Abortion and lifelong effects

Getting pregnant when you are not trying and deciding what to do with an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy can be scary.


Abortion is the termination of an ongoing pregnancy. Deciding to terminate a pregnancy can be challenging. The advantages and disadvantages of having an abortion and the long-term implications of an abortion are to be considered when deciding to have an abortion.

Seeking guidance from a professional counselor could ensure that an informed decision is made as it relates to having an abortion. The final decision as to whether to have an abortion should be yours.

Some people act on their present emotions and do not think about the consequences associated with having an abortion but it could be traumatizing later on.  

An abortion can be done because the pregnancy was unplanned and unwanted. Due to rape, relationship problems, financial difficulties, no desire to have children or more children and personal reasons could be factors that warrant an abortion. Pressure from a partner, family or friends could also increase the chances of people getting an abortion.

Sometimes women keep the pregnancy a secret, have an abortion and do not tell their partner. Overtime, some partners find out or the woman feels guilty and come clean about the pregnancy and abortion.

Long term effects of having an abortion

Some people feel relieved after an abortion whereas some suffer from psychological problems. A sense of grief and loss can be felt after having an abortion. The loss may be experienced immediately after or surface over time.

Having an abortion could cause post-traumatic stress disorder as people have difficulty recovering from having the abortion. These people go into distress as they relive the date of the abortion, the time of pregnancy or around the time of their due date had they carried the pregnancy to term.

An abortion could destroy a relationship as women may no longer desire to be with their partner especially if they were forced into doing the abortion.

Shame and guilt

Shame and sadness can be felt as people question their initial decision and live with regret. Over the years, some wonder what their child would be like if they were alive.

The guilt could encourage some couples to become pregnant again to make it up to the child they aborted. As some try to deal with the guilt, they may become suicidal. They become self-destructive as they inflict harm on themselves to serve as a way of punishment.


Abortion is seen as a violent killing of an unborn child so some people see themselves as a murderer. Resentment is common especially if years go by and a couple remain childless or want a child but have difficulty with getting pregnant.

Dealing with having an abortion

People can heal from the emotional effects of an abortion although it may take time. Seeking professional help from a counselor and journaling are common coping strategies.

Many people do not want to be judged and see the need to keep an abortion a secret due to the stigma attached. Feel free to speak about the abortion when you are ready.

Do not think that you are being punished and that hardship later in life is as a direct result of the abortion.

To those who have had an abortion, know that the abortion is part of your story. You could help other women overcome the mental challenges that follow having an abortion by starting a support group.

To those who are considering having an abortion, think this through properly. Organize your thoughts, think about the future and how an abortion will affect you and your family. Think about what you want and ensure you receive professional counseling before.

Reems Sonson

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