Breakfast egg casserole Breakfast egg muffin

Prep: 10 minutes            Bake: 10 minutes          Total: 20 minutes

Egg casserole or egg muffin makes for a delicious, quick and filling breakfast, lunch and even dinner. It is easy to prepare, requires little time and little ingredients. This fluffy egg casserole or egg muffin is great for meal prep and to eat on the go.


Four eggs

½ teaspoon garlic

½ teaspoon bell pepper

1 teaspoon celery

1 tablespoon finely chopped onion

¼ cup pepperoni

¼ cup turkey pastrami

¼ cup ham

A pinch of rosemary

A dash of ground pepper and paprika

Cheese to sprinkle (optional)

Feel free to add tomatoes, spinach, bacon, mushrooms and even tuna!

The amount of ingredients needed depends on the amount of people you are catering for.

You could use as many eggs as you like, add more ingredients plus your favorite delicacies! I used four eggs since I served four individuals.

Ready to go in the oven


Preheat oven to 350 ﹾF

Lightly grease or spray pyrex/muffin tray

In a large bowl, whisk together eggs

Add all other ingredients and mix

Add mixture to pyrex/muffin tray

Sprinkle cheese (optional)

Bake at 250 ﹾF to 350 ﹾF for 10-15 minutes until cooked

Let cool, serve or store in refrigerator


Tips to preparing the perfect egg casserole/egg muffin

Salt is not needed!

Grease pyrex/muffin tray properly or use a good non-stick muffin tray.

Fill ¾ of the pyrex/muffin tray to prevent overflow.

If you love variety then add different ingredients in each muffin tray. Butter tray, add whisked egg to each then add onion, garlic, pepper and celery. Place pepperoni in one tray, ham in another and turkey pastrami in the other.

Let cool for about 10 minutes before removing from pyrex/muffin tray.

Ensure to loosen by running a spatula around inside walls. This aids with easy removal.

Store in an air tight container and refrigerate for up to 4-5 days. Can be frozen too!

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Reems Sonson

Our Tropical Living

Come live and love island life

This is not a paid or sponsored blog post.

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Pizza bread

Pizza bread is one of the simplest ways to enjoy bread and pizza!

No need to throw your “not so stale” bread! No need to make a dough from scratch or purchase a pizza dough or crust. This treat could be served for breakfast, lunch and dinner!

It is fun to prepare with kids plus it is super easy, super tasty and makes for a great snack. Pizza bread could be served at any event! Few ingredients are needed plus little prep time. Why not try it!

Total time: 15 minutes   Prep: 10 minutes   Bake: 5 minutes




Onions (optional)

Peppers (optional)

Butter, ketchup or pizza sauce

Toppings: tuna

You could use any toppings of your choice: ham, sausage, pepperoni, mushrooms, pineapple


Preheat oven to 200- 250 ﹾC. No need to preheat if using a toaster oven.

Grate cheese

Open can of tuna or have readily available from bag

Chop peppers and onions

Slice bread according to your desire- I prefer thinly sliced to have a thin crust.


Place bread on baking sheet

Spread butter, ketchup or pizza sauce over bread

Sprinkle cheese

Arrange toppings- sausage, ham, pepperoni, mushrooms (whatever toppings you like)

Add chopped peppers and onions as you desire

Bake for 5 minutes

It is ready! Pizza bread is ready when the cheese starts bubbling and looks melted. Do not overcook or the bread will become too crunchy.

Bread sliced
Buttered for extra flavoring and added moisture
Toppings on!


Taste even better the following day. Place in a tightly sealed container when cool and refrigerate. Preheat when ready for consumption.


Reems Sonson

Our Tropical Living

Come live and love island life

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This is not a paid of sponsored blog post.

Easy homemade caramel popcorn

This four ingredient buttery caramel treat is super easy to prepare! Caramel popcorn could be served at any event and is a super delicious snack!

I love munching on caramel popcorn during a movie and whilst playing games with my family! It makes a great family treat!

Four ingredients

Preparation time: 15 minutes


1/3 cup popcorn seeds

½ cup oil

½ cup sugar

1/8 cup butter

Just enough for me

Step 1

Pop corn

Add popcorn seeds to hot oil in medium saucepan, cover and let pop over medium heat until you no longer hear the popping sound. You could shake saucepan once to distribute seeds.

Melted butter

Step 2


Melt butter in medium saucepan over medium heat. Add sugar, spread for even distribution and let melt.

That simple
Let cool and serve

Step 3

Let’s eat

You could add melted mixture to popcorn and mix well in a bowl. I prefer to mix the popcorn in saucepan over medium heat until all the popcorn is golden brown.

I add chocolate chip or chocolate syrup to the top! It is that simple!

Yes, I do not add any salt, vanilla essence nor baking soda. Imagine that!

If this post made you feel like eating popcorn or made you prepare popcorn then leave a comment! Share the popcorn love!

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Reems Sonson

Our Tropical Living

Come live and love island life

Reems Sonson Island Recipes

Together we will create adventure in the kitchen!

For my love of preparing country meals and great joy of eating island treats!

Thank you for sharing, commenting and introducing this recipe into your kitchen, I appreciate you!

Reems Sonson fried ripe plantain fritters

Ripe plantain fritters serve as a delicious side to a meal! Ripe plantain fritters are easy to prepare and only a few ingredients are needed.

Okay so what is ripe plantain fritter?

Ripe plantain fritter is a fried batter mixed with ripe plantain, flour, sugar and spices.

You could serve ripe plantain fritters at any event. It is a sweet treat that the kids might just end up enjoying and it could be eaten anytime during the day.

Let me help you so you could never throw your spotted, soft and “not looking so good” ripe plantain again.

Prep time: 10 minutes      Fry time: 5 minutes         Total: 15 minutes


4 over ripped plantain

½ cup flour

¼ cup sugar

¼ cup oil

1 teaspoon nutmeg

1 tablespoon vanilla essence

½ teaspoon cinnamon powder or freshly grated cinnamon

¼ teaspoon nutmeg powder or freshly grated nutmeg


1/5 cup raisins



Gather all your ingredients.

Peel plantain, cut into small pieces and add to a bowl. Crush using a fork until creamy and smooth. You can also grate or add ripe plantain to a food processor.

Add plantain puree to a bowl then mix all ingredients to form a soft paste.

Add oil to pan and heat to 250 ﹾC.

Drop a tablespoon of the batter into the hot oil one at a time.

Fry until cooked and golden brown on either side.

Drain on paper towel to remove excess oil.


Yup it is that simply!

I used a food processor to crush the plantain
Mix all ingredients
Mixed evenly
Flip to cook well

Special note

The batter does not need to be dipped in flour before frying because the fritters will not stick to the pan. Just ensure that the oil is hot before adding the fritters.

Ripe plantain fritters could also be baked.

Add extra flour to get more fritters.

The fritters burn easily so monitor it closely whilst it fries.

Flatten batter in pan to ensure that it is fried properly.

Ripe plantain fritters taste similar to banana fritters but it is heavy so fills you quicker.

Ripe banana could be used as a substitute.

The riper the plantain the sweeter the fitters.

Breakfast is served!

I enjoyed the fried ripe plantain with scrambled eggs, carrot, white and purple cabbage with a dash of Italian seasoned croutons.

I sprinkled some salt and black pepper on the eggs. What a party in my tummy, I danced my breakfast away!


Reems Sonson YouTube Channel

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Reems Sonson

Our Tropical Living

Come live and love island life

Reems Sonson Island Recipes

Together we will create adventure in the kitchen!

For my love of preparing country meals and great joy of eating island treats!

Love making ripe plantain fritters then send me a picture on Instagram or Facebook. Hashtag #reemssonson #ourtropicalliving

Thank you for sharing, commenting and introducing this recipe into your kitchen, I appreciate you!

Yummy recipes

Reems Sonson baked ground turkey recipe

Reems Sonson homemade ripe banana bread

Reems Sonson homemade ripe banana bread

Reems Sonson homemade ripe banana bread

I love using over ripped bananas to make banana pancakes, banana fritters, banana cake and banana bread.

Banana bread is a simple recipe! Banana bread could be eaten as a snack but I love eating it with grape jelly for breakfast. 

You could mix everything together in one bowl. You could use a fork for mixing or you could use an electric mixer.

Either way, the recipe is quick yet tasty.

Prep time: 15 minutes   Bake time: 1 hour   Total: 1 hour 15 minutes

Set up ingredients


3 cups mashed ripe bananas

2 cups all-purpose flour

½ cup butter or margarine

1 teaspoon baking powder

½ cup brown sugar

3 eggs beaten


1 tablespoon crushed pecans

1 tablespoon crushed almonds

1 tablespoon raisins

1 tablespoon chocolate chip

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon or finely grated cinnamon

1 teaspoon vanilla essence

Finely grated cinnamon
Crushed nuts


1.Preheat oven to 250-350 ﹾC. Grease pan and set aside.  

2.Mix sugar and butter together until smooth and creamy.

3.Add eggs one at a time and mix on medium speed after each addition.

4. Combine mashed banana to mixture, mix well.

5. In a separate bowl, mix flour and baking powder. Then combine dry ingredients to wet ingredients.

6. Put essence, raisins and nuts in batter.

7. Place batter in pan and let bake for one hour.

Greased and ready
Sugar and butter mix
Eggs added
Perfect mix
Oven ready

All done!

If a toothpick comes out clean when inserted to the batter then the bread is ready.

Remove from oven and let cool for a few minutes before transferring bread to wire rack.

Cool before serving.

Cool and ready to serve


The baking time depends on the type, width and depth of your baking pan. Adjust bake time according to your baking pan!

My oven reaches 250 ﹾC so I allowed the banana bread to bake for one hour. I only have a circular baking pan so my banana bread looked like cake!

You could add any nut of your choice!

I use lime peel for added flavoring and to reduce the smell of the egg.

Banana bread is tastier the following day as all the flavoring settles!


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Reems Sonson

Our Tropical Living

Come live and love island life

Reems Sonson Island Recipes

Together we will create adventure in the kitchen!

For my love of preparing country meals and great joy of eating island treats!

Love making banana pancakes, banana fritters, banana cake, banana muffin or banana bread? Then send me a picture on Instagram or Facebook. Hashtag #reemssonson #ourtropicalliving

More recipes for you to enjoy

Reems Sonson fried ripe plantain fritters

Reems Sonson baked ground turkey recipe

Reems Sonson baked ground turkey recipe

Ground turkey is extremely easy and quick to prepare! It can be used as a chicken, fish or meat substitute.

Ground turkey can be prepared in various ways and used in various dish. It could be eaten with bread, pasta, ground provisions or simply solo. 

Prep: About 10 minutes     Cook: About 25 minutes         Total: About 35 minutes

Set up your ingredients!

3 pounds ground turkey you could use 1 pound depending on your family size and reduce measurements

15 oz sauce spaghetti, tomato or pizza

1 tablespoon ketchup additional ½ cup ketchup

1 tablespoon mustard

½ cup barbeque sauce

1 tablespoon butter or oil

½ teaspoon ground curry

½ teaspoon ground turmeric

¼ teaspoon black pepper

½ teaspoon adobo

½ teaspoon salt

½ teaspoon oregano

One large chopped onion

2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh herbs celery, chives, parsley

1 teaspoon crushed garlic

I used blended seasoning made the day before!


1 cup grated carrots

1 cup grated white cabbage

1 cup grated purple cabbage



½ cup parmesan cheese

Instructions for ground turkey preparation

Step 1: Season

Add unfrozen ground turkey to a large bowl. Add curry, turmeric, oregano, black pepper, adobo, salt, onion, garlic and herbs to unfrozen ground turkey then mix.

Place ketchup, mustard and barbeque sauce to mixture. Use your fingers or a fork to mix evenly.

Step 2: Bake

Add seasoned ground turkey to tray and let bake for 20 minutes at 180 ﹾC. I used a toaster oven so no preheating was needed.

Unfrozen ground turkey
Seasoning mixture
Seasoned and mixed evenly
Baked to perfection! It is not burnt!

Vegetables preparation

Step 1

Add carrot and cabbage to a colander and let boil for two minutes. Then add spinach, boil for an additional minute.


I love crunchy vegetables! You could let your vegetables boil for two more minutes or simply keep the colander covered after boiling. The moisture will soften the vegetables!

I add the spinach last because it gets soft quickly.

Steamed vegetables

Perfect match!

Optional! Seasoned vegetables

Add butter or oil to heated pan then add chopped onions, garlic and herbs. Let simmer for 30 seconds whilst stirring.

Add vegetables, stir and let sit for 30 seconds.

Add baked ground turkey to mixture and let boil for a minute.

Add spaghetti sauce and let boil for two minutes whilst stirring occasionally.

Cool and serve!

Add parmesan cheese on top!

Hope you enjoy this tender and juicy ground turkey recipe!

They work well together
Finished product

Other ways to prepare ground turkey!

Sometimes I boil the ground turkey for 20 minutes then add the herbs and raw vegetables.

So many ways to try something! Do what works for you!

Stay tuned for more easy recipes with little prep time and even more creative ways to prepare ground turkey.

Reems Sonson

Our Tropical Living

Come live and love island life

First post from Reems Sonson Island Recipes

Together we will create adventure in the kitchen!

For my love of preparing country meals and great joy of eating island treats!

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More recipes

Reems Sonson fried ripe plantain fritters

Reems Sonson homemade ripe banana bread