessings are already there and soon, everyone will celebrate with you too. Hang in there!

Reems Sonson

Our Tropical Living

Come live and love island life

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2 thoughts on “Closed doors”

  1. I’m so sorry to hear that.I subscribed and read your blogs,they were good interesting topics.So sorry to see you go,but i’m sure you’ll do something tha’s just as fun refreshing and interesting.I have always liked you,always thought you were a positive voice and influence for young women,and you’re attractive as well.Stay blessed,God is good!

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