The courage to be a teacher- unsung heroes

Good teachers make an impactful difference and are valuable.

They give students purpose, inspiration and desire.

Teachers prepare students for the real world, teach them key values to be functioning members of society and nurture them to excel in life.

Unsung heroes

Teachers work tirelessly. They make lesson plans, follow the curriculum and meet targets.

Some teachers purchase all their teaching materials to ensure students are adequately prepared for assignments and exams.

They even purchase personal items for students to ensure they learn and are equipped for school.

Some teachers make learning easy and fun. Of course, there are some exceptions where teachers put students to sleep, are confusing or teach nothing.


Some teachers engage with students and act as role models.

Teachers are patient. They are creative and devise ways to keep students focused given their different attention spans.  

Teachers guide students so they can find their passion.

They believe in students even when they are reluctant to be in class and feel like school is not for them.

Teachers know the strengths and weaknesses of their students. They encourage students to be the best and see something in them that no one else sees.

Teachers feel it too

Teachers feel unmotivated at times and get stressed out from the pressures placed on them.

They are sometimes not supplied with the materials needed to get the job done and are expected to work miracles.

Teachers deal with unique students with differing private circumstances and different learning abilities, styles and preferences.

They deal with heavy workloads.

Teachers also deal with difficult students and their irate parents who feel entitled and as though they directly pay teachers to do their jobs.  


My favorite teacher has been my homeroom teacher from secondary school- Ms. Gervais.

She has a warmth about her. She is very caring and loving and constantly provides words of encouragement. She loves speaking of the goodness of God.

I can still remember when she told my mom she wanted to have a daughter like me when I was leaving form 5. I smiled and felt special.


Thank you, teachers, for a job well done. You know your students even more than their parents.

You have nurtured and molded many of us to be great and reach our highest potential.

We would not have made it this far without you.

Thank you: Ms. Gervais, Ms. Deterville, Ms. Nickson, Mr. Ignace, Mr. Edward, Mr. Smith, Ms. Toussaint, Ms. Antoine and Mr. Sarvay! Your support, guidance, encouragement and teachings helped a lot!

Reems Sonson

Our Tropical Living

Come live and love island life

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Alban Estephane- Dennery’s Community Hero

Community Heroes

In recognition of the most impactful people in a community, I decided to start “Community Heroes.” I will depict the people who use self-sacrifice, kindness, courage and drive to give back to their community.

Community Heroes will showcase people who give more of themselves out of love and desire yet seek nothing in return. They gain satisfaction in the act that they do. These Community Heroes have a “community mindset” where the focus is on “we” and not on “me.” Community heroes ensure that the community is functioning well and seek to promote social change.

Community angels

There are many people who are making a big contribution in their communities.  They give their time, energy, resources and connections to increase community engagement, the quality of life of the community members and to bring joy to others. These people are famous in their community because of their philanthropic acts.

The efforts of these individuals typically go unrecorded, unrecognized and underappreciated because it is not done on a public but rather an individual and community level. Nevertheless, they make a significant difference in the lives of the individuals they help.

First recognition

Today I place emphasis on Alban Estephane as I highlight his positive actions and the way he has achieved the title- Community Hero. Alban uses his inner talents, kindness, passion and drive to ensure positive change for all and shows great leadership and influential skills.

Alban has done extraordinary work in his community as he uses himself to provide a service to the community to ensure the welfare of all. He mentors and guides children and promotes self-empowerment and self-confidence in youths and even adults. He lives for the greater good of his community. What a selfless act!

Alban Estephane

Alban was born in Dennery but was raised in both Dennery and Gros Islet. He is the third child in a family of two boys and five girls. Alban grew up in a single parent household so life was challenging. He sometimes had to sell his mother’s products before and after school to make ends meet.

Alban mentioned that the community was a friendly place to grow up because the community members looked after each other. It seemed like they lived in each other’s homes due to the close knit relationship. There, we see why Alban is who he is today.

Sports automatically took over Alban’s life at a tender age because Dennery is both a sporting and fishing village. Alban fell in love with basketball after watching the sport on television. He took on a challenge of bringing basketball to Dennery alongside some of his friends- Trini, Vidal and Charlie, just to name a few.

The group formed an executive and together they drove around seeking basketball hoops for their new initiative. After a few failed attempts, they were successful in receiving a basketball hoop from Marchand, Castries.

They then formed a basketball club called the Dennery Amateur Basketball Association (DABA). Years later, the basketball club is still in operation and it is commonly known as the Dennery Dolphins.  

Current holdings

Alban is a first aider and is certified in football that includes certification in coaching women, goal keeping, grass roots and D license. He is a certified fitness trainer with the Bodybuilding Federation.

Alban is also certified in the American Soca System and Saint Lucia Football Level 1. Likewise, he is certified in teaching people with disability in sports. He also carries a certificate in dealing with suicide prevention.

One more to go! Alban is certified with Panama Sports and Canada Coaching Association.

Alban is the Public Relations Officer (PRO) for the Dennery Disaster Committee and is also the PRO for the Dennery Stakeholders Committee.

Great coaching skills! Alban isa coach at Hill Top Ballers Sports Club and one of the coaches for the Dennery Female Football Team. Alban is responsible for the Dennery Saturday Basketball Program for the Ministry of Youth Development and Sports.

That too! Alban is still affiliated with the Dennery Dolphins Basketball Team and is a member of the National Volunteer Organization- Dennery Chapter.

Loved by the community

Alban is the owner and founder of Alie-D’s Fitness Center since 9th September, 2013. If you have been to Alie-D’s Fitness Center then you know how popular Alban is in the community.

Someone comes to check him ever so often and 99% of the passers-by MUST shout his name.

You will constantly hear someone ask for, “coach or Mr Alban.” Alban has constant intermissions from people coming to say hi, get advice or check on him.

For the love of community

Alban has naturally and easily devoted himself and time to the community. He sets an example on the importance of volunteering, giving more of yourself, teaching and helping others.

Alban spends time enriching his community members and gives assistance to whoever he can and however he can.

Why are you so involved in community service? Here is his response…

Sports is my life. I love to put a smile on a child’s face and that is the proudest moment for me as a coach. To see a child or person doubting themselves and at the end doing what they thought they could not- the exertion is golden.

I got my inspiration to help others from Miss Paul James- coordinator of the National Volunteer Program. She is like a mother to me, she pays a listening ear and has a solution to all problems. She is well calm, never raises her voice unless she has to and things like that run off on others especially me.

Alban today

Alban has displayed exemplary humanitarian efforts over the years. The things he does do not get public recognition but they are very impactful and touch the lives of all involved.

Alban’s work his changed many lives and he continues to be an inspiration to many. He gains satisfaction from helping others and he states that from the Christian teaching, the word of God says that it is better to give than to receive.  Definitely a community hero and team player!

Keep up the good work!

Alban continues to donate his time and talent towards doing good and in my eyes he has won The Humanitarian Award because of his countless selfless acts.

He continues to provide some of the greatest benefits to mankind- support, love, self-service, time and hope. He promotes self-discovery and encourages others to be more self-confident and have self-empowerment.

Take a look at Alie-D’s Fitness Centre! Subscribe for more!

Reems Sonson

Our Tropical Living

Come live and love island life

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This is not a sponsored blog post and is the first article showing Community Heroes.