Are women dependent on men or are women dependent on relationships?

Is it a man’s duty to support a woman financially, emotionally and sexually?

Women’s independence

Some women seek relationships for comfort, attention and the presence of someone else that they can trust, make love to and who is there for them in times of need.

Women sometimes seek relationships for support, to create a family, have someone they can grow with, share their life experiences and overcome challenges. Yes, that too! There are times women seek relationships to avoid loneliness.

Saint Lucian women

In Saint Lucia, you hear tones of women express their independence. They explain that they have no need for a man and are better off by themselves.

Yet, they call a man for a ride, credit, groceries, to take them out, for money, materials to build their house and for each of their wants and needs.

Internal or external factors

Is it that some women depend on men because they were wired to do so or is it due to their upbringing? Perhaps nature versus nurture play a role.

Meeting sexual needs

Some women are fully dependent on themselves to satisfy all their needs. What about sex you might ask!

If a woman is a lesbian, she does not need a man to satisfy her sexual needs.

A woman can use her sex objects to fulfil her sexual desires although, it would not provide the same feelings or do the same job as a man.

What about children? We need that sperm! Luckily, women now undergo IVF treatment to have children.

New era

Women are no longer being stay at home moms but are now seeking careers. Women are making more money than men, going out to work and being the bread winner.

The glass ceiling although it exists, has been broken.

Women as bread winners

Do women act differently when they become the bread winner?

Common traditions and established gender roles might explain why it is a problem for women to be the bread winner.

Some women may become bossier as they feel more power since they earn more. These women may think of themselves as holding the pants in the family, being the sole decision maker and disregard everything the man says.

The man may feel like he is worthless and that his input is unwanted. Some women may not admit it, but they secretly wished the man earned more money.

Women may lose interest in their partner as they expect more and the financial tension would continue and lead to a breakup if not solved.

Sometimes these women would try to dictate how the money is spent and what the man does with the money. It is almost like they want to control the man and treat him as a child.

Some women want men well established and with higher earnings and social rankings.

Whilst it is true that these women do not rely on men, they want to feel like they can be taken care of too.

Women developing their own independence

Women should learn to support themselves financially, emotionally and sexually.

Some men do not randomly give women money as we all know. Some men have women beg for money whilst others give automatically and willingly.  

Money is power. Women do not need to ask men money every time they need sanitary napkins or personal items. Gain your freedom!


Do you believe in masturbation?

Some of my friends explained that women should masturbate to know what they like, how they like it and to climax.

Women should not expect a man to meet all their sexual needs but should do it on their own.

Women should be confident in exploring themselves and telling their partners what turns them on to have a quicker and better orgasm.

Remember, a man should enable a woman but not be there to assist her every need. Women should care for themselves.

Thank you Hyginette for giving me the idea to write a blog post about, “women learning to find ways to satisfy themselves, so they don’t depend on men.”

Question remains, are women truly independent or are they dependent on men?

Reems Sonson

Our Tropical Living

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