Believing God for the impossible 

Near death experience

On January 30th, 2022, I witnessed my cousin’s eyes close, her hands slowly drop to her sides and her body turn pale as she took her last breath. For a second, I watched in disbelief.  

Nurse mode then kicked in and I immediately placed her in a supine position and commenced chest compressions. As I performed the chest compressions, I cried. I wondered what quality of life she would have if she did survive because she had been severely ill for years.

I told my other cousin who is also a nurse that perhaps we should let her go in peace because bringing her back would not be something she would have wanted. She yelled, “don’t you dare stop!” I got weaker as I continued the chest compressions. I could not believe that I was reliving my mom’s death all over again.  

My cousin remained motionless and pulseless when the Emergency Medical Technicians arrived. After about five minutes, we were able to get a faint pulse. We had to continue the chest compressions until we got to the hospital nearby. 

What a rough ride

The ambulance ride was extremely fast. We perspired excessively as we got tired from performing the continuous chest compressions. It was a sight to see as we grabbed on items so we would not injure ourselves from the rough ride and bumpy road.  

Breaking the news

My cousin was stabilized and then transferred to the main hospital. When she became fully conscious, we explained her near death ordeal. She called all the relatives and said goodbye in the event she went into cardiac arrest again.

Bleeding hearts 

This was an emotional, painful and wreckful Sunday.

I was unable to sleep, eat and focus for the following week. Internally, I was a mess.

Long story short. My cousin got sicker days following and we thought we would lose her. Imagine, she remains alive today. The grace of God has gotten her stronger than before. She is a living testimony.

Witnessing the greatness of God in my cousin’s life made me trust in God fully and believe in His existence even more. I believe in Him for the impossible.

He is able

Pray, hope, believe and have faith that Jesus Christ will see you through whatever you are going through. You are never alone for God is always with you. He guides your every path, and He is your shepherd.

God has the final say and He knows best. It is not over until He says.

Sometimes we doubt God. Some of us do not believe that He is alive. It might take us having a near death experience or wanting something that is impossible for us to attain on our own to then believe in God and call upon His name. We should call upon His name now and ask Him to come into our life.   

Are you trying to work things out on your own and it is not working out? Believe in God and He will come through for you.  

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Reems Sonson

Our Tropical Living

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6 thoughts on “Believing God for the impossible ”

  1. This piece had me emotional. You never truly know what others are going through. God’s grace in our lives should be examples as we encounter others. As you said “he is able” … I’m glad you were able to strengthen your faith through this difficult situation.

  2. You are right . We need God in our lives in everything that we do. Trust him to take control and he will be your guide. Jesus is the answer to all our problems and concerns because we can not do it alone. I can testify that he has worked miracles in my life and I will continue to serve him always.

      1. Reema, today was a trying one for me, I believe he a God of more than enough, a God who never change, a God who makes the impossible possible, thank you for this piece, it has strengthen my faith in him, sometimes I get weak but I know he is able.

        1. Continue believing in God even when in doubt. Always pray, be hopeful and have faith. Even in the darkest times He is with you. Do not give up, take things one day at a time. He is able indeed. You’re welcome. Thank you for commenting.

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