Breakfast egg casserole Breakfast egg muffin

Prep: 10 minutes            Bake: 10 minutes          Total: 20 minutes

Egg casserole or egg muffin makes for a delicious, quick and filling breakfast, lunch and even dinner. It is easy to prepare, requires little time and little ingredients. This fluffy egg casserole or egg muffin is great for meal prep and to eat on the go.


Four eggs

½ teaspoon garlic

½ teaspoon bell pepper

1 teaspoon celery

1 tablespoon finely chopped onion

¼ cup pepperoni

¼ cup turkey pastrami

¼ cup ham

A pinch of rosemary

A dash of ground pepper and paprika

Cheese to sprinkle (optional)

Feel free to add tomatoes, spinach, bacon, mushrooms and even tuna!

The amount of ingredients needed depends on the amount of people you are catering for.

You could use as many eggs as you like, add more ingredients plus your favorite delicacies! I used four eggs since I served four individuals.

Ready to go in the oven


Preheat oven to 350 ﹾF

Lightly grease or spray pyrex/muffin tray

In a large bowl, whisk together eggs

Add all other ingredients and mix

Add mixture to pyrex/muffin tray

Sprinkle cheese (optional)

Bake at 250 ﹾF to 350 ﹾF for 10-15 minutes until cooked

Let cool, serve or store in refrigerator


Tips to preparing the perfect egg casserole/egg muffin

Salt is not needed!

Grease pyrex/muffin tray properly or use a good non-stick muffin tray.

Fill ¾ of the pyrex/muffin tray to prevent overflow.

If you love variety then add different ingredients in each muffin tray. Butter tray, add whisked egg to each then add onion, garlic, pepper and celery. Place pepperoni in one tray, ham in another and turkey pastrami in the other.

Let cool for about 10 minutes before removing from pyrex/muffin tray.

Ensure to loosen by running a spatula around inside walls. This aids with easy removal.

Store in an air tight container and refrigerate for up to 4-5 days. Can be frozen too!

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Reems Sonson

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