Are you happy?

If not, then! Let life unfold and embrace your life for what it is right now.    

All up in our head

Ever been so much in your thoughts that you got depressed?

Sometimes we get caught up in our heads that we lose hope, compare ourselves to others, feel down and grumpy and even go into severe depression.

If you do get caught up in your head then refocus!

Past, present or future?

We need to focus on the present and enjoy what we have right now. Our life will change one way or the other and things will happen whether we want it to or not. The world is versatile and so is our life. Events will happen that are beyond our control so we need to adapt as they come. We will lose loved ones, close friends, meaningful relationships, jobs, money and so much more but we need to keep focus.


I sometimes say that happiness comes from within. Do you think that it does?

How can we be truly happy if we are trapped by negative thoughts and emotions, unforgiveness, longing and feelings of inadequacy?

We need to pay attention to the little things in life to find our happiness. Perhaps happiness is a skill that we develop and work on to achieve it daily.

Finding our happiness

We need to practice saying the things we love about ourselves every day. Look into the mirror and adore ourselves and practice positive self-talk. We should say the things that we are thankful for and appreciate whatever we have right now.

It is okay to plan for the future, expect better and feel like we could be doing much more but we should focus on the present since it is happening right now. This will improve our peace of mind and mental state.

Let us work on keeping our thoughts clean and free from its own toxicity. We find happiness when we align our thoughts with our emotions and truly exhibit the positivity that we feel inside.

We are our own enemies and daily we fight our internal demons.

Creating our happiness

Sometimes we think that we may be happiest if we have our own home or a bigger house, better job, nicer children, better spouse, make more money and the list goes on. It is a never ending want! This only creates bitterness within us.

We need to realize that we have what we need right now and that we are working towards what we want. What we want might be challenging to attain right now but we can take small steps towards achieving it overtime.

We should not allow our wants to turn us against ourselves. Material things wear off and can be replaced but our mental health can cause sickness and death if not kept in check.

Let go and find meaning

Let go of the life we have planned, embrace the one that we have and we will eventually find the one that awaits we.

We need to find meaning and pleasure in the little and simple things such as a hug from someone we love and being in their presence. As we find meaning, we find feelings and the feelings develop into emotions which could improve our wellbeing and quality of life.

Trapped in the mind

Sometimes I find myself trapped in my thoughts that I isolate myself from everyone, go in a state of shock and almost depression. I would ask myself “is this really my life?” How comes I am not getting ahead, I feel stuck, unhappy and like I cannot get things my way.

I was busy creating the life I wanted and wished I had instead of living the one I already have. I was constantly dissatisfied and complained about everything and everyone and then I realized that the problem was within me. I wanted to accomplish too many things now that I was busy living in the future but there is no short cut to life and the future. Every thing good comes with patience and in due time.

The hardest yet best thing I could do was to admit to myself that I was toxic to myself and those around me because of my negative thoughts.


We need to take things one day at a time because the day is not ours and is not guaranteed to end with us being in it. Life feels better when we realize that we have everything we ever needed but that the decisions we make now would only lead us to the life that we want.

We need to accept our “right now” to keep sane and not the fake reality that we create in our heads. Learn to be free daily, let go of what we cannot control but remember that we control our actions, thoughts and the meaning we give to events. Our reality is now!

Let us no longer be victim to our negative thoughts. The best thing about life is that we have the ability to make decisions to either enable or disable progress.

Live life meaningfully and imprint yourself wherever you go. Live a remarkable life!

Reems Sonson

Our Tropical Living

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