Failed management…the ugly truth

Management expects you to be like a dead fish in a river and go along with the flow.

Globally, nurses face discrimination and victimization in the workplace.

In Saint Lucia, nurses encounter injustice daily and are called “insubordinate” if they do not comply with management. These “insubordinate nurses” are targeted and blacklisted.

There are many issues plaguing nurses in Saint Lucia.

Nurses remain silent and nothing is being done to alleviate the issues due to poor representation and lack of respect from the relevant bodies.

Nurse managers

A manager is supposed to be someone you could report issues to without fear or backlash and with hopes of anonymity and confidentiality.

Imagine being unable to openly speak to your manager because you know the outcome.

The manager will go back to report the exact thing you said to the exact person you made the complaint against.

Backward mentality

Managers make way for their friends with or without the qualifications, experience and years of service.

Basically, the nurses who support management become managers or positions are created to place them.

Nursing has not evolved in Saint Lucia because of the same culture and mindset.

One set of nurses run the show and are stuck in the same “long time ago mentality and era.”

Management feels like whatever happened to them in the past should continue and happen to the oncoming nurses.

No one tries to be different. Surprisingly, the one who is different or at least attempts to be, is not liked.

Rivals and division

Managers are against managers, managers are against nurses, nurses are against managers and nurses are against nurses.

Nurses carry tales on each other and there is a “never-ending reporting.”

No disciplinary action is taken if a nurse report one of the manager’s favorite nurses.

If the manager likes you then you might be defended.

However, if the manager does not like you then you might be “pulled up” and taken to higher authority.

Unfairness or heartlessness

Gifts and tokens of appreciation received from high-end establishments are not evenly distributed.

The deserving nurses who take the brunt of the manual labor receive nothing whereas management keep the perks to themselves.

Many times, nurses “drown” as they work alone or with skeleton staff.

Nurses battle to provide quality care given the high nurse to patient ratio, workload and the patient’s acuity and category.

Management would not lift a finger or raise a leg to assist.

Yes, the nurse suffers but the patient suffers more.

A therapeutic nurse to patient relationship is not developed. A thorough physical assessment is not done and quality care is not rendered to the best of the nurse’s ability.


Managers give their favorite nurses preferential treatment and do not care how visible it is.  

Managers openly say all nurses are free to leave the establishment and seek employment elsewhere.

Yet, they try everything to prevent nurses from leaving when the opportunity presents itself.

Management and “liked and unliked nurses”

The “liked” nurses are pampered and thoroughly trained for certain positions even without knowledge, qualifications and experience. These nurses bypass everyone who started working before them.

The “liked” nurses get a day owning when they do not report to work. Whereas the “disliked” nurses get NOD- not on duty and are scolded.

The “liked” nurses get whatever request they want. The “disliked” nurses must beg for their request and sometimes do not get it.

The “liked” nurses get weekends and holidays off even without requesting whereas the “disliked” nurses would not.

The “liked” nurses know every detail about scholarships whereas the “disliked” nurses are told close to the deadline.

The “liked” nurses get opportunities to learn new skills, go to workshops and get available sessions. The “disliked” nurses do not share the same fate.

Overtime, the “liked” nurses are promoted and the “disliked” nurses are transferred to another ward as a form of punishment.

Frustrated nurses

Minus their nurse peers and family, nurses have nobody to express their concerns to.

When nurses air their views to management, they are said to be complainers and get bad appraisals.

There are multiple managers and everybody wants to be in charge so there lacks structure and unity.

Rules are bent for some nurses and not all.

Management plays a significant role in the reasons nurses migrate. There is no one to manage management.

Then again. Who cares, right?

Reems Sonson

Our Tropical Living

Come live and love island life

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This is not a paid or sponsored blog post but based on discussion with a few nurses.

Shabin, colorism and light skin privilege


In Saint Lucia, a shabin is the term used to describe a fair or light skin woman or man.


According to Merriam-Webster (2021) colorism is prejudice or discrimination especially within a racial or ethnic group favoring people with lighter skin over those with darker skin.

Colorism can be interracial where a member of a racial group discriminates based on the skin color of a member belonging to a different racial group. Colorism can also be intraracial where a member of a racial group discriminates against the skin tone of another member of the same racial group.

White-ish misconception in the subconscious mind

I watched a lot of television as a child and I mostly saw people with a lighter complexion in shows, advertisements and movies. Most of the books I read and toys I played with were also that of white characters. I grew a strong liking for White people and light skin tones. It really was white supremacy being promoted and enforced. Constantly seeing people of a lighter skin tone made me love and accept them even more than I recognized.

At some point, I developed colorism towards my own kind and I wanted to marry a White man or a light skin guy with “nice hair” just so my children could look a certain way. I did not see how significant colorism was until I met my current partner who is dark skinned. After our complex discussions on race, skin tone, preference and relationships, I realize how badly I had been discriminating against my own race and the preference I developed as a result.

Growing up with a lighter skin tone

I can still hear people complimenting my mom on how pretty I looked as a child: smooth, clear, fair skin with no marks and thick, jet black hair. My mom took great pride in her children and did not want to see scars on our skin, not even from a bite from a mosquito or sand fly. My mom’s way of calling me pretty was always to shout, “ou blanche and ou led!” Some people would ask if I used stockings on my feet because of the clearness or if I bathed in milk.

Colorism in Saint Lucia

I have witnessed people laughing at others because of their darker complexion and even calling them ugly. In Saint Lucia, sometimes light skinned babies are called cute whilst dark skinned babies are told, “that nice color your parents have and that’s the color you see to take, why you have to be so black.”

We as a people are encouraging colorism by buying our children lighter skinned dolls with features far from what our children look like.

We have become a society that prefers whiteness or proximity to whiteness. Most of the local advertisements in Saint Lucia showcase people with “nice hair” or lighter skin tone.

Travel marketing agencies in Saint Lucia mostly show people with lighter skin tones site seeing, purchasing items and enjoying the country. Even the local vendors are people with a lighter skin tone. White supremacy is created in Saint Lucia because of the light skin tones portrayed in advertisements and even in the voice overs because they are that of a foreign accent with people “yanking.”  

Shabin in Saint Lucia

If you are a shabin, have a nice shape, an accent and farless for “nice hair” then life will be easy for you in Saint Lucia because shabins do get light skin privilege.

When you are a shabin with what is termed hard hair then you might encounter some difficulties. I have experienced someone from my past telling me that they preferred Indian girls but I was an exception. Was that a compliment or an insult?

I have also encountered difficulties when I had to work alongside Indians especially when the employer found out that they came from wealth. I became non-existent… Some people love color, hair and money.

Light skin, brown skin, dark skin

It is not just the color of your skin but it is also the shade! For some, the color of their skin determine how they are treated at home, work and even in public. Darker skin tones are often believed to be less desirable and appealing. Whereas, light skin people are seen as being attractive, successful, desirable, educated and well-off.

Break the cycle

Tell people you love to see them instead of, “you look nice for a Black girl or your hair really long for a Black person.” Develop a non-judgemental attitude and respect for skin tones, hair type and texture, body shape and other features that look different from yours.

Make it a habit to purchase toys, books and games with characters that are your children’s skin tones. Sometimes, colorism can start at home with the things you say and the programs you allow children to watch. Be mindful and vigilant!

Why are we though

Many people have gotten used to using skin toners, skin lighters, hair relaxers and hair extensions to look a certain way. We now hate our skin and hair and do whatever it takes to look lighter, different, accepted and in style.

Black people have a lot of self-hate, discriminate against themselves and their own race and have been socially conditioned to follow White people and the trends set by other races, desire to live like other races, and completely neglect their own norms, culture and traditions.

Let’s discuss, share your thoughts, leave a comment

I experience colorism on a daily basis and I think that it is inescapable because of the upbringings, unawareness and mindset of some people.

Is there a thing as light skin privilege? Do shabins get it easier? The saying in Saint Lucia is, “shabins like to horn, are high maintenance, have a lot of heat and have su-pap- is this all a part of colorism? How many people have felt that the color of their skin was an advantage or disadvantage? What are your thoughts and beliefs on colorism?

Question for Black men? Why do you prefer White women or light skinned women or women with long, straight or curly hair as oppose to women with darker skin tones? Answer if it applies to you…

Question for Black women? Why do you prefer to have children with White men or a man with “nice” hair? Answer if it applies to you…

Reems Sonson

Come live and love island life

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This is not a paid or sponsored blog post.

Similar read but on “nice hair”


Marriam-Webster. (2021). Colorism. Retrieved from